Sunday’s Forum

James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. sam says:

    The most aptly-named Supreme Court decision in the history of the United States: Loving v. Virginia. June 12 is commemorated as Loving Day.

  2. DrDaveT says:

    Things are bad, but they could be worse. On this day 80 years ago, the German Army marched unopposed into Paris…

  3. Sleeping Dog says:

    WATCH: Trump Struggles To Pronounce General Douglas MacArthur’s Name, Lift Water Glass During West Point Speech

    The Tiny disability watch was on full alert at West Point yesterday. Makes you wonder if that secret trip to Walter Reed a few months ago was related to a minor stroke?

    Today is the anniversary of the founding of the US Army, at West Point yesterday Tiny pointed out that it was also his birthday. The response of the assembled cadets? Crickets.

  4. OzarkHillbilly says:

    Diversity & Inclusion Studies

    A record number of black women just graduated from West Point (again). 38 African American females graduated with the Class of 2020, the most in the United States Military Academy’s history. #USMA #GoArmy @WestPoint_USMA


  5. Sleeping Dog says:
  6. CSK says:

    @Sleeping Dog:
    It’s been speculated that Trump suffers from either frontotemporal dementia or apraxia, a speech disorder. That November 2019 visit to Walter Reed was “explained” as the first part of his annual physical exam, which he just decided to do that Saturday morning. Right.

    This business of him being unable to pronounce some words or lift a glass singlehanded has been ongoing for a while. As for his difficulty walking down a ramp, that could be either some infirmity or the 2-inch lifts in his shoes that are throwing him off-balance..

  7. CSK says:


    Addendum: Trump is defending his slow walk down the ramp, saying he was being careful because it was “very steep” (it wasn’t) and slippery (really? A ramp set up especially for the POTUS was slippery?). He also said he “ran” down the last ten feet. He didn’t.

  8. Mikey says:


    That November 2019 visit to Walter Reed was “explained” as the first part of his annual physical exam, which he just decided to do that Saturday morning.

    Seven months later, he has yet to return for the second part. It’s almost like they lied to us!

  9. Kylopod says:


    The most aptly-named Supreme Court decision in the history of the United States: Loving v. Virginia.

    One thing I’ve wondered about for some time but haven’t found a satisfactory answer to: Was the Lovings’ name in light of the case just a coincidence? Or was the reason they became the impetus for the case influenced, in some way, by their name? I know the Lovings were hardly the only example of an interracial couple getting in legal trouble at the time due to their union. (Mixed-race unions were commonplace in the Virginia town where the Lovings lived, and Mildred Loving was herself heavily mixed–white, black, and Native American, though later in life she denied having any black ancestry.) I know that by all accounts this particular couple were modest people, not in any way seeking the spotlight. Is it possible they were sought out by activists aiming to test the constitutionality of miscegenation laws, and the fact that their name was “Loving” made them seem an especially appropriate choice? According to the Wikipedia article you linked to, the process by which the case ended up in the Supreme Court began with their writing to Robert F. Kennedy, who then referred them to the ACLU. Knowing the ACLU’s history and tendencies, I suspect they had a lot of cases like this and it wouldn’t surprise me that they chose this one in particular because it suited the public spectacle they intended to make.

  10. CSK says:

    They did. But…the White House released a letter on June 3 this year testifying to Lardass’s continuing good health–he gained a pound, but lowered his cholesterol.

    Who knows if a doctor actually wrote this document? Didn’t Trump’s New York physician–the one who wrote the letter about Trump being in the best health of any president, ever–say that Trump had dictated that letter to him? Does Trump have his medical team so completely cowed that they’d lie for him?

  11. cSK says:

    It could also have had to do with optics: Mildred Loving was a very attractive woman.

  12. Kari Q says:


    And that’s why the story has legs, so to speak. If he’d come out and say “I have vertigo so walking down an incline is difficult for me” or “I have arthritis in my hand” or whatever, we’d forget about it and move on. But he constantly tells transparent lies which only fuels speculation.

    As an aside, I do wish people would stop claiming they know exactly what’s wrong with him. You don’t, unless you are a doctor with access to all his medical information. It’s enough that we know something is wrong. The White House should tell us what.

  13. wr says:

    @CSK: “As for his difficulty walking down a ramp, that could be either some infirmity or the 2-inch lifts in his shoes that are throwing him off-balance..”

