Paul Muller at Heretical Ideas points to evidence of mass graves in Iraq and remarks, “WMD’s aside, this alone was reason enough to invade Iraq.”

Of course, we didn’t know about the mass graves ahead of time….

While I ultimately (by late January, at least) came to support the war, I find it rather embarrasing that we can’t seem to find WMD, given that we staked most of our claim on that issue. While uncovering mass graves and seeing happy Iraqis dance in the streets for a couple of days (before getting pissed off and start to riot, of course) are excellent byproducts, they weren’t the reason we went in. If we have to make post hoc justifications for a war–and I would think you could with any 3rd World regime we toppled–then it does rather smack of imperialism.

Frankly, I’d have preferred for us to have just used “regime change” as our pretext rather than hiding behind UN resolutions. After all our speachifying on how we knew all about WMD caches, we are going to look mighty silly if we don’t find any.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Nick says:

    I think we’ll find some. They are incredibly hard to find. And I think “riot” is a bit strong. I’ve read recent articles from embedded reporters that say the euphoria remains on the streets and that the looting isn’t nearly as bad as the media would have you believe.

  2. James Joyner says:

    Could be. I understand in theory that it’s easy to hide these things and that Iraq is a really big place. But it looks like we’re giving up. I’ve heard and read that our main inspection team we set up for this is already packing up to head home. Rummy seems to think that eventually their scientists will tell us where to look. I hope he’s right.

    As to the rioting, I’ll agree they’re fairly contained. But I know we’ve had incidents where we had to kill people to make them behave.

  3. George says:

    “Paul Muller at Heretical Ideas points to evidence of mass graves in Iraq and remarks, “WMD’s aside, this alone was reason enough to invade Iraq.”

    Of course, we didn’t know about the mass graves ahead of time….”

    Sure we did, that was well known. At least I heard it many times.

    The media also feigned surprise about the terrorist training camp with a Boeing jumbo jet body in it. That was picked up on satellite years ago. I guess it depends on where you get your news.