Caption Contest Winners

The Yasir Arafat edition, OTB Caption ContestTM has concluded.

The winners:

Photo Courtesy AP/Palestinian Authority

1st – Michael Angier: Thank Allah they did not make me wear one of the American ORANGE JUMPSUITS.

2nd – Eric: When Arafat asked them to do the Hora, his advisers began to suspect the end was near.

3rd -duke: Yasser Arafat came out today and announced that he has entered into a polygamous gay civil marriage with the Hasan brothers of Gaza. Yazz, as his spouses refer to him, said “We’re going to sue to get our love legimized by the state. If Mohammad had at least 11 wives, why can’t I have a harem, too?â€

Thanks to all the participants. A new contest will begin later in the week.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. BigFire says:

    I’d call that a target rich environment.

  2. Tig says:

    What? I lost? I demand a recount. I am sure the erroneous result is the fault of a hangin’ chad in Florida.

  3. Cricket says:

    They’re going to recount Ohio? Let us hold hands and pray.