Wednesday’s Forum

James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Neil Hudelson says:

    I’m hoping Kathy addresses here the hatred of avocados she announced in yesterday’s open forum. What did avocados ever do to you, ma’am?

  2. Sleeping Dog says:

    When I saw the headline that a cougar had been spotted in a wealthy Minneapolis neighborhood, I wondered what the fuss was about.

  3. Scott says:

    Can you imagine the reaction would be if we still had the draft in this country?

    4 more members of K-pop supergroup BTS to begin mandatory South Korean military service

    Four more members of the K-pop supergroup BTS are to begin their mandatory South Korean military duties soon, their management agency said.

    Big Hit Music said in a statement Tuesday that the enlistments are “upcoming” but didn’t disclose the starting dates. South Korean media reported that all four members will begin their duties next week — RM and V on Dec. 11 and Jimin and Jung Kook, who are scheduled to enlist together, on Dec. 12.

    Three other BTS members – Jin, J-Hope and Suga – have already begun their military duties. Jin and J-Hope are performing active service in the army while Suga is serving as a social service agent, an alternative form of military service in the country.

    South Korean law grants exemptions to athletes, classical and traditional musicians, and ballet and other dancers, if they are deemed to have enhanced the country’s prestige. K-pop singers aren’t eligible for the special dispensation.

  4. Mister Bluster says:

    Norman Lear 101

    Thanks for all the laughs Norman!

  5. CSK says:

    Taylor Swift is Time’s Person of the Year.

  6. Kathy says:

    @Neil Hudelson:

    They’ve ruined many meals.

    It’s not so much what they taste like, though that’s awful enough, but the consistency. At the risk of offending many, they’ve the consistency of sh*t.

    On top of that, in Mexico they can be hard to avoid. Specifically yesterday we had tortas for dinner at the office (simplistically, a Mexican sandwich). I did order mine without avocado; and just to make sure, without any vegetables. I got it with the vegetable sh*t anyway. It’s like people don’t believe one would not want to be made nauseated by one’s dinner.

    Another memorable time at a high end restaurant, I ordered a thin, flat steak au gratin. The menu didn’t say, and the waiter didn’t tell me, they put slices of avocado between the meat and cheese. I sent it back, and the second iteration came the same. I managed to scrape off most of the offending fruit off the meat, but the cheese was ruined.

    I’m an adult, or claim to be. If I don’t like something, I don’t order it. The problem is that it’s sometimes added without warning. My one respite is when the price of avocados goes so high, restaurants either phase them out temporarily, or are eager for opportunities to save on their use.

  7. CSK says:


    I feel the exact same way about Lima beans.

  8. charontwo says:


    Food preferences and dislikes are significantly heritable (not totally) and vary a lot. What you do not like is specific to you.

  9. Kathy says:


    Well, they’re a pain and a half to cook, and their flavor contribution is mild at best, even when you’re making plain lima beans.

  10. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Neil Hudelson: The cartels are giving them a bad name.

  11. Kathy says:


    My parents are both vulnerable to the effects of avocado, as are my siblings. They also eat fish and seafood of their own free will. Granted my older brother has little inclination towards the latter, but he sometimes inexplicably feels like it.

  12. becca says:

    I cannot eat oatmeal, or tapioca, or cream of wheat. I can eat cheesy grits if they are stoneground and covered with buttery garlic shrimp, but lumpy, bumpy, slimy hot cereals and puddings make my head wiggle.

  13. CSK says:


    Everything about Lima beans revolts me: their taste, their texture, even their color. Just thinking about them for long makes my stomach heave.

  14. DK says:


    I did order mine without avocado; and just to make sure, without any vegetables. I got it with the vegetable sh*t anyway. It’s like people don’t believe one would not want to be made nauseated by one’s dinner.

    Another memorable time at a high end restaurant, I ordered a thin, flat steak au gratin. The menu didn’t say, and the waiter didn’t tell me, they put slices of avocado between the meat and cheese. I sent it back, and the second iteration came the same.

    This is absolute hilarity. This is high comedy. Hahaha.

  15. Sleeping Dog says:


    Given that she’s received more press coverage than anyone not named trump, not a bad choice. Plus, all the Swifties are lined up at the newsstands to buy the issue.