    I’m sorry, but the people who say Trump wears lifts say he’s been wearing them for years. Women learn to walk in high heels and clowns learn to walk on stilts in days or weeks, and they don’t have to relearn every time they take a step. Whatever Trump’s problem is, it ain’t the lifts.

  14. Kylopod says:


    It could also have had to do with optics: Mildred Loving was a very attractive woman.

    None of that’s mutually exclusive: in fact it supports my point that the case was selected for its optics. If so, then it’s also interesting that it was a white man and black woman. Although miscegenation laws made no distinction based on sex, it’s a well-known historical fact that a “pure” white woman being “defiled” by an African “beast” was what caused white (mostly male) bigots in the South to fly into a murderous rage–it was in a sense their ultimate nightmare, and it was more offensive to them than the reverse arrangement.

    Once MLK was at an event when a large white man suddenly got on stage and began beating King until he was removed by guards. It was later revealed that the man was a neo-Nazi, and his reason for attacking King was that King had mentioned that Sammy Davis Jr. (whose wife was white) was going to perform. Neither MLK speaking nor his promoting civil rights was enough to set the man off; just the mere mention of an interracially married celebrity did it.

  15. CSK says:

    @Kari Q:
    Yes, but when people know they’re being lied to about Trump’s physical condition, it’s inevitable that the speculation will intensify. The fact that the White House is concealing something just makes the speculation more feverish, because why would they hide the information if it wasn’t bad?

    Or…if they can’t tell the truth, why not make up a plausible lie? Something along the lines of “President Trump, like many people his age, has a touch of arthritis in his hands and knees.” That would certainly explain the hand problems and the awkward gait, if not the inability to pronounce certain words and the speech-slurring.

  16. @Kari Q: Agree on both counts. He is clearly lying about something (not to mention that his ego and bravado are in play). But we don’t know what is wrong with him.

    And to reiterate:

    As an aside, I do wish people would stop claiming they know exactly what’s wrong with him. You don’t, unless you are a doctor with access to all his medical information.


  17. @CSK: I agree with this as well. They create the situation that fuels speculation.

  18. Slugger says:

    The President and I are the same age. The vestibular system controlling balance declines with age. This is an insidious change and not talked about much. A yoga based program of stretching, strengthening, and balance postures has been quite helpful for me. I wish I had known this earlier. I recommend finding a yogi interested in senior citizens. You don’t need spandex to benefit.

  19. Stormy Dragon says:

    I’d like to know why we’re seeing so little coverage of the way that police departments are openly colluding with far right vigilante gangs in many of our cities.

    Just yesterday in Philadelphia there was another incident where a bunch of white supremacists attacked a reporter with bats and knives right in front of two police officers, who did nothing and then threatened to arrest the reporter when it was over.

  20. Jim Brown 32 says:

    Mu Yixiao inquired in the Chappelle thread about a definition of Racism. I offer Rayshard Brooks into evidence…

    I never thought I would see Baldwin’s ‘Fire Next Time’ in my life…but as Chapelle so eloquently put it: The Streets have spoken. Fore the foresee future every event like this will be followed by a Bon Fire until trust in the Police has been established

  21. Jim Brown 32 says:

    @Stormy Dragon: I’ve long thought that these groups have infiltrated local law enforcement. It certainly is worthy of FBI investigation. It’s the main reason I wish Biden would pass on the Black female VP nomination and go for the Black female AG.

    He should stop dithering around a release this short list for all his cabinet positions and SCOTUS nominations.

  22. MarkedMan says:

    @CSK: I go with the lifts. And, combined with the moral heel, that extra 2 inches puts him in a 3 inch high heel. An elderly, 6 foot tall, 265 pond man wearing a steel boned corset should not be trying to walk down stairs or ramps in high heels

  23. CSK says:

    @Stormy Dragon:
    That’s horrifying. Do you have a ink? I’d like to read more about it.

  24. Stormy Dragon says:
  25. MarkedMan says:

    @wr: He’s 74 years old and fat. Even slight women who have worn high heels their whole life generally give them up in their 60’s as their balance becomes more tentative

  26. charon says:

    @Sleeping Dog:

    The Tiny disability watch was on full alert at West Point yesterday.


  27. charon says:


    The President and I are the same age. The vestibular system controlling balance declines with age.

