Prince Harry Saved Gay Soldier From Beating

Then-Lieutenant Wales intervened to prevent a gay trooper from getting beaten by a gang of thugs.


Then-Lieutenant Wales intervened to prevent a gay trooper from getting beaten by a gang of thugs.

MailOnline (“Harry saved me from gay hate attack: Prince in extraordinary showdown with troops who threatened gunner“)

A gay soldier told last night how Prince Harry bravely rescued him from a terrifying homophobic attack by squaddies from a rival regiment.

The Prince stepped in to save Trooper James Wharton after he was confronted by six soldiers threatening to ‘batter’ him.

Trooper Wharton fled to find Harry – who was his tank commander – and tearfully told the Prince what had happened.

‘I told him, “I think I’m going to be murdered by the infantry.” I climbed into the turret and talked Harry through exactly what had happened. He had a complete look of bewilderment on his face.

‘I couldn’t stop the tears from welling up in my eyes. He said, “Right I’m going to sort this s*** out once and for all.”

‘He climbed out of the tank and I poked my head out of  the turret a few moments later to see him having a go,’ Wharton said.

Harry, a Troop Commander in the Blues and Royals, confronted the tormentors, warning them they would face severe discipline if they continued their violent threats.

‘I could see he wasn’t holding back,’ said Wharton, who was 21 at the time.

After taking on the gang, Harry briefed a senior officer before returning to assure Wharton the situation had been ‘sorted’.

The soldier, who quit the Army earlier this year, said: ‘I will always be grateful to Harry and I will never forget what happened. Until he went over and dealt with everything I was on track for a battering.’

Pretty much what you’d expect an officer to do in that situation.

FILED UNDER: Gender Issues, Military Affairs,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Mark Ivey says:


  2. Phillip says:

    @James Joyner:

    Pretty much what you’d expect an officer to do in that situation

    I guess you’ve never heard of Air Force Major Jonathan C. Dowty. Oh, right, a few bad apples, no doubt, no doubt.

    Then-Lieutenant Wales intervened to prevent a gay trooper from getting beaten by a gang of thugs previously honorable soldiers who presume to defend their fellow countrymen from harm


  3. 11B40 says:


    Prince Harry, he’s the one that looks a lot like his mother’s riding instructor ???

    Will the Palace be announcing their engagement anytime soon ???

  4. Tillman says:

    @11B40: What.

  5. ‘He climbed out of the tank and I poked my head out of the turret a few moments later to see him having a go,’ Wharton said.

    So go out and help him instead of hiding in the tank while he faces them six against one…