  16. Slugger says:

    I can eat anything and everything. If you’re looking to invite someone who is not fussy to a holiday party, I’m available. Not criticizing people with actual immunological issues with certain things, but I was told that there are starving children overseas, and the lesson took. Don’t announce loudly that you don’t like xyz; just don’t order it or shove aside on your plate and keep quiet.

  17. Franklin says:

    @Kathy: Avocados are nature’s mayonnaise. And in my opinion, night and day better than whatever the hell regular mayo is.

  18. Franklin says:

    As for me, the thing that actually makes me most nauseous is untoasted white bread. Like from the first moment my mom gave it to me, I gagged as it became soggy in my mouth.

    Years later, I worked at a restaurant as a dishwasher and occasionally had to deal with soggy bread that collected in our big ass broken sink disposal. I nearly threw up several times, necessitating running out the backdoor for some fresh (non-soggy bread smelling) air.

  19. Kathy says:


    Mayo is emulsified egg yolk and vegetable oil, often with some added seasoning or flavoring. For instance, in mexico almost all regular mayo comes with added lime juice.

  20. just nutha says:

    @Neil Hudelson: Indeed. By my recollection, avocados from Mexico have only recently become a good product commercially. When I was in wholesale produce, we brought in avocados from Mexico, Central America, and Florida during the winter months and we could barely give them away. 🙁

  21. CSK says:

    Yeah, sure. Minorities love Trump because he’s a thug and a crook, just like them.

  22. just nutha says:

    @CSK: Be still my heart.

  23. Scott says:

    Well, when I was a child, my basic rule was to not eat anything green. But I did like root vegetables: carrots, beets, and non green foods like squash, etc. Go figure. BTW, I like Lima beans and avocados. Clams, scallops, shrimp, and lobster but not fish. And lamb.

  24. just nutha says:

    @Kathy: I have the same problem with peanuts on Thai dishes, and pho. In my case the problem is more serious–a food allergy.

  25. charontwo says:

    I can’t stand either mayo or ketchup, to me both are revolting. OTOH, I like lima beans and brussels sprouts just fine.

  26. just nutha says:

    @CSK: Bulk dismissal of minorities as all being “thugs and crooks” seems gratuitous. Just sayin’…

  27. Neil Hudelson says:

    I don’t have any particular hate toward Lima beans, but don’t favor them either–they aren’t particularly more useful than most other beans. Exception: this recipe is great, and you really need full Lima beans (not baby beans) so that they are large enough to poke up above the braising liquid and get a lil’ crunchy on the ends. The texture is key with this dish.

  28. Neil Hudelson says:

    Almost all of my food dislikes derived from improperly prepared dishes. I used to hate avocados because everytime I had them in the 90s, I hated their really firm unyielding texture and overwhelming grassy notes. Yeah, turns out there needed to be some cultural education regarding when an avocado is ripe and useable. Brussel sprouts (boiled until they were soft), flank steak (sliced at a 90 degree angle, making it incredibly tough to masticate), lima beans only appeared in frozen ‘succotash’ blends, etc.

    Now I love them all, just took knowing how to properly prepare them. Now the list of foods I truly cannot stand is as follows, exhaustive:

    1. Canned Mandarin Oranges

  29. CSK says:

    @just nutha:

    Gratuitous on whose part? Trump’s or mine?

  30. CSK says:

    Kevin McCarthy is leaving the House at the end of this year.

  31. CSK says:

    Rizz” is the Oxford English Dictionary’s Word of the Year.

    It means “charming, appealing, sexually attractive.”

  32. Scott says:

    @charontwo: I’m a fan of mayo. Hey, I’m originally from the Midwest! Mayo on fries I picked in Amsterdam while pack backing through Europe in 1972. And I used to eat peanut butter and mayo sandwiches as a small kid. Turns out my future mother-in-law liked them also.

  33. Stormy Dragon says:

    @Neil Hudelson:

    In the case of Brussel sprouts, it’s also because a new cultivar came out in the late 90s with a higher sugar content that has pretty much taken over the entire market, so the sprouts you get now are literally a different plant then what you had growing up.

