Tony Snow Has Colon Cancer

Just heard the news on Fox Special Report (via TiVo delay) that former Fox News Sunday anchor Tony Snow has been diagosed with colon cancer. Apparently, Snow made the announcement on his radio show earlier today. He’s scheduled for surgery and the prognosis for a full recovery is reportedly good.

From Snow’s show website:

Tony revealed that his “number one job right now is fighting and beating cancer.” He says that the prognosis is “good,” but that his mother died of cancer when she was 38 and he’s not taking any chances.

A javascript link to the audio is here.

My best wishes go to Snow and his family.

Update (3-1): Tony Snow’s Cancer Surgery a Success

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Barbara says:

    You and your family are certainly in my prayers. I wish you a speedy recovery and I want to also say that I am a loyal listener on your radio show. I would like to know when you are live here in the Pacific NW. I catch you from 2-4 pm here on radio station KXL in Portland Or. but when are you live on the radio?

    Thanks and best wishes!

    Barbara L Harris

  2. Alice Sprow says:

    Our family wishes you the best, Tony. We look
    forward to listening to your program soon.
    The Sprows

  3. joel himelfarb says:

    Dear Tony,
    Our prayers for a speedy recovery. We know that you will beat this challenge.
    Joel, Julie and Michael Himelfarb

  4. Bill Kinney says:

    I want you to know you are in my prayers concerning your bout with colon cancer. You, Brit Hume and Rush Limbaugh are all tops in my book.
    Good luck and best wishes to you. You will be in my thoughts.

  5. brian keller says:

    Dear Tony; Best wishes for success with your surgery. Like you, I “inherited” my mother’s health problems which took her at any early age. Like you, I have the advantage of improved medical science which has successfully extended my life. I wish you all the best. Be assured of my prayers.

  6. Cheri Kirchhoff says:

    Dear Tony,
    Before I sat to write this, I said a prayer that God will give you and your doctors everything needed to beat this thing. Our family will continue to uphold your family in prayer until we hear the good news that you are completely healed. We respect you so much and will miss you while you are away.

  7. ra doyle says:

    GoD Bless you and your family Tony. I’m praying for you. Semper Fi, Ra Doyle USMC ret.

  8. Ralph Keyes says:


    You’re an important ifluence in our life and in our thinking. So you know we’re hanging in there with you through all this. God bless. We’ll be listneing for you.

  9. Joanne Wilson says:

    Best of luck with your upcoming surgery. Our prayers will be with you and your family. Wish you a speedy recovery and may God bless you.
    J Wilson, Columbia, SC

  10. Lela Duncan says:

    Our prayers are with you and your family that God will guide the hands of all who will be preforming the surgery, and that he will give your family peace through out the procedure. You have blessed us greatly with the gifts God has given you for being a voice of reason for this nation.

  11. Howard & Lynda Schultz says:


    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You truly are one of the good guys in TV/Radio broadcasting and we wish you the best.

  12. mary jane brown says:

    Dear Tony,

    One of my dearest friends just finished treatment, she is ok. You are in our thoughts and prayers. You are top shelf in TV/Broadcasting. Have a speedy recovery.

  13. Tony:

    You are my favorite of all the news people and
    commentators…and we wish you well…and may God
    touch with His healing hand.

  14. George&georgia Peros says:

    Dear tony,
    We have been fans of yours since your Detroit
    News Days.We wish for you,Gods Speed and the Wind
    at your back.You will beat this and you know you
    are Loved by all of us.
    George&Georgia Peros

  15. sonja reinhardt says:

    Tony: You are so admired and respected and have brought sanity and sense to the news. I personally, and have a feeling many are with me, know that you have angels with you, the Lord watching over you and you WILL recover….(I’ve been there!)….

  16. Dear Tony.
    My wife andI were on our way to the hospital for a check up , and we were listing,to Rush Limbaugh, on the radio , What a shook, to hear about you, WE will surly be PRAYING FOR YOU , and for a speedy recovery, MAY GOD BE WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY < THROUGH your suguary.

  17. Lisa Marie says:

    Godspeed Tony ~
    I am praying for your recovery and look forward to your return to work. WE NEED YOU – get well.
    Our Lord Jesus bless you ~ and your family. ~JMJ~

  18. Candie Sharon says:

    Tony – You are a great American – you will beat this!! Our thoughts & prayers are with you and your family!

  19. Jay Smith says:

    Get well soon Tony!

  20. Marilyn Merkley says:

    Dear Tony,

    I just want you to know that I went to Mass this morning and prayed for your recovery. You will be in my prayers until you are well again. I have always admired the person you are as I hear you on radio and TV. I consider you one of God’s finest examples of homo sapiens. Please get well and continue your work in the media. That is the best way you can share your gifts with so many.

  21. Bevelyn Blair says:

    Dear Tony:
    I am praying for you as you undergo surgery. Hang in there and know that people all over the world are wishing you well. Can’t wait to hear the good news that you are completely well. Keep us posted!

    Bevelyn Blair

  22. Noriko Takei says:

    You have been one of my favorites on KVI, Seattle.

    I pray for your quick recovery. But I want to share the following info with you. My friend had a tumor the size of a small grapefruit growing in her abdomen. She used a device from Japan and all she did was to point 2 rods that emit healing energy on it for about 2 months 1 hour a day. after 2 months, she is now tumor free. Perhaps, after your surgery, this may be something to think about.

    We are looking forward to a speedy comeback.

  23. Dick & Pat Barnes says:

    Dear Tony,

    All of your fans in The Villages of Florida are praying for your speedy recovery. We admire you not only for your many talents, but mostly for your honesty and integrity. Looking forward to seeing you back in The Villages where you will be welcomed warmly.

