Hillary Clinton Denies She’s a Lesbian

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has come out of the closet: She’s heterosexual.

During an interview with The Advocate to be published next week, Sean Kennedy, the gay magazine’s news and features editor, asked the presidential candidate, “How do you respond to the occasional rumor that you’re a lesbian?”

“People say a lot of things about me, so I really don’t pay any attention to it,” Sen. Clinton (D-N.Y.) replied. “It’s not true, but it is something that I have no control over. People will say what they want to say.”

For what it’s worth, I guess. I’ve always presumed she was straight but her denial doesn’t provide any meaningful additional evidence. As Larry Craig and others have shown, it’s possible for a high profile public figure to be gay, pretend to be straight, and even to deny being gay despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Countdown to condemnation from gay activist groups for not loudly proclaiming that she’d be proud to be gay 5, 4, 3 . . .

Slightly reworded for clarity.

FILED UNDER: Gender Issues, LGBTQ Issues, Uncategorized, ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. legion says:

    She may not be gay, but I hear she has a mighty wide stance…

  2. Triumph says:

    I’ve always presumed she was straight but, as Larry Craig and others have shown, it’s possible for a high profile public figure to be gay, pretend to be straight, and even to deny being gay despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

    What is the “overwhelming evidence to the contrary” that Hilzilla is gay?

  3. Patrick T. McGuire says:

    Well I am certainly glad that’s been settled! LOL

    What does it say about her image that she has to clarify the matter? And given today’s cultural climate, who wants to bet that this matter will now go away?

    I am reminded of Neal Boortz who states of Hillary: “She is just like every other politician, she puts her pants on one leg at a time”.

    This should be fun.

  4. James Joyner says:

    What is the “overwhelming evidence to the contrary” that Hilzilla is gay?

    None of which I’m aware. I was referring to Craig and others, not Hillary, by way of saying that denials don’t mean anything.

  5. G.A.Phillips says:

    It depends on what your definition of gay is.

  6. Michael says:

    None of which I’m aware. I was referring to Craig and others, not Hillary, by way of saying that denials don’t mean anything.

    Perhaps we should see if she floats.

    Countdown to condemnation from gay activist groups for not loudly proclaiming that she’d be proud to be gay 5, 4, 3 . . .

    2… 1… Nothing, because she threw this in there: “it is something that I have no control over”.

  7. Triumph says:

    None of which I’m aware. I was referring to Craig and others, not Hillary, by way of saying that denials don’t mean anything.

    I must say that your phrasing is very Rovian and that putting both Craig and Hillzilla in the sentence is a bit misleading–especially when you put the “overwhelming evidence” bit in.

    “I’ve always presumed that George Bush has the interests of the country at heart but, as Stalin, Adolph Hitler and Kim Jong Il have shown, it’s possible for a country’s leader to murder and starve his constitutents, pretend to be a defender of his nation, and even to deny contrary accusations despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary…”

  8. yetanotherjohn says:

    Truffers unite. Note she didn’t deny being bisexual.

  9. daveinboca says:

    A wealthy socialite told me in Chicago a few years ago that Hillarious’s significant other was a female ObGyn med doctor living in NYC.

    As far as this woman knew [through mutual friends], the “marriage” was/is “monogamous.”

    Except maybe she was bi with Vince Foster?

    Oh, yeah, and that other guy once upon a time.

  10. Tano says:


    crawl back under your manhole cover (heh), bud.

  11. yetanotherjohn says:


    Do you think Hillary was referring to whether or not she eats at the Y when she says “it is something I have no control over”?

    I thought she was referring to what people say about here. The comment before “It’s not true” and after “People will say what they want to say” were pretty clearly about what people say about her.

  12. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    Triumph how is selling computer, missile and warhead technology to the Chinese in our best interest? I guess Ruby Ridge and the small incident in Texas were examples of how to best care for Americans. I don’t think any Bush could be called a Stalinist, but I am not so sure about Hillary.

  13. yetanotherjohn says:

    I heard in high school she was a practicing thespian. And that she even did it in front of other students.

  14. David L says:

    And the libs keep touting Mrs. Clinton as smart. As even the liberals admit the Clintons’ are particularly adept liars, Mrs. Clinton’s statemeent has no face value. Howver it does make her sexuality, or lack thereof, into an open issue.

  15. Beldar says:

    That’s awful news for Hott 4 Hill. (But it does give me an excuse to watch that video again.)

  16. Andy says:

    Hillary might not be gay, but her elite team of lesbian assassins who killed Vince Foster certainly were.

  17. Grewgills says:

    Why is Hillary’s sexuality of such interest to so many on the right? Why isn’t anyone spreading the rumor that Laura Bush was a LUG?