    His rate of decline is pretty rapid for merely that, I think it’s more than merely that.

  28. CSK says:

    This is very true. Most women over 65 do give up high heels for low heels or flats. Elizabeth Warren seems always to wear flats, and she appears to be in robust health as opposed to Trump.

  29. senyordave says:

    Steve Mnuchin is flat out refusing to provide any details on the $500 billion PPP program. Great, no oversight on half a trillion dollars. He is spewing some nonsense about the details are proprietary and people might be able to use amounts by company to get trade secrets. To get unemployment for about 6 weeks ten years ago I had to give my life story, and I had paid into unemployment insurance for 25 years. If the government is giving you money you should be able to put up with a little scrutiny. In the absence of detail I think we should assume money is flowing into Trump businesses and his friends and donors. Congress should subpoena the administration. I know they’ll just refuse the subpoenas, but make it into a campaign issue. People understand corruption.

  30. PJ says:


    Addendum: Trump is defending his slow walk down the ramp, saying he was being careful because it was “very steep” (it wasn’t) and slippery (really? A ramp set up especially for the POTUS was slippery?). He also said he “ran” down the last ten feet. He didn’t.

    Well… The left fake lamestream media slowed down the last part of it!

  31. MarkedMan says:

    @CSK: For another case in point, just take a look at the 75 year old man that the police thugs shoved to the ground. You can plainly see that struggle with balance typical of older people despite, by all accounts, his having led an active life.

  32. Sleeping Dog says:

    Roofing company workers forced onto ground, held at gunpoint by man who thought they were Antifa

    LOVELAND, Colo. — A Loveland man faces felony charges after allegedly concluding that two men going door-to-door in his neighborhood were members of the protest movement known as Antifa – and then ordering them to the ground and holding them at gunpoint, 9Wants to Know has learned.

    The incident unfolded after the man called police, said there were two men wearing masks near his home, and announced he was armed and going to go confront them, Loveland Police Lt. Bob Shaffer confirmed to 9Wants to Know.


    When officers arrived in the 2400 block of Dawn Court around 6 p.m. Thursday, they encountered Scott Gudmundsen (pictured) – dressed in fatigues and holding two men on the ground at gunpoint, Shaffer said.

    But the men weren’t troublemakers – they work for a local roofing company and were wearing blue polo shirts with the firm’s name on them, shorts, tennis shoes and white surgical-style masks, Shaffer said.

    Fortunately, no one was injured. Justice would be that this idiot lose the guns.

  33. CSK says:

    @Sleeping Dog:
    This fool’s family said that he’s undergoing treatment for mental health issues, which I would tend to believe if he’s given to dressing up in battle gear and accosting roofers in shorts and polo shirts with company logos on the grounds that they’re Antifa. What did he think? That Antifa makes house calls?

    My question would be: If this yo-yo is indeed being treated for mental illness, why haven’t the members of his family confiscated his firearms?

  34. CSK says:

    Yes. And Martin Gugino wasn’t overweight; in fact, he looked reasonably fit. Certainly more so than Trump does.

    Everyone knows older people have an increased risk of falling. My father was in great shape, but even he fell once or twice when he was in his 80s and 90s. A friend’s much older husband–he was 88–died last year after a fall.

  35. Gustopher says:

    @Steven L. Taylor:

    He is clearly lying about something (not to mention that his ego and bravado are in play). But we don’t know what is wrong with him.

    We know he isn’t healthy, and that it’s serious.

    We know this because he was claiming that Clinton wasn’t heathy, and was going to die, and we know that Trump’s accusations are generally projection.

    Has he been saying that Biden is senile?

    I think there’s a certain poetic justice that a vain germophobe who claims others are unhealthy as part of his campaign strategy now has much of the country speculating on what is wrong with him.

    I just hope he isn’t so sick that he dies in office, as we need to Lock Him Up.

    He’s clearly at a point where if he falls he might not be able to get back up, and will have to shout the Immortal words “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.”

    My guess is myasenthia gravis — where the immune system attacks the connections between nerves and muscles. That and good old-fashioned dementia.

  36. Monala says:

    @Jim Brown 32: he can do both. I’ve seen suggestions of Susan Rice it Val Demings as VP, with Kamala Harris as AG.

  37. Gustopher says:

    @CSK: Antifa is well known for their polo shirts.

