18 Million

OTB hit the 18 million unique visitor mark, as measured by SiteMeter since 4 February 2003, a couple hours ago. Thanks to all who visit, comment, and link.

Previous milestones:

    17 Million – March 31, 2007.

  • 16 Million – March 9, 2007.
  • 15 Million – February 19, 2007.
  • 14 Million – January 29, 2007.
  • 13 Million – January 7, 2007.
  • 12 Million – December 23, 2006.
  • 11 Million – December 3, 2006.
  • 10 Million – November 8, 2006
  • 9 Million – September 18, 2006
  • 8,000,000 – July 19, 2006
  • 7,000,000 – April 28, 2006
  • 6,000,000 – January 18, 2006
  • 5,000,000 – October 15, 2005
  • 4,000,000 – June 8, 2005
  • 3,000,000 – February 27, 2005
  • 2,000,000 – November 8, 2004
  • 1,000,000 – June 19, 2004
  • 500,000 – May 13, 2004
  • 300,000 – February 17, 2004
  • 250,000 – January 17, 2004
  • 200,000 – November 14, 2003
  • 150,000 – October 17, 2003
  • 100,000 – August 14, 2003
  • 50,000 – May 19, 2003
  • 25,000 – March 30, 2003
  • 10,000 – March 22, 2003
  • 5,000 – March 21, 2003
  • 1,000 – March 4, 2003
FILED UNDER: Uncategorized
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. FireWolf says:

    Congrats James on this milestone. While I never hope to be so unbusy as to focus all my efforts to blogging, I know what efforts you endure and I admire you for the pursuit of your reader base 😉


  2. Wowie–a remarkable number.


  3. Have you noticed how the number of hits per day/week/month has accelerated since I stopped posting here?

    Coincidence? I doubt it.

    Congrats though, it’s still the best all-around site out there.