Beltway Traffic Jam

Create your own linkfest below.

To join in, choose ONE POST from your blog to highlight, edit it to add a link to this post, and then send a TrackBack. If your blog doesn’t automatically generate one, use the Send TrackBack feature below. For more information, see this post.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Don Surber says:

    You might have a bug in your system because my link did not work. Oh well

  2. bullwinkle says:

    Mine didn’t work either, that’s about the third time. My Caption Contest is up, with last week’s winners announced.

  3. FMF says:

    Same with me. I added the link, saved, then tried the trackback and re-saved. No link appeared.

  4. Yup. I tried, failed. Tried with the Wizbang standalone, failed again. Was already linked up in my post to OTB. 🙁 A little too much traffic? 😉

  5. Woopsie, trackback is fine now, Don’s came up as well.

    Nevermind. 🙂

    And, as always, thanks! 😀

  6. James Joyner says:

    I released them from the spam queue. Not sure why they were caught, though. I sent a note to Mark Jaquith to see if he could figure it out.

  7. Josh Cohen says:

    I seem to have somehow gotten caught in your spam queue as well, which seems a regular occurrence. I wonder what your spam-fighting program doesn’t like about my site… my guess is the word “multiple”.


    Multiple Mentality linked with Georgia Gas Gouging Statute Extended

    Have you considered creating a whitelist of domains that often attach themselves to the OTB Traffic Jam? At least, the ones who link regularly and follow the rules.

  8. bullwinkle says:


  9. Rachel says:

    I linked and trackbacked and it doesn’t show up.

  10. Don Surber says:

    Dear James Joyner:
    Thanks for the fix. And thanks for the daily linkfest!

  11. WunderKraut says:

    I too seem to be hung in your spam filter. Such is life. But I did link to your page ! At least I got that one going.