    I blame Fox. Spread lies and paranoia through the right wing media, and some unstable right wing viewers are going act on it. This is like “Tiller the baby killer” except by some happy quirk of fate the lunatic didn’t pull the trigger.

    And, yes, it has yet to be established that he watches Fox, but what are the odds he doesn’t?

  38. Sleeping Dog says:

    On something more frivolous.

    The NBA is about to restart its season in a bubble, with plans to delay the beginning of the 2020-21 season till December. The games will be without fans. The NHL is rumored to be just behind, though a Boston Bruin’s player has reportedly tested positive for Covid 19.

    MLB is trying to get that season started in July, sans fans and the NFL plans to march on.

    The owners and players are prepared to take a financial hit this year that playing before empty stadiums means, but what about next year? There is a copious amount of evidence that we will be dealing with C19 next year an perhaps the year after that. How long to the leagues figure they can survive w/o fans?

  39. CSK says:

    Well, he could be an aficionado of OAN, I suppose. OAN is really, really good at juicing up the conspiracy theories.

  40. Stormy Dragon says:


    Antifa is well known for their polo shirts.

    Antifa isn’t know for anything, because Antifa isn’t a thing that actually exists.

    When someone says they are “antifa”, that should be read as an adjective, not a noun. Anyone suggesting otherwise is pushing right wing conspiracy theories.

  41. Mister Bluster says:

    @CSK:..If this yo-yo is indeed being treated for mental illness, why haven’t the members of his family confiscated his firearms?

    Why does this citizen have firearms in the first place? Maybe he is a member of “A well regulated Militia,..” that is “organized, armed and disciplined” by Congress?
    Somehow I doubt it.
    Mister Gudmundsen is living proof that everyone who has access to fire arms in the USA should first pass a mental health evaluation..

    Trump made it easier for the mentally ill to get guns when he rolled back Obama regulation

  42. Northerner says:

    @Jim Brown 32:

    It’s the main reason I wish Biden would pass on the Black female VP nomination and go for the Black female AG.

    They’re not mutually exclusive.

  43. Tyrell says:

    Simply amazing:
    “Plane disappears and lands 37 years later” (Finger Lake Times)
    In 1955 a Pan American Flight 914, a DC 4 airliner with 57 passengers and 4 crew members, took off from New York for Miami, Florida. It never made it and was never heard from again. Its route was close to land, no Mayday signal was ever sent, and no wreckage found. It literally disappeared off the face of the earth. Until one day in 1992 at a Caracas airport, the plane shows up out of nowhere and lands!

  44. Michael Reynolds says:

    @Sleeping Dog:
    Damn Ingrid Bergman was beautiful.

  45. Monala says:

    @Steven L. Taylor: An excellent comment about this from a Balloon Juice commenter this morning:

    We actually have a right to an accurate assessment of his health. The asshole has the nuclear codes FFS. It’s like classic soviet bloc bullshit all the time. We get these fucking ridiculous doctor’s reports first from his quack in Manhattan who obviously signed a letter trump wrote himself. Then we get statements from Admiral Ronnie Pill Dispenser Feelgood that are such obvious bullshit. They can’t even tell the truth about his fucking height and weight. Then he had some bizarre bifurcated physical with the first half on a random Sunday in January at a hospital – when the White House is fully equipped with medical exam facilities.

    We can watch video of his obvious cognitive decline. He has been having issues with his right side for some time now. His centaur stance is consistent with frontotemporal dementia. That combined with the reporting about his lack of focus, inappropriate and impulsive comments, his super dilated pupils, and all manner of other truly fucking bizarre behavior is cause for more than just concern.

    Given how completely we have been failed by people and institutions who are supposed to be serving we the people, we have every right to demand an honest evaluation of trump’s physical and mental health. If the only way we get the press to ask a damned question is to mock trump – so be it. We have no reason to feel troubled or conflicted about mocking him. We are in an existential crisis. The truth has been losing out to a press more concerned with revenue than their role in a democracy and a staggeringly corrupt and evil Republican Party.

  46. MarkedMan says:

    @Tyrell: Do you have a link for that?

  47. @Monala: I don’t deny that we ought to have an assessment of his health.

    I just not a fan of diagnoses from afar.

  48. Sleeping Dog says:

    @Michael Reynolds:

    Yes she was Michael.

