Lawyer Leads Double Life as Porn Star

Lawyer leads double life as porn star (Reuters)

When his mother found out what porn star Ron Miller does for a living, she was heartbroken. She never wanted him to be a criminal defense lawyer. “My mother cried a lot about that,” Miller said recently between appearances defending accused felons at a Los Angeles courthouse. She had hoped he would be a high-rolling civil litigator,

Miller, who appears in adult videos as “Don Hollywood,” has carved out a special niche of notoriety on the fringe of Hollywood’s dream factory. In a town where many long to quit their day jobs for the glamour of a career in entertainment, he has managed a unique dual track: litigator and porn star. Miller makes his rounds at the Van Nuys courthouse three days a week with a certain extravagance of manner and a diamond ear stud that set him apart from the rumpled lawyers with whom he has shared a counsel table for the past 30 years.


Miller got his break after arranging for his then-girlfriend to shoot a scene in the porn industry. “We did the scene together and I wore a ski mask to try to remain anonymous, but at the end of the scene the director ripped the mask off, and the lawyer was out of the bag, so to speak,” he said. His girlfriend liked the experience so much that she quit her job as an accountant for rock bands and embraced “the lifestyle” as porn actress Brooke Hunter. “From there Brooke started getting a fair amount of work, and around the third or fourth scene offers started coming my way,” Miller said. “Her career took off and mine was off and running.”

The couple married three years ago and now jointly host a show on Internet radio and produce a law-themed porn series.


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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. theEnvoy says:

    This man is my new hero.

  2. Kathy K says:

    I dont’ know why… but that “Hmm.” got me laughing.

    Considering a new career?

    As for the couple mentioned in the article… more power to them. And good luck in a VERY competitive industry.