    Dick & Pat Barnes

  24. GERI BROWN says:




  25. Randy and Louise Beard says:

    Dear Tony,
    We just heard the news of your cancer and will eagerly anticipate the report of your healing.
    May our Father give you all you need for a complete recovery.
    We miss you on Sundays.
    Randy and Louise

  26. Sharon Johnson says:

    Dear Tony,
    My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. I know God will be with you.

  27. Richard Eckman says:

    Tony my friend. I have a friend who is at Mayo this very time having treatment for colon Cancer. His prognosis is very good. May yours be as well and most importantly God bless and heal you.

    Richard Eckman

  28. Lisa Dubow says:

    Dear Tony,
    I am 48 years old and have been dealing with stage 4 colon cancer since 1998. I have become a fulltime colon cancer advocate with the Colon Cancer Alliance, and the Colorectal Cancer Coalation, as well as writing the Resolution to declare March 2005 as Colon Cancer Awareness month for the state of California.
    If you have any questions and want to touch base with someone who has been in your place, please feel free to contact me or have a family member contact me.
    With health Lisa Dubow

  29. Frieda says:

    My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Have faith and God will be there for you.

  30. BOB URBS says:

    God Bless get back soon to hammer the Libs

  31. annette landes says:

    Dear Tony,

    I think you are truly a good person which is so rare in today’s society.

    Cancer has taken so many of our family members, so you will be in our hearts and our thoughts are with you.

    Love ya!

  32. Rachel Gies says:

    Dear Tony,
    I love your wonderful attitude and informative radio program. I wish you a speedy recovery and much love.
    My best to you and your family.
    Rachel Gies

  33. Nancy & Art Deane says:

    We love you and you are in our prayers.
    May God touch you with His healing power and Mercy.

  34. Herb and Donna Mills says:

    Dear Tony

    We were so sorry to hear of your having colon cancer. We are praying for our Lord Jesus to put his healing hand on you and perform a miracle in your behalf, and that Jesus Christ would be glorified!!!Praise to our savior and a speedy healing and recovery for you. God bless you and your family.

    The Mills’

  35. Dear Tony,
    You are in our prayers. My husband Bill is in total remission from non-hodgkins lymphoma stage 3. He has a good outlike like you and a lot of people’s prayers. You take care of your positive outlook and we will take care of the prayers-especially to St Perogrine-the patron saint of cancer patients. Love Bill & Terry Serviss

  36. David Mc. says:

    You are truly the only person on the radio with any common sense. I enjoy you radio show. I wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to your return to the airwaves.

  37. Robert Lincoln says:

    Why, oh why when someone so good happens, He seems to take him from us ? God be good to him for our sake. We, my wife, son and I, love you Tony, and wish you the very best that God can offer.

  38. Judy Hudson says:

    Dear Tony, I am so sorry to hear about your colon cancer. Please be assured I will be praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet and my rosary everyday for your complete healing. May God send His holy angels to surround you and comfort you and your family through out your surgery and recovery. And if you smoke Tony, give it up. You are more loved than you probably realize and all of us out here in radio land want to hear you again. Informing us and giving those hard headed libs a tough time. God be with you and may His Heavenly light enfold you. Judy Hudson

  39. Dona Morris says:

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. We pray for a complete and speedy recovery. Hurry back, we will sure miss you.

  40. Eunice Klement says:

    Hi Tony! I wish you all the best. I listen to your talk show every day, and miss you, when you are not there. We pray that the surgery and treatment will go well and you will be back soon. With love and prayers, Eunice M Klement.

  41. Julie & Sonny Birkhimer says:

    My husband and I want you to know that you are in our prayers. We have been fans of yours for a very long time and miss seeing you regularly on Fox.

    Hang in there, stay strong and know that you are loved by many.

    Best wishes and a speedy recovery from two of your biggest fans in southern Ohio.

  42. frank sumner says:

    tony Iam a longtime fan. Please check out molo- cure,also mannatech,it saved dr.Ben Carson’s brilliant life and career at Johns wishes.Frank

  43. Bonnie Åsheim says:

    Dear Tony,

    I just wanted you to know I heard about your cancer from a prayer website I am a part of. I am over here in Norway. We are a worldwide web of people praying for each other. You are in our prayers and in my personal prayers. I feel like everything is in God’s hands and I trust him for the right outcome.

    Best Wishes,
    Bonnie and Trond Asheim

  44. Joan Rathke says:

    You are in my prayers.


  45. Rishard says:

    Dear Tony,
    I am sorry to here this sad news. My close friend is a cancer survivor. She had very poor prognosies. Please make shure that you will get flax seed every day. It must be freshly ground (otherwise it will oxidize and loose its potency). Take heap tablespoon of flax seed, grind them in the coffee maker first thing in the morning and mix with plenty of water. Do the the same in the evening. Flax seed contains omega3 and lignans (very powerfull antioxidant). Also eat a lot of (5-10) dried plums daily (onre of the strongest antioxidant). Rember cancer was caused by some condition. You can remove the tumor but you must to remove the cause.

    Good luck

  46. Mike Webb says:

    Tony, I just heard at 910pm on 3/2 that you had surgery. Very glad to hear surgery was a success. Man, get on the Ambrotose along with whatever you MD prescribes. It works.

  47. Lynette DiPietro says:


    Many prayers and much love to you and yours along with wishes and a vision for your complete recovery. We miss You. Now get back to work… We want to see your face again…

    Tim and Lynette Di Pietro
    Oceanside CA