Runaway Bride’s Hubby Runs Off

The wedding between John Mason and “Runaway Bride” Jennifer Wilbanks is off again — and this time it’s not Wilbanks doing the running.

John Mason and "Runaway Bride" Jennifer Wilbanks Photo A year ago Jennifer Wilbanks bolted into tabloid infamy as the “Runaway Bride” when she faked her own kidnapping for three days on the eve of her wedding in Duluth, Ga. To the amazement of many, fiancé John Mason quickly took her back, with the couple even moving into a large new home in an Atlanta suburb and talking about taking a second run at marriage.

But in early May Mason’s camp let it be known that any nuptials were off — and suddenly the woman who couldn’t take “I do” for an answer seems to be having a problem with “I don’t.” “I’m not confirming or denying the breakup,” Wilbanks, 33, told PEOPLE May 14. “John and I have some things to work out.” But to Mason’s family and friends there is no doubt that this time the split is for good. “I think John realized there were some fundamental differences in their personalities that he wasn’t going to be able to deal with,” a friend says of Mason, 33, who runs his family’s Duluth medical-care business.

And it took a year to figure that out? I don’t believe I’d buy any medical supplies from this man.


Gone Hollywood

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. legion says:

    Oh my god, she’s engaged to Pete Rose!

  2. Scott_T says:

    You don’t have to buy the medical supplies.

    But your doctor will and pass it onto you… 🙂

  3. One to many free samples eh?