Blogging Has Its Virtues

Many thanks to Dave Schuler and Bernard Finel for their thought-provoking debate on U.S. engagement in the Middle East. Zenpundit’s Mark Safranski gives it high praise, with which I naturally concur:

This was a very enjoyable exchange both for it’s civility as well as the erudition of the debaters ( Pundita opines at length here on the discussion) Dave Schuler and Dr. Bernard Finel. The former may not seem remarkable but by contrast, HNN, a site with an audience that is heavy in professional and aspiring historians and social scientists, cannot run an article related to either Israel or Islam (or George W. Bush) without provoking outbursts of (at times) maniacal vituperation and flaming in the comments section.

Pundita, writing in mere anticipation of the discussion, observes,

I note that the best U.S. foreign/defense policy discussions are coming not from academic institutions but from the blogosphere, a phenomenon that has seen a rapid increase during the past four years and will only increase.

This doesn’t mean that academics are not contributing to the blogosphere discussions; indeed, many academics connected with the ‘soft’ disciplines are happily finding on the blogosphere rigorous challenges to their assumptions, which seems so lacking in the modern American university system.

The advantage of the blogosphere is that it can respond to events quickly and in language accessible to lay readers.  Unfortunately, the academic system promotes writing for other academics — quite often on arcane minutia for which large datasets exist.  The disadvantage of the blogosphere, as Safranski alludes to and Dave noted here at OTB recently, is that The Blogosphere Is Full Of Jerks.  Not that academe isn’t, of course, but it manifests in less annoying ways.

Dave and Bernard demonstrated here, though, that it’s quite possible to rise above the fray and engage in serious, reasoned discussion.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Triumph says:

    Dave and Bernard demonstrated here, though, that it’s quite possible to rise above the fray and engage in serious, reasoned discussion.

    Yeah, but that shite gets old!

  2. Dave Schuler says:

    I don’t recall whether I mentioned it in one of the posts of the debate but the forms typically used in blog posts are actually quite limited, the most common being the crawl, the column, the diatribe, and the polemic.

    A couple of years ago I tried the colloquium and it was pretty effective.

    Debates are difficult but I think the results have been worthwhile.

  3. tom p says:

    Worthwhile indeed, if only to inform us to the issues involved.