The Day After in Gaza

The Israeli government has no plan. Its defense minister does.

Israelis United Behind War Effort

This is only “one alternative, and this is being murdered.”

US Considering Recognizing Palestine

But probably won’t.

Biden and Netanyahu at Odds Over Gaza War

The inevitable has happened.

What Next in Gaza?

The cease-fire will end. What follows is not at all clear.

President Joe Biden disembarks Air Force One, Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at Raleigh-Durham International Airport in Morrisville, North Carolina. President Joe Biden disembarks Air Force One, Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at Raleigh-Durham International Airport in Morrisville, North Carolina.

President Biden to Visit Israel

A high-stakes move.

Netanyahu Throws Peace Process Out The Window

Faced with an election next week, Israel’s Prime Minister is pushing a settlement plan that would be an utter disaster.

U.S. Puts Its Thumb On The Scale In The Middle East, Again

Recent comments by the U.S. Ambassador to Israel make it clear that the United States cannot be considered a neutral party In the Middle East peace process.

Jared Kushner’s Middle East Peace Plan Likely Dead On Arrival

Jared Kushner’s long-awaited Middle East peace plan is still awaiting release, but it already appears to be dead on arrival.

U.S. Opens Embassy In Jerusalem Amid Massive Deadly Protests In Gaza

Celebrations and a deadly day in the Middle East.

Federal Court Strikes Down Law Requiring State Contractors To Promise They Won’t Boycott Israel

A Federal Judge In Kansas has blocked enforcement of a state law barring anyone who does business with the state from engaging in a boycott of Israel.

The Myth And Dangers Of “No Daylight” Between The United States And Israel

The Trump Administration has acted in a manner to create the impression that there is “no daylight” between the United States and Israel. This is a myth, and pursuing such a goal poses real dangers for America’s national interests.

The Growing Partisan Divide Over America’s Relationship With Israel

Americans were once largely united in their opinions about Israel and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. That’s not the case anymore.

Trump’s Jerusalem Announcement Demonstrates Yet Again The Art Of The Bad Deal

Donald Trump’s Jerusalem decision reveals yet again that he is an appallingly bad deal maker.

Trump To Recognize Jerusalem As Israeli Capital, Breaking Decades Of U.S. Neutrality

A foolish, and potentially dangerous, decision by President Trump.

Trump Signs Waiver Of Law Requiring Move Of U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem

Despite campaign promises, President Trump won’t be moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem anytime soon.

Bombing At Ariana Grande Concert In Manchester, England Kills 22, Wounds Dozens

A night of carnage and depravity in the United Kingdom.

Despite Promise, Trump Won’t Be Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem

Despite campaign rhetoric, President Trump won’t be moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel anytime soon.

Trump Administration Not Rushing To Move U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem

Despite campaign promises, President Trump appears to be putting off any immediate decision on the location of the U.S. Embassy to Israel.

John Kerry Is Right About Middle East Peace, But It Hardly Matters At This Point

Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech on Middle East peace was largely correct, but his words are pointless given the fact that neither Israel nor the Palestinians seem serious about peacefully resolving their differences.

Obama Apparently Giving Up On Quixotic Bid For ‘Middle East Peace’

President Obama has apparently come to the same realization as many of his predecessors, that trying to craft a legacy by single-handedly bring about “Middle East Peace” is largely a waste of time.

Vatican To Recognize Palestinian State

The Vatican has announced that it will recognize Palestinian statehood, but this is not going to resolve the underlying issues that prevent a Palestinian state from actually coming into existence.

Obama’s Absence From Paris Rally: Egregious Diplomatic Error, Or Much Ado About Nothing?

Some are criticizing the President for not going to Paris for yesterday’s rally.

Sweden Will Recognize Palestine

Sweden is set to recognize Palestine as an independent state.

Gaza Cease Fire Extended, But Prospects For Bigger Peace Deal Seem Dim

The two sides in Gaza keep extending the humanitarian cease fire, but remain miles apart on the major issues dividing them.

As Gaza War Winds Down, What Happens Next?

The war in Gaza seems to be winding down, but the underlying issues remain.

Despite International Pressure, Israeli Public Supports Netanyahu On The War In Gaza

The Israeli public if overwhelmingly behind the war in Gaza, and that means it will probably continue for awhile.

Americans Divided On Israel’s Actions In Gaza

A new poll shows that Americans are divided over Israel’s actions in Gaza, but this most likely will not impact relations between the two countries.

Israel Begins Ground Operations In Gaza

The next phase of Israel’s attack on Hamas has begun.

Hamas Rejects Egyptian Cease Fire Deal Israel Had Accepted

An effort yesterday to bring about a cease fire in Gaza came to naught when Hamas rejected the proposal.

Israel Intensifies Attacks On Gaza, Hints At Ground Invasion

Things look to be going from bad to worse in Gaza.

President Obama’s Plan To Arm “Moderate” Syrian Rebels Is A Bad Idea

For some reason, President Obama wants to arm so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels.

Rand Paul, Dick Cheney, And The Foreign Policy Battle Inside The GOP

The Kentucky Senator and former Vice-President are at the front of a battle that will unfold inside the GOP as we head toward 2016.

Jonathan Pollard To Be Freed As Part Of Middle East Peace Deal?

Middle East peace talks are apparently in such bad shape that the U.S. is thinking of releasing Jonathan Pollard as an incentive to Israel.

Swiss Report Supports Theory Yasser Arafat Was Poisoned, But Doesn’t Prove It

Was Arafat poisoned? A new report raises some questions, but answers none of them conclusively.

John Kerry Leads America’s Latest Quixotic Quest For Middle East Peace

Secretary of State Kerry becomes the latest American official to wade into the Middle East’s longest lasting quagmire.

Cornyn To Oppose Hagel Nomination, If It Ever Comes

John Cornyn tells Jennifer Rubin that he’ll oppose the confirmation of his former colleague, Chuck Hagel, for Secretary of Defense.

Will The Negative Press From Romney’s Foreign Tour Matter In November?

Romney’s foreign tour didn’t go quite as well as planned, but it’s unclear how much the minor gaffes will actually matter.

Ads Pulled From Muslim-American Reality Show After Conservative Groups Complain

Conservative groups are upset because a new reality show depicts Muslim-Americans as, well, normal Americans.

Palestinians Present Statehood Application To United Nations

We may have entered a new and dangerous phase of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

At U.N., Obama Says There Are No Shortcuts To Peace

President Obama explained his position on the Palestinian statehood resolution today, but one wonders if anyone listened.

Rick Perry’s Odd And Alarming Critique Of U.S. Mideast Policy

Rick Perry’s speech criticizing the President’s policies in the Middle East raised more questions than it answered.

Palestinians To Go Forward With U.N. Statehood Resolution

Foolishly, the Palestinians are going forward with their effort to get Palestinian statehood recognized by the United Nations.

Tim Pawlenty’s Foreign Policy Speech And The Neocon Distortion Of Ronald Reagan’s Legacy

Tim Pawlenty’s foreign policy speech shows him siding with the hawks, and joining in the neocon distortion of Reagan’s legacy.

Obama Seen As Biggest Impediment To Middle East Peace

Israelis and Palestinians don’t agree on much these days, but they do agree that Barack Obama hasn’t helped the peace process at all since coming to office.