  34. Jen says:

    I am a reasonably adventurous eater, my “nopes” are frequently textural. I do not like typically prepared oatmeal (bowlful of goo), but I do like baked oatmeal, which has a more cake-like consistency. Runny eggs are a no-go as my mom’s microbiology coursework and nutrition degree made me wary of squishy eggs. Soft-scrambled eggs land in the same category. Kiwis, with their combination of slimy and hairy texture are right out as well.

    I also cannot eat octopus, after reading Sy Montgomery’s “The Soul of an Octopus.”

  35. Jax says:

    I absolutely love avocadoes, but I am terribly allergic to them. They make my stomach feel like it’s digesting glass. 🙁

  36. Flat Earth Luddite says:

    Nothing to see here, move along citizens, move along…

    [T]he government provided its 404(b) notice in Trump’s January 6 case. 404(b) notices alert the defendant to evidence that may or may not be intrinsic to the case but in any case shows the defendant’s criminal propensity.

    ETA I don’t know much about this site or their sources, but the 404b is a ticking bomb on the table, IIRC.

  37. Jen says:

    @Flat Earth Luddite: Empty Wheel is a highly respected blog run by independent journalist Marcy Wheeler.

  38. DrDaveT says:

    @Stormy Dragon:

    In the case of Brussel sprouts, it’s also because a new cultivar came out

    This. Good riddance to those nasty, bitter, rancid little microcabbages.

    Grocery store foods that today are significantly different from the versions I grew up eating include:
    * Brussels sprouts
    * Tomatos
    * Apples
    * Pineapple
    * Bananas
    * Chicken
    * Sweet corn

    In some cases, like pineapple and sprouts, the change is wholly for the better. In most of the other cases, not so much. I particularly mourn the demise of real tomatoes. I can get heirloom varieties that are almost real, for part of the year, but short of growing your own there is no longer any source for the best varieties, and the regular supermarket product appears to be made of pink styrofoam.

  39. just nutha says:

    @CSK: I don’t know. Which one of you is saying that minorities are all “thugs and crooks?”

  40. Mister Bluster says:

    When I was 7 0r maybe 8 years old I had a near death experience with sauerkraut. For some reason my dad thought that it would be a good idea to take me to the annual Sauerkraut and Sausage Dinner in the basement of the old Missouri Synod Lutheran Church our family attended Sundays and where I was baptized. Even before he parked the car I could smell the faint aroma of the kraut. It only got stronger as we approached the church and my stomach was already starting to churn. Opened the door and the acrid fumes got stronger. My eyes began to water. As we descended into the church basement I was ready to turn and flee. When we entered the room where the tables were set I could see into the kitchen where several old German ladies were tending to huge pots on the stove. Steam rising out of the pots carrying the rank odor of boiling kraut. My dad sat down to at least two plates of the odious stew. Can’t remember if he offered me any but by then it was clear that I needed to get out of the place as soon as possible. I think I sat as close to the door as I could. Ready to bolt.
    I had to lay down in the back seat of the car on the way home. At one point I told him to pull over because I was ready to throw up. As quickly as he stopped I opened the door. I was hallucinating as I hung my head outside the car and heaved like Mt. Vesuvius. Some how it all went on the street and not on the floor of the car. And I never ate any of the kraut!
    It was many years before I would even try cabbage in any form. Cole slaw, forget it. I think I was well into my thirties when I finally tried out a boiled cabbage dinner with potatoes and beef at a local diner in Savanna, Il when I was working in that town. One of the few cafes that stands out after working on the road for 35 years. The dish was quite good as I remember it.
    But sauerkraut! Let me outa’ here!

  41. CSK says:

    @just nutha:

    Trump is. That’s why he suffers from the delusion that minorities love him: in his mind, they’re all thugs and crooks, just as he is.

  42. anjin-san says:

    @Stormy Dragon:

    Eating Brussel sprouts when you were a little kid in the 60s was a miserable experience, even when both your parents were excellent cooks, as mine were. I had supposed that the now outstanding Brussel sprout dishes that are easy to come by were simply a matter of an improved approach to cooking them. Interesting that there is more to it than that.

  43. Kathy says:

    I think I hear the sound of gloves coming off.

    I’ll just paste this right here (sorry, no link available):

    The Democratic National Committee chair Jaime Harrison has released the following statement on Kevin McCarthy’s resignation announcement in which he said the US will be “better off without Kevin in office”:

    “In his short time as speaker, Kevin McCarthy managed to plunge the People’s House into chaos in the name of serving one person and one person alone: Donald Trump. At every turn, Kevin sought to give his puppet master a lifeline, even after the horrific events of January 6, and spent his embarrassing speakership bending the knee to the most extreme factions of the MAGA base.

