Israel-Iran Proxy War Expands to Yemen

The fight has now expanded to a third front.

But What About Trump?

Biden is old and in diminished capacity. His opponent is old, in diminished capacity, and a horrible human being.

Jamaal Bowman Defeated in Primary

The Gaza conflict has ousted a member of “the Squad.”

Netanyahu Isolated

The war cabinet is gone. He now owns the war completely.

Benny Gantz Quits War Cabinet, Calls for Elections

The moderates are gone.

Israel Hostage Rescue Creates Outrage

Joy of four returned safe is mixed with the reality of scores of dead Palestinians.

Biden Endorses Ceasefire, Phased Plan for Gaza

The President declares Hamas “no longer capable” of large-scale attack.

Did Rafah Tent Tragedy Cross Biden’s Red Line?

Some 45 are dead in what Israel calls a “tragic accident.”

ICJ Orders Israel to Halt Rafah Offensive

The UN body cites violation of the Genocide Convention.

Trump’s Path to 270

It’s depressingly short.

Why the IDF Fights As It Does

A small, conscript-driven military has very different training and doctrine than ours.

Leftover Tabs

A collection I started but didn’t fully finish.

ICC Prosecutor Wants to Arrest Netanyahu and Sinwar

Eye-rolling moral equivalence that will lessen respect for international law.

Biden’s Morehouse Speech

After weeks of protest, a solid effort.

Iran’s President and Foreign Minister Killed in Helicopter Crash

A shocking development amidst regional turmoil.

The Day After in Gaza

The Israeli government has no plan. Its defense minister does.

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War, Maturity, and Necessity

Are we avoiding facing hard truths?

UN Radically Lowers Gaza Casualty Estimate (Or Maybe Not)

The release of a second set of figures has created a lot of hyperbole.

Trump’s Increasingly Unhinged Rallies

Yesterday’s New Jersey speech was something to behold.

US Says Israel Likely Committed War Crimes

A Congressionally-mandated report finds “reasonable” evidence but acknowledges limitations.

President Joe Biden, Oval Office, 4 April 2024 President Joe Biden, Oval Office, 4 April 2024

Biden Holding Up Israel Arms Shipments

Is Rafah the breaking point?

No End in Sight for Gaza War

There is no obvious better state of the peace acceptable to both parties.

Hamas, Human Shields, and International Law

War crime does pay.

Hamas Accepts Ceasefire That’s Almost Certainly Unacceptable to Israel

Neither side is willing to give up on its war aims just yet.

Congressional Typologies

Grouping House Members by their voting patterns.

Israelis United Behind War Effort

This is only “one alternative, and this is being murdered.”

Colleges and Anti-Israel Protests

Administrations are struggling to handle the biggest wave of student protests in generations.

Columbia Israel Divestment Protests Turn Ugly

On-campus classes have been suspended and Jewish students told to find safety.

Iran’s Intent and Israel’s Next Move

Two related questions.

Warren: ‘Ample Evidence’ Israel Committing Genocide

When does humanitarian catastrophe become something more?

Will Biden’s Israel Policy Matter in November?

Many Democrats are worried about the fallout.

US Preparing for Iranian Retaliatory Strike

The dance continues.

President Joe Biden, Oval Office, 4 April 2024 President Joe Biden, Oval Office, 4 April 2024

Biden Ratchets Up Pressure on Israel

A two-level game where unconditional support has conditions.

Israel Used AI Machine ‘Lavender’ To Target Hamas

But humans made all the decisions that matter.

Biden Joins the Israel Outrage Bandwagon

The Netanyahu government has few friends.

IDF Drone Strikes Kill International Aid Workers

A tragedy on multiple levels.

Israel Kills Qud Force Leaders; Iran Vows Revenge

Another escalation in the longstanding “shadow war.”

UN Security Council Demands Immediate Gaza Ceasefire

The United States abstained but did not exercise its veto power.

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Are Hamas Death Figures Fake?

Damned if I know.

Red Lines

The perils of speaking loudly while carrying a small stick.

Netanyahu Doesn’t Care About World Opinion

Israel’s prime minister is defying red lines and humanitarian concerns.

Biden Delivers ‘Fiery’ Campaign Speech

The state of the union is apparently fiery.

Adam Schiff Wins, Shouted Down By Protestors

California’s next Senator had his night spoiled.

Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Imminent?

The war could be ending soon.

Biden and Trump Cruise Despite Discontent

Reading the tea leaves in Michigan.

Biden’s Gaza Dilemma

Some Democrats are threatening to sit November out.

Israel vs the World in Rafah

Netanyahu is defying the international community.

President Joe Biden in the Oval Office, October 19, 2023 President Joe Biden in the Oval Office, October 19, 2023

Old Man Biden

The problem that won’t go away.