    That movie released at the time it was released was huge propaganda victory for the Allied cause. In 1943 Germany controlled Europe and North Africa and the war was at a standstill or progressing slowly in the Pacific. What a moral booster for the public to be able to imagine normal people having a small victory of the Nazi’s.

  49. Kylopod says:

    @Sleeping Dog:

    What a moral booster for the public to be able to imagine normal people having a small victory of the Nazi’s.

    I think part of the film’s enduring popularity has to do with its very optimistic tone, this idea of goodness winning out–which is kind of interesting considering they weren’t even sure how the movie was going to end while they were filming it, and they certainly didn’t know how the war would end.

  50. Sleeping Dog says:


    I agree.

    very optimistic tone, this idea of goodness winning out–which is kind of interesting

    Which is why I view it as such a propaganda victory. I can’t imagine what it was like for non-combatants in the US to be at home waiting for months on end, not winning but not losing.

  51. Mister Bluster says:


  52. Teve says:

    GOP congressman loses his primary after officiating a gay wedding.

    Stupid, shitty, come on you know the words.

  53. Teve says:


    They can’t even tell the truth about his fucking height and weight.

    I have been 6 foot tall and 239. The idea that Donald Trump is 6’3–239 is insane. Just horseshit. Ecclesiastes reminds us that All is vanity, but come on.

  54. Kylopod says:


    I have been 6 foot tall and 239. The idea that Donald Trump is 6’3–239 is insane.

    It ain’t lifts, it’s the sharpie again!

  55. @Teve: I am just shy of 6′ 3″ and a a couple of pounds under 239 and I concur.

  56. Mister Bluster says:

    @MarkedMan:..Do you have a link for that?
    This may be what Tyrell is thinking of.

  57. Teve says:
  58. Monala says:

    @Steven L. Taylor: I think the point was to put pressure on the media to demand answers to Trump’s health issues – and if it takes public speculation and mockery to bring that about, so be it. The commenter gave some very important reasons why, and others noted that concerns about Hillary Clinton’s health and demands for her to be upfront about it were common in the media in 2016, yet there is so much silence about Trump’s health.

  59. @Monala: I have no problem with the media seeking answers in this realm.

  60. Tyrell says:
  61. An Interested Party says:

    @Teve: The great thing about this news is now that seat will be put in play and allow the Democrats the chance to take it away from the GOP…all because somebody officiated a gay wedding…these religious zealots are such idiots…

  62. flat earth luddite says:

    Comment on his alma matter’s law school faculty wanting to strip Bill Barr of his honorary degree:

    “A law school doesn’t have to stand for much but it at least has to stand for the rule of law or it’s just $200K and three years of reading Enlightenment fan fiction.” (Thanks, Joe Patrice, Above the Law)

    giggle. snicker.

  63. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @Tyrell: From your own source link:

    – There’s much dispute about the credibility of this event. Back in 1985, a tabloid called Weekly World News was the first to cover this story. [emphasis added 😛 ]

  64. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @flat earth luddite: Yo zeeb! 😀 😛 LOL!

  65. CSK says:

    @Steven L. Taylor: @Teve:

    One thing that puzzles me is that Melania is supposed to be 5’11”. She rarely appears in public without wearing 5-inch heels, which by my calculations would make her 6’4″. Yet sometimes she appears to be slightly shorter than Trump, and other times pretty much his height. But if he’s claiming 6’3″, he should be shorter than she is.

    I suppose the answer is that they’re both lying about their heights.

    Another puzzlement: Given how much Trump loves to dominate, or give the appearance of dominating, you would think his taste would be for very short women over whom he could tower and thus advertise his commanding stature…whatever it is. Instead he ended up with the Amazonian Melania, and neither of his two previous wives was particularly petite. And he boasts about his spawn Ivanka being six feet tall.

  66. Kylopod says:


    Another puzzlement: Given how much Trump loves to dominate, or give the appearance of dominating, you would think his taste would be for very short women over whom he could tower and thus advertise his commanding stature

    I think we’ve had this conversation before. You don’t seem to get part of the way American male machismo works. Men are supposed to be taller than their girlfriends/wives, but tall women are also heavily valued in our culture as sex objects…look at supermodels. It’s paradoxical, and it really only works if you’re a relatively tall man yourself. But it makes perfect sense why a narcissistic man somewhere in the lower six-foot range would be attracted to relatively tall women who are nonetheless not quite as tall as himself.