    This anticlimactic end to Kevin’s political career is in line with the rest of his time on Capitol Hill – plagued by cowardice, incompetence, and fecklessness. Our country will be better off without Kevin in office, but his failed tenure in the House should serve as a stark warning to the country about the future of the GOP – no matter how much he kowtowed to the extreme right, no matter how much he kissed the ring, none of it was MAGA enough for the de facto leader of the Republican Party, Donald Trump.”

    I expect some whining about civility, but this is pretty much how Republicans speak of Democrats on a regular basis.

  44. Gustopher says:

    @CSK: I suspect Cuck L’Orange (through his minions) is not trying to say “Hey, I’m a crook just like you” but rather “I’ve been unfairly targeted, just like you (claim to be).”

    #OrangeLivesMatter, etc.

    Anyway, MLK would be a Republican if he were alive today, Eric Garner was killed because of the Liberal Nanny State’s War On Commerce, etc. I can’t immediately find a George Floyd connection, but I’m sure there is one.

    I think your interpretation is too reductivist, and too simplistic. You’re trying to wrap your head around things while failing to realize how bendable and flexible the truth is — you don’t fit an idea over the truth, you need to squish the truth until it fits inside the idea.

  45. Slugger says:

    @Mister Bluster: I love sauerkraut. My family comes from Poland, and we ate kapusta a lot. I married a woman of east Prussian descent, and sauerkraut is definitely on our menu. A few years ago, I read Shalimar The Clown by Salman Rushdie. This book introduced me to choucrote au riesling which is a version of choucrote garni and fabulous. It’s cold and drizzly where I live right now. A big bowl of kaspusniak will hit the spot.

  46. dazedandconfused says:

    @Mister Bluster:

    You are lucky you never had to sail with Capt. Cook…

    Captain Cook brought a very large amount of sauerkraut on a vague notion it might prevent scurvy. This was based on a legion of a Portuguese voyage nearly a century earlier that had gone to sea for four months with a cargo of the stuff, forcing the crew to eat a lot of it, and not having one case occur. Cook resorted to flogging the men who refused to eat it, but it worked. For the first time in history, the first well documented case of very long ocean voyage with no scurvy. There is just a trace of vitamin C in the stuff but a trace is all it takes.

    A rule of thumb: For every degree latitude gained the cuisine becomes a little bit worse. Culminating tragically in the lands of raw whale blubber, which is within spitting distance of Sauerkrautville…

  47. Kathy says:

    @Mister Bluster:

    First thin I cooked on my own was cabbage soup. I cut up about half a cabbage, and sauteed if for a while with onions, garlic, bell pepper, and mushrooms. Then I added chicken broth, seasonings, stirred, and let it boil and then simmer.

    Since then I’ve cooked lots of cabbage, usually sauteed. Most weeks I make a big pot of sauteed cabbage with carrots, onions, garlic, ginger, soybean sprouts, and a little soy sauce. I have it for dinner most days.

    One time I tried wilting large cabbage leaves in order to stuff them with something (I forget what). I did this by steaming them over a pot of hot water. It worked, but the recipe was so unmemorable I’ve never done it again.

    I don’t think I’ve ever tried sauerkraut.

  48. Mister Bluster says:

    @Slugger:..I love sauerkraut.

    You can have all of mine!

  49. anjin-san says:

    @Mister Bluster:

    Interesting that you had such a visceral reaction to sauerkraut (something I never developed a taste for). In 1968, my 4th grade class visited the wonderful Marin French Cheese Co. Descending into the basement, where the cheese was actually made, the smell of strong cheese was overwhelming, and kids were fleeing back up the stairs and generally expressing disgust.

    It was ambrosia to me. I hit the sample table and picked up a taste for their Schloss & Breakfast cheeses that is with me to this day.

