Time for another OTB Caption ContestTM.

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MSNBC – The General’s New Stripes

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Hodink says:

    “I see you brought the wife. We have arranged a little ‘official private business time’ for you with our resident strumpet.”

  2. Is that Evil Bert behind those Ray-Bans?

    About two seconds later, President Clinton stopped smiling as he realized that General Clark was tryinh to throw him to the ground.

    Nice pants.

    “I feel your elbow.”

    Hillary smiles as she watches Bill struggle to lead general Clark in the Kosovo shuffle.

  3. McGehee says:

    “Here, Wes. Hide the towels and silverware in your quarters before the Air Force One chief steward frisks me.”

  4. Rachel Edith says:

    “Somebody named Angie told me to tell you, ‘The first tent on the left, Sir.'”

  5. Rodney Dill says:


  6. jen says:

    Clark’s thoughts: I need to remember to kiss his butt so that I can use him after I switch political parties and run for President someday.

    Clinton’s thoughts: He’s kinda good lookin’ – I wonder if I’d get anywhere with him if he were female. Must stop looking at him or he’ll figure out what I’m thinking.

  7. steve says:

    Sir, We can give your wife a “tour” of the minefield if youd like.

  8. Dodd says:

    Where is Bill’s hand and why is Wesley smiling?

  9. LuvsDoobies says:

    “Sir, that is not my hand you are shaking…”

  10. Rodney Dill says:

    “…one…two…three…four…that’s it. Sorry General that’s still only a four Star-er”

  11. Rodney Dill says:

    “Pssst… tell me General, is she still looking at my ass.”

  12. Hermoine says:

    Clark “Inspection has gotten wayyyyy out of hand, I’m thinkin’.”

  13. Lee says:

    “Uh, sir, we’ve talked about this before. There are cameras everywhere. Where’s your camouflaged glove?”

  14. DBrooks says:

    “With all due respect, sir, get your hand away from my zipper. You’re not pullin’ that shit with me.”

  15. Rodney Dill says:

    Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Get’s its start.

  16. richard says:

    Clinton wispers to Clark; “I’d like to thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty. Now Hillary will never suspect a thing.”

  17. Timmer says:

    CLARK: See, I told you that chopper pilot would make you crap yourself Mr President.

    CLINTON: Why yes…yes I did…and it’s warm…kinda sexy.

  18. Royaliceman says:

    Thanks for the tip Mr. President. She was good!!

  19. Bouhaki says:

    “Yeah, yeah Wes. Your problem is that lady in the shades over there … when she says the word.”

  20. Rodney Dill says:

    Bill:“I would’ve have joined you in fatigues, but I never thought is was becoming for the Commander in Chief to play soldier.”
    Hillary:“You mean for a draft dodging wienie to play solder.”

  21. J. Fielek says:

    Thank you, sir. The hand jobs usually go uphill for me.

  22. Hermoine says:

    “General, dump your wife. Take my wife, please! Become a husband and wife presidential couple, if you don’t mind the VP spot.”

  23. J. Fielek says:

    Wow, soldier, that’s a lot fo firepower!

  24. Lasting Magic says:

    (Whisper) “I would gladly pass the leadership mantle to you, Wes. Only you know who … over you know where … will be you know what … if I did.”

  25. Candy says:

    As a smiling First Lady and applauding troops look on, Gen. Clark makes his bid for the Oval Office by stabbing the President in an eerie imitation of Julius Caesar and Brutus.

  26. Bouhaki says:

    “Heck, when circumstances dictate, we clean up well. This here ain’t them there circumstances.”

  27. Elvis says:

    “We’ve both been on a short leash, Mr. President. You, with the wife and me, with the Pentagon.”

  28. Hermoine says:

    Clark – “I don’t think we have to live in America under a cloud of perpetual fear. We could have done more to have prevented 9-11, we could be doing much more right now to prevent another terrorist strike.”

    Clinton – “Shut the f**k up.”

  29. Rodney Dill says:

    “Well Wesley, you may have your way with her if you wish. But be forwarned, Only me and that guy on the ice, from the last OTB caption contest, have been able to survive her touch.”

  30. Elvis says:

    Clark – “Since you won’t be needing it anymore, may I please have the names in your little black book who haven’t been made public yet, if there are any?”