  67. CSK says:

    “Supermodel” as opposed to height seems to be the desirable characteristic here for most male narcissists. (Trump himself once said he wanted other men to die of envy when he walked into a room with a woman.) The vast majority of women, tall, short, or medium, aren’t supermodels.

    Trump likes to describes Melania as a supermodel, but her career was never that exalted. A lot of the nude work she did was something that models at the top of their profession don’t have to undertake.

  68. MarkedMan says:

    @Tyrell: Thank you, Tyrell. Keep up your interesting work

  69. Mister Bluster says:

    @Just nutha ignint cracker:..Weekly World News

    Apparently WWN has been gone from the grocery store check out lane since 2007. I can’t say that I noticed.
    WWN does have a facebook page that provides “news” stories that are actually more credible than Fox.

    Biblical Scholars Make Major Discovery: Jesus was a Plumber

    South Carolina Golfer SUCKED INTO BLACKHOLE! He reached into the cup to get his ball and disappeared..
    Putin Shooting Potatoes “He’s trying to hit Alaska” Kremlin Worries About Dementia

    are three stories that Tyrell might want to investigate further.

  70. de stijl says:

    @sam: , et al.

    It was both amusing and disheartening that for decades the Virginia tourist slogan was “Virginia is for lovers” fine print said some restrictions apply.

  71. de stijl says:

    @Steven L. Taylor:

    Unless one is a doctor, and specifically his doctor, telediagnosis is a fool’s game.

    Yes, something is not quite right. It is notable.

    One our finest presidents was barely able to stand up under his own power.

    A physical malady is not unable to execute the duties.

    Also not a winning issue; the partisans will consume and interpret this as one would expect. Rs will ignore. The marginal impact on future votes will be very close to zero.

  72. de stijl says:

    @Mister Bluster:

    Weekly World News was goofy awesome.

    Progenitor of Bat Boy.

    Best headlines: Man Trapped In Hedge For Three Days

    Ed Anger (reactionary RW op – ed columnist). Dear Dottie with demented relationship advice.

    Obvious parody.

    The Onion stole their schtick and ran with it.

  73. Gustopher says:

    @de stijl: There is a musical about Bat Boy, if you are into such things.

    I wonder if Ed Anger reads as satire anymore…

  74. de stijl says:


    Ed Anger was a man before his time.

    Today he would be slightly right of center.

  75. de stijl says:


    I would pay good money to see the Bat Boy musical. Please say it is on YT!

    I assume it has a play on The Beauty And The Beast arc. Misunderstood “baddie” is actually a goodie and eventually saves the day. I should not pre judge. Just let it be its ownself.

    Reminds me of Jason Segal’s puppet Dracula musical thing from Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

    I own a Bat Boy tee shirt. Bought circa 1994. Mail order – I sent a check.

  76. de stijl says:

    @de stijl: @Gustopher:

    I over – characterized earlier. It was obvious, but played it absolutely straight. No winky, you know we’re joking, mask shifting stuff.

    It was played as if totally real. And they maintained that stance for years.

    Sublter than you would think.

    Subtle as can be with Bat Boy.

  77. beth says:

    @de stijl: Ed Anger – he was always “pig biting mad” about something. I always loved that expression.

  78. de stijl says:


    Ed Anger was funny.

    Dottie was disturbing. Really weirdly disturbing on gender roles.

    Satire so on point it was creepy.

  79. de stijl says:


    I read the characters list. Half are “rowdy teenaged spelunker”; half are marked as “usually a drag role”.

    I must witness this madness.

    This might be “Shakes The Clown” good.

  80. Teve says:


    My question would be: If this yo-yo is indeed being treated for mental illness, why haven’t the members of his family confiscated his firearms?

    Because America eagle freedom Reagan Jesus, you commie libtard. Do you even America?

  81. CSK says:

    You got me.

  82. Tyrell says:

    @Just nutha ignint cracker: Yes, there are a lot of reports about this incident that range from urban legend to some conflicting details. Since the timeframe is very date, there is not a lot of data or records about it. There is no doubt, though, that the US government has done extensive research and experiments on this sort of phenomenon (Montauk project)
    Thanks for you reply.