The latest OTB Caption Contest has ended.

Courtesy Yahoo! News (AP Photo)

The winners:

1st, Rachel Edith: “Katie chose to eliminate all of the contestants at once and ask for new ones in the bachelorette contest. Walking away, she was heard to ask, ‘Who’d pick them?'”

2nd, Eric: “Some say the trio was never the same after Curly Joe departed. I say, it can always get worse.”

3rd, Nick: “Sharpton: ‘I KNOW you didn’t just say my momma was a Republican’.”

Honorable Mention, Kate: “The audience settles in anticipation, as the candidates await the opening bars of Riverdance” which might be funny if I’d ever seen Riverdance.

Thanks to all the participants.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Katewerk says:

    To help fill a void where I expected a mental image….

    Imagine now, frenzied tap dancing in unison, to celtic music, with no movement above the hips.


  2. Sounds like Baptist sex…

  3. I was robbed, man. Robbed! Oh, well. No Scrappleface-like weblog for me.

  4. Rachel Edith says:

    My mother thanks you and I thank you.
    And yes, Sean, you was robbed!