Mike Huckabee Has Some Very Disturbed Thoughts On Transgender People

Mike Huckabee is, well, a very hateful person:

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee joked earlier in the year he wished he could have pretended to be transgender in high school “when it came time to take showers in PE.”

Huckabee made the comments at the 2015 National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, earlier this year but the comments were uploaded to YouTube over the weekend by World Net Daily.

“For those who do not think that we are under threat, simply recognize that the fact that we are now in city after city watching ordinances say that your 7-year-old daughter, if she goes into the restroom cannot be offended and you can’t be offended if she’s greeted there by a 42-year-old man who feels more like a woman than he does a man.”

Huckabee continued saying saying he wished someone told him in high school he “could have felt like a woman” and shower with the girls.

“Now I wish that someone told me that when I was in high school that I could have felt like a woman when it came time to take showers in PE,” said Huckabee. “I’m pretty sure that I would have found my feminine side and said, ‘Coach, I think I’d rather shower with the girls today.’ You’re laughing because it sounds so ridiculous, doesn’t it?”

No Mike, you’re the one who sounds ridiculous.


FILED UNDER: 2016 Election, US Politics, , , ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. James Pearce says:

    @James P:

    He says what he says because he feels sorry for Bruce Jenner.

    No, he says what he says because he’s an idiot who doesn’t even have the decency to try and understand what it is he’s taking about.

    It’s like saying, “I converted to Christianity so I can stop using condoms.” It’s ignorance that would, from the mouth of a comedian, be a not-so-funny joke. It doesn’t play as a serious argument, because it’s ridiculous.

  2. C. Clavin says:

    I thought James P was banned?

  3. michael reynolds says:

    Huckabee is a clown pandering to imbeciles.

    But it’s okay. His people are dying off. Every day we lose more ancient rustics and gain more open-minded millennials.

    I’m just excited for the day when Obamacare finally establishes those Gender Panels allowing heteronormative people to be rounded up in concentration camps and forcibly gender-reassigned.

    We’re going to make you a woman, James P, we’re coming for you. We’re going to call you Ashley. Nice name, right? Granny panties or thong?

  4. michael reynolds says:

    @C. Clavin:

    He was, but apparently a rude disregard for the property rights of a blog owner is the new definition of “conservative.”

  5. al-Ameda says:

    @James P:
    From Doug’s article:

    “For those who do not think that we are under threat, simply recognize that the fact that we are now in city after city watching ordinances say that your 7-year-old daughter, if she goes into the restroom cannot be offended and you can’t be offended if she’s greeted there by a 42-year-old man who feels more like a woman than he does a man.”

    Mike Huckabee is making the “Slippery Dope” argument.

  6. C. Clavin says:

    @michael reynolds:

    Huckabee is a clown pandering to imbeciles.

    @James P:

    His comments are completely accurate. He isn’t hateful.

    ’nuff said.

  7. KM says:

    @michael reynolds:

    But it’s okay. His people are dying off.

    Don’t be so sure. At lunch today when this issue came up, my young, very liberal, very tolerant and kind supervisor made that exact same comment and all the mothers at the table nodded along in distressed concern. When I pointed out that a male that was willing to publicly state/act like they are trans just to get a potential peek of absolutely nothing at ladies’ room stall door (because the doors are closed when in use, duh! Not like there are nekkid chicks running around in magic woman’s rooms….) is a rare desperate person indeed, they got all flustered and accused me of not caring about “the children”. Even after the guys at the table all vouched that the average cis-male’s not gonna be that desperate or won’t bend their masculinity that far, they were still mad and I’ve gotten glares all day. The poor children need to be protected you see…..

    This kind of fear is deep down in the culture. Change will be slow coming. Americans are weird about this sort of thing because for all of our flaunted individuality and openness, we are a very insecure and immature culture in terms of sex, gender and sexuality. We need to grow up first and realize how stupid we sound when the whole OMGthe_______ panic comes out to play.

  8. wr says:

    @michael reynolds: “We’re going to make you a woman, James P, we’re coming for you. We’re going to call you Ashley”

    For all we know, James P. IS a woman named Ashley. In fact, the only thing we know about him/her is that he/she doesn’t have the doctorate he/she claims.

    Unless he/she got it under the name Ashley… no one ever checked that.

  9. James Pearce says:


    Don’t be so sure.

    Excellent point. This is why (personal preference only) I have no interest in changing the minds of the Huckabees or your lunch friends. They can believe what they want.

    I’m only interested in making sure that they’re totally powerless to do anything about it.

  10. Neil Hudelson says:

    So Huckabee is admitting to sexual urges of the peeping tom variety? And Republicans are OK with this?

  11. ernieyeball says:

    The Huckster is a goon born in a human body.

  12. ernieyeball says:

    The P in James P stands for pissant.

