Phantom Foreign Leaders

California Yankee has a roundup of queries on John Kerry’s claim that he has been privately told by foreign leaders that they hope he wins in November. Most damning is this story from The Washington Times

The Massachusetts Democrat has made no official foreign trips since the start of last year, according to Senate records and his own published schedules. And an extensive review of Mr. Kerry’s travel schedule domestically revealed only one opportunity for the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee to meet with foreign leaders here.


The Washington Times also scoured White House, State Department and other public records for all official trips made to the United States by foreign leaders since the start of last year. During more than 30 such trips, Mr. Kerry was out of town campaigning, at home or in the hospital for a prostate-cancer operation, according to his travel schedules from this year and last.
The only instance found when Mr. Kerry was in the same town as a foreign leader was Sept. 24, when New Zealand Foreign Minister Philip Goff was in Washington meeting with State Department officials. On that day, according to his schedule, Mr. Kerry received the endorsement of the International Association of Fire Fighters in Washington.

Hat tip: Kevin Aylward

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Paul says:

    Let’s see… That would make him a crooked liar, no?

  2. DickD says:

    Not only a CROOKED liar, not even a good one…more like a pathological one who makes up stories!! Hey, the line that I hope gets some traction is the one that says….Mr Kerry voted against so many weapons systems, it became understood that he would win any war with hockey sticks!! ha ha Credit for that goes to some guy on MSNBC!

  3. Sheryl says:

    I just found this site while searching for “imaginary foreign leaders”. I like it!
    I listened to Sean Hannity’s radio show today. He interviewed the guy that asked Kerry “who are these foreign leaders?” The guy said that his mail box was smashed last night with a baseball bat. Poor guy. He also says he will have a site this week I haven’t been able to find it yet. Hopefully it will be up soon.
    As for Kerry…I guess he doesn’t realize that most of us, if we are reasonable citizens, would never vote to please foreign leaders. Since when do foreign leaders have OUR interests at heart and not their own interests? Get real, Kerry!
    If he has indeed met withe foreign leaders recently then he has covered his trail well. HMMMMM, wonder why….?