Sunday’s Forum

James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. James Joyner says:

    Sorry for the late start. The server was acting up and it took a few power cycles to get it working. Since I’ve had to do this twice in recent days, I suspect there’s a larger issue.

  2. Tony W says:

    @James Joyner: Wow. I have always assumed this whole thing was cloud-based at this point.

    Thank you for your work on this James!

  3. Kathy says:

    A United A320 suffered a tail strike in March, and kept flying several more segments before being grounded.

    Tail strikes are even less common than engine failures. Only a few happen each month. Normally they won’t injure anyone on the plane, but they can damage vital parts of the airframe. You’re supposed to ground a plane after one, and carry out extensive checks and repairs.

    Defective repairs after a tail strike of a Japan Airlines 747, led to the worst single-plane crash years later.

    United traditionally has had an older fleet than other US airlines. There’s nothing wrong with this, but older planes need more maintenance than newer ones. I wonder whether United is cutting corners on that, maybe for lack of planes or crews. As you can see in the piece, the incident aircraft was eventually grounded, and has not returned to service yet.

  4. CSK says:

    @James Joyner:

    Yes, thank you from me as well. The site sas very slow to load.

    ETA: It took 45 minutes and 3 tries to post this.

  5. James Joyner says:

    @Tony W: @CSK: Not sure what’s going on. The site is on a private virtual server and usually goes months without needing a reboot—and I’ve done it three times this morning now.

    I have a trouble ticket in with the site host but no response yet.

  6. CSK says:

    @James Joyner:

    It seems to be working smoothly for me now.

  7. Kingdaddy says:
  8. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @James Joyner: So THAT’S what happened, and here I thought it just hated me. Thanx for the fix, James.

  9. SenyorDave says:

    Can everyone once and for all drop the “Republicans will come to their senses when…” narrative. The leadership of the party (elected officials, party officials) are evil. They might as well be traitors to this country, I consider them to be enemies of the people. Apparently there is no bottom for them. Other than the usual suspects (Lynn Cheney, Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger), the Republicans are lined up to condemn the prosecution of Trump as 100% political. My favorite is “where are the prosecutions of Hillary and Biden and Obama?” Trump could have been photographed handing over a box of classified info to Putin and the response would be a yawn and “he’s the president, its within his rights.”

  10. OzarkHillbilly says:

    Tymofiy Mylovanov

    Saving cats, dogs, and humans in Kherson and Kakhovka 1/

    12 more short rescue videos after that first one.

  11. Michael Cain says:

    Some of us — well, at least one of us — would be interested if you could drop a comment if/when the problem is identified. I do some of the maintainence on a multi-author WordPress-based site and am always looking for things to add to my “check these first” list. The most recent cases of that site becoming horribly slow were due to web crawlers hammering at the database while copying all 800,000+ comments.

  12. OzarkHillbilly says:

    ‘War criminals: whatever you do, we’ll record it’: the ‘merciless’ Ukrainian film about Mariupol

    Kyril, aged 18 months, struggles for his life after a Russian rocket hits the family’s apartment block in the early days of the siege of Mariupol, Ukraine, in March 2022. In vain, his mother pleads “You couldn’t save him?” to the also tearful doctor. Then, in disbelief, “How?” She weeps over the tiny, swaddled corpse, opens the covering briefly to kiss her son’s head a last time, then covers it up again.

    This is just one scene from what feels like a cinematic siege of the soul: 20 Days in Mariupol by the Associated Press Ukrainian cameraman and now director Mstyslav Chernov. The film premiered at the Docudays UA international human rights documentary film festival in Kyiv last weekend and won the main prize at a ceremony temporarily adjourned – after an air-raid alert – to a metro subway shelter. The first UK screening will be at Sheffield DocFest on Wednesday.

    It is a brave, visceral, merciless masterpiece. I’ll stake a claim, for what it’s worth: after decades of war reporting, and watching hundreds of films about war, there are few, if any, like this. Chernov’s film documents Russia’s shocking war crimes against Mariupol on a vast, epic scale, in counterpoint to detail so intimate it borders on unbearable, as it should.
    After the last international journalists left Mariupol on day five of the assault, Chernov and his crew were the sole reporters remaining. “We made that decision beforehand,” he says. “I knew Mariupol would be a target. I knew what was going to happen, and I expected it of myself to stay – a sense of duty.”

  13. Kylopod says:

    @SenyorDave: What irritates me to no end is those concern-trolly pundits who pretend they aren’t carrying water for Trump but who go on about breaking the norms of prosecuting a former president. The question I always have for such people is, how far are you willing to take that supposed principle? What if Trump literally murdered someone on camera? But when it comes to matters of corruption, people always manage to abstract the crimes in question and rationalize them as basically technical–not dotting i’s and crossing t’s.

  14. SenYorDave says:

    @Kylopod: I think it can be answered, at least in part, by one statement. There is no bottom. But the Republican party is stocked with politicians who learned from people like Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay (he of the K Street Project, which was a truly disgusting attempt to normalize corruption). The party is basically a corrupt enterprise to make money and hold power.