  13. Hal_10000 says:


    Yes, but … the acceptance of transgender people is something relatively new. I’m old enough to remember when people freaked out when Wendy Carlos or Deirdre McCloskey transitioned. I expect that a lot of people will say insensitive or hurtful things just because we, as a culture, are still coming to grips with it (e.g., people who aren’t sure what pronouns to use). I think there has to be a bit of a moratorium where you gently correct people who say stupid things but are not intending to be mean-spirited.

    This kind of fear is deep down in the culture. Change will be slow coming. Americans are weird about this sort of thing because for all of our flaunted individuality and openness, we are a very insecure and immature culture in terms of sex, gender and sexuality. We need to grow up first and realize how stupid we sound when the whole OMGthe_______ panic comes out to play.

    Agreed, but this is not unique to Americans or unexpected. Human beings tend to be very conservative about cultural shifts (conservative in the cultural sense, not the political one). And I don’t think such conservatism is entirely unjustified. In time, once they see the world hasn’t ended, they come around.

    As for Huckabee, I’ve been kind of surprised by how little gnashing of teeth I’ve seen from conservatives on Jenner. Many have been supportive or at least live-and-let-live. Huckabee seems to be regressing like it’s1992 or something.

  14. Tyrell says:

    Reminds me of that best seller that 99% of the kids in this country have read in 4th or 5th grade: “There’s a Boy In the Girl’s Bathroom”, by Louis Sachar.
    Here are my 3¢ worth (2¢ + 1¢ inflation) of thoughts about the restroom conundrum. I have, more than once, been at the urinal and a lady comes walking in with a young boy toddler. No problem.
    Some women don’t realize that men’s urinal fixtures typically don’t have stalls and doors. Many places already have a family restroom: malls, theme parks, stores, stadiums. Those are good and workable. I do not feel that the government on any level should require those kind of restrooms or gender nuetral restrooms. This ain’t Europe. This issue has come up before many city councils and the parents in most areas overwhelmingly oppose it. They were up in arms and incredulous that this was even being contemplated. Many said that they would take their children out of any schools that had “open” restrooms. This seems to be the feeling in most places. Again, we are not in Europe.
    The locker rooms/ showers could be a big problem, since they are usually open. I could see a lot of men trying to dress as a woman and sneak in, even carrying some sort of hidden video camera. I don’t know how the dressing room/shower could be gender nuetral in any way, shape, or form ! The cost would be prohibitive.
    I doubt that there are few males around who, when they were in middle, high school, or college did not dream of figuring out a way to sneak into the women’s locker/shower room, or at least get a hole drilled in the wall somehow ! All I know is if I snuck into a women’s locker room down here at the local gym, I am probably going to wind up in a hospital, and that would be lucky !
    So parents do have legitimate concerns about this issue; and children’s safety and well being comes first.
    This is to all parents and guardians of children: do not let a young child go into a restroom alone. A while back a young child went into a restroom at a mall or theater and was assaulted and injured.
    Those are my thoughts, a work in progress.

  15. wr says:

    @Tyrell: Cool. Now could you explain how you used to wear onions on your belt?

  16. de stijl says:


    We can’t bust heads like we used to. But we have our ways. One trick is to tell stories that don’t go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for m’shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ’em. “Gimme five bees for a quarter,” you’d say. Now where were we… oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. I didn’t have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones…

  17. de stijl says:

    Huckabee continued saying saying he wished someone told him in high school he “could have felt like a woman” and shower with the girls.

    So Huckabee can be super pervy and a pedobear and not be called on it, but folks dealing with gender dysmorphia are the freaks. The last time I checked Huckabee was planning on running for the presidency.

  18. de stijl says:


    A while back a young child went into a restroom at a mall or theater and was assaulted and injured.

    Was it at the the mall or at the the theater?

    A while back a child in Asia or Europe grew up to be a totalitarian dictator.

  19. Kylopod says:

    One of the flaws in Huck’s argument (among many!) is that gay teenage boys already are being permitted in boys’ shower rooms, and have been since time immemorial even though they may be turned on by seeing other naked males. So what does Huck propose to do with them? Send them to the girls’ locker rooms where they won’t be aroused? Or just force them to undress alone?

    Of course Huck, from what I’ve seen, doesn’t even seem to grasp the concept of sexual orientation, and he talks as though homosexuality is something you do rather than something you are. For example, recently he made some comments implying he thought bisexuals are people involved in sexual relationships with both men and women. He’s also defended gay conversion therapy, not surprisingly.

  20. Peterh says:

    Huck will never be president and his base will never rise beyond its current level…..they will continue to die off…..he’s of little interest to me…..

  21. de stijl says:

    @de stijl:

    I love the fact that

    So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time

    got downvotes. That’s pretty awesome.

  22. wr says:

    @de stijl: Maybe some people are opposed to stories that don’t go anywhere…