  50. steve says:

    I am with Scott. Growing up all vegetables were boiled until they were dead, and then for another 15 minutes to be really sure. Once I was exposed to better cooked versions I learned to like stuff like carrots, green beans, peas, celery, asparagus. However, there is still a lot fo stuff I dont touch even if better than in the past. Brussels sprouts are now tolerable instead of revolting but why do I want to bother with stuff that’s just tolerable. I dont make a big deal out fo it, I just dont eat them and the other stuff I dont like. My daughter is the most adventurous eater i know. She tries and seems to like almost everything, except cheese. Go figure.

    Love cole slaw, pickled red cabbage, cabbage in stuff like fried rice that is likely cooked but still crunchy. Hate sauerkraut and other cooked cabbage. Avocadoes are fine in guacamole. Dont care for them that much in chunks. Use mayo mostly for cooking but it’s a necessity on a BLT. If you like barbecue heartily recommend Alabama White sauce which is mayo based. I dont think many people could tell mayo is in it.


  51. Gustopher says:

    For most of my life I have had an unwavering hatred of the taste of raspberries. Vile little things that pollute the flavor of anything they are near. Black Raspberries are bad, Red Raspberries are terrible, and Golden Raspberries are somehow the distillation of every bad everywhere.

    (Blackberries are delicious, and a bowl of blackberries and black raspberries together is just mean)

    Sometime over the past few years, I have suddenly grown to love raspberries. At the same time, I now hate green beans because they smell like fish gone wrong.

    I assume that I have had otherwise asymptomatic Covid as we know Covid can mess with the sense of smell and taste. Or we have switched cultivars on raspberries and I am having flashbacks to a horrible meal my father’s wife made once.

    The horrible meal: lay a bunch of potato chunks and green beans in a casserole dish. Place two slabs of tuna and two slabs of salmon on top. Season generously with Red Lobster brand seasoning. Bake the ever loving shit out of it. Cover with cheese, and put it under the broiler until the cheese melts.

    The cheese will take a while to melt because … IT’S VEGAN CHEESE.

    Check to see that it is done by cutting the fish and looking at the middle. It should be gray. If it looks dry, that can be fixed with a couple of pats of butter-like-thing made from avocado.

    Anyway, the whole house smelled awful, and there was nothing safe to eat anywhere. The bread absorbed the smell. Fruit absorbed the smell. If you go out and get a cheeseburger, you have flashbacks while you are eating and involuntarily start to wretch.

    My father’s wife is a lovely woman who should not be allowed near a kitchen. My father has literally no sense of smell or taste, though, so it all works out.

  52. Franklin says:

    @CSK: short for charisma, apparently?

  53. Scott says:

    @Mister Bluster: You should plan a trip next October to the Ohio Sauerkraut Festival in Waynesville, Ohio. Amazing what can be made out of sauerkraut. Including ice cream. Follow that up with a short jog over to the Ohio Renaissance Festival. Haven’t been there in 30 years but memories are good. Of course, that could be because I was still in the dating stage with the wife.

    Same wife has been big on fermented foods lately because we have to take care of the microflora in the gut, you know. Yesterday, just put up a batch of kimchi. Will let you know next week how that went.

  54. Joe says:

    @CSK and Franklin: I do not live on the cutting edge of culture, but “rizz” is the first word of the year I have ever heard announced without ever encountering it in the wild at all.

  55. Mister Bluster says:

    @dazedandconfused:..You are lucky you never had to sail with Capt. Cook

    In addition to my dad’s side of the family being of German heritage he was in the US Navy during WWII. Could be where he got the taste for kraut. When our family lived with Grandma and Grampa for a while, Grandma boiled everything for dinner. Including the pork roast.
    When the table was set the white milk (UGH!) was poured into the glasses and sat there till dinner was ready 30 minutes later and was at room temperature. (double UGH!)

  56. Mister Bluster says:

    @Joe:..but “rizz” is the first word of the year I have ever heard announced without ever encountering it in the wild at all.

    Time to watch Midnight Cowboy with Dustin Hoffman as Ratso Rizzo.
    (you can be Joe Buck)

  57. Gustopher says:

    @Joe: I believe the youngsters would say “you, dear sir, have a certain out-of-touch-older-gentleman rizz, and I applaud your recognition of your lack of clue.”

    Just in case you needed it in a sentence to help your understanding.

  58. CSK says:


    Could well be.


    Same here.

  59. Kathy says:


    When I started my current job, lo these many years ago, I visited the company’s meat processing plant often. the