  15. DK says:


    What irritates me to no end is those concern-trolly pundits who pretend they aren’t carrying water for Trump but who go on about breaking the norms of prosecuting a former president.

    Because the media is full of and run by white male elites who think white male elites should be above the law. This is wholly unsurprising where poor blacks are often murdered by the state in the streets without due process.

    Prosecuting a criminal for breaking the law in such an intentional and egregious way is upholding norms, not breaking them.

    Trump is the one who broke the norms, by deliberately storing nuclear secrets and highly sensitive defense documents in his bathroom, willfully refusing to return them, and knowingly obstructing efforts to retrieve them.

    Anyone else who did this would be in prison already. That’s the norm.

  16. Jim Brown 32 says:

    I, for one, am going to enjoy Maga Nation’s horror upon watching the DOJ dawg hump the stuffing out of their precious Donnie Doll.

  17. Flat Earth Luddite says:


    the shockingly bad taste certainly compounds the other crimes he’s accused of, doesn’t it? OTOH, it all seems strangely cut from a single piece of cloth.

  18. CSK says:

    According to several sources, Trump said he’s going to run in 2024 even if he’s convicted.

  19. dazedandconfused says:

    Not surprising. It’s probable mining the MAGAs has become Trump Inc’s major source of income, perhaps the most lucrative enterprise its ever had.

  20. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @dazedandconfused: Well, he hasn’t had to declare bankruptcy after riding down the escalator. That’s what? 8 years? Must be some kind of record for him.

  21. CSK says:

    Trump just called Bill Barr “a gutless pig.”

  22. Kylopod says:

    @CSK: Honestly, Trump looks like a pig. Barr looks more like a bullfrog.

  23. Kathy says:


    Hey, at least he got something right for a change.

  24. dazedandconfused says:

    “A ways to go before he catches up to me!” sez the stopped clock.

    The big fun may be just getting started. Turns out Florida put Judge Cannon on the case, the same underqualified incompetent Federalist bobble-head MAGA judge who was humiliated over her ridiculous ruling in Trump’s favor on the Mar-A-Lago evidence. Floriduh seems to give her all the Trump cases. Randomly selected of course…

  25. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    For a change of pace, I offer a passage I saw in a Yahoo* clickbait article I just now read:

    on the first day of her daughter’s sixth grade year, a new adult in the lunch room berated her daughter for getting up out of her seat without permission to throw away an orange peel. The woman took the peel out of the trash, put it back in her daughter’s hand, and sent her back to her seat. [emphasis added]

    You need permission to get out of your seat at lunch? WTF? (And how many lunch monitors does this school need to handle THIS clusterflip? The cafetorium of my elementary school seated a couple hundred with tables in it, several hundred as an auditorium.)

    *an appropriately named website, all things considered

  26. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    WA! I’m on a roll today, newswise! WOO HOO!

    Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson may have had high hopes for the XFL, but his attempt at the infamous football league has seen major losses. Johnson purchased the league from Vince McMahon’s Alpha Entertainment in 2020 following the closure of McMahon’s second attempt at the world of pro football. The 2020 XFL was forced to end early due to restrictions brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. This league came close to two decades after McMahon’s first iteration fo the XFL, which closed in the early 2000s over poor ratings.

    While Johnson has made himself a household name in the worlds of wrestling and Hollywood, that success hasn’t translated over into football. In an article by Forbes, it is reported that the 2023 season of the XFL lost an estimated $60 million.

    I would have thought that he would be smarter than this, but, apparently looks are deceiving.

    Then again, he has sometimes offered the idea that he would be a good successor to Trump in the GOP. Hmmm…

  27. Beth says:

    @Just nutha ignint cracker:

    When I went to high school in the 90’s they repainted the place to look like a mental hospital and got matching furniture. They thought it would keep us calm. They were super wrong.

    Once we discovered all the new tables in the lunchroom would flip up on a hinge and stay like that, we started having constant food fights. They escalated into full on riots. This went on until one day a girl made a break for the door and someone nailed her in the back of the head with a sealed can of pop.

    Her unconscious corpse opened the door with her inertia. I experienced the whole thing in slo-mo. Needless to say, they cracked down pretty hard on us. The 90’s were wild.

  28. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @Beth: The high school I worked at most this past year has those tables, too. The don’t have any problems with food fights, though, because the lunches are pretty good and don’t feature things that are easy to throw–fruit cups, pudding, etc.–and because lots of students take the box lunch option that features a (usually deli quality) sandwich and a few carrot coins, celery slices, whatever and a bag of chips. My belated condolences to the parents of your classmate. That sounds tragic.

    On the other hand, they seem to have kept one feature of your experience–during lunch, the doors that lead from the commons to the classroom wings are closed and locked to keep the ins in and the outs out. On occasions where I pass through (using my classroom key) I also notice that nearly everyone who has an “administrative” position (now at 10 and counting) seems to be in the lunchroom dining commons for at least part of each lunch shift (3).

  29. James Joyner says:

    @Michael Cain: The folks at the hosting company “made a few changes in the Apache configuration” yesterday afternoon and all seems well with the site now. I know essentially nothing about the server side of things so no idea what was wrong with the configuration.