Inkblot, MIA

Kevin Drum has been writing about his cat, Inkblot, most every Friday for the last decade. Sadly, he's been missing since Tuesday night.

Kevin Drum has been writing about his cat, Inkblot, most every Friday for the last decade.  Sadly, he’s been missing since Tuesday night.

One hopes for the best case scenario, which is that his collar became detached and someone took him in. As many of his commenters have noted, cats have been known to return after absences of several days, even weeks. It is, alas, not the most likely scenario.

If you’re in the Irvine, California area and have information, please relay it.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. DRS says:

    I used to check in with Drum just for that weekly posting. When I saw your post title I thought, “Inkblot…Inkblot…I know that word means something special…” Hope he comes back soon.

  2. Anderson says:

    I’m hoping Inkblot is on his foreign-policy tour and will return safe and gaffe-free.

    (As Drum readers know, Inkblot is a presidential candidate).

  3. Ernieyeball says:

    My ex-girlfriends tomcat, Ratso Rizzo, ran off after we moved about 15 miles west of our old apartment. He was 7 years old.
    All 5 of our felines had been fitted with collars adorned with tags showing their name and our new phone number. Since our new abode sat on 1/2 acre they were indoor/outdoor cats.
    He was the only one that split.
    For weeks everytime the phone rang we had a little hope.
    By summer it had been a couple of months. Every time I spotted road kill I had to take a closer look to confirm the worst.
    When the phone rang one night in August and a voice said: “Does someone named Rizzo live there?” we had given up all hope.
    He was up a tree…12 miles south through the country. Any number of predators could have gotten him in that stretch considering how many times he could have gone in circles to be 12 miles from home in 3 months.
    When we got him home and in the light he looked as skinny as a rail but otherwise healthy.
    We did not see him come out from under the couch for two weeks.
    Eventually he wandered outside but I don’t think he ever left the property again.
    Ratso Rizzo was 16 when he was put down by the vet.
    Cat cancer or something.
    He shoulda’ died on a bus to Florida.

  4. al-Ameda says:

    Inkblot is probably over at the University of California Irvine Campus, checking out the female cat action.

    I hope all ends well and Ink and Kevin are reunited soon.