Kevin Aylward has again moved Wizbang to a new locale, this time with a spiffy new site design and Movable Type. His old URL will host WizbangTech, a blog devoted exclusively to Kevin’s “various blogosphere tech projects,” starting July 1. Adjust your links accordingly.

Bizarro OTB continues to climb the TTLB Ecosystem, having hit #18. At its present rate, it’ll overtake InstaPundit before long if Bear doesn’t remove it. Still not sure how it got added. Meanwhile, OTB Classic is holding steady way down at #65.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Janis Gore says:

    It’s your chance. You have a big job now that the big boys are out of place.

  2. This is so weird; I’ve noticed a few blogs that are in there 2-3 times, but I always tend to assume that the *real* blog is the one that is highest-ranked.

    James, how many people–given this situation–would publicly announce that the high ranking is not accurate? You are *the* man, and an example of integrity for all of us.

  3. Jeff Quinton says:

    It appears to me (my blog which is very very new at its present location and name is a Large Mammal) that its counting all the links from within a blog to other places in that same blog as well as external links. That appears to be the glitch to me. I noticed it because I had very few external links the last time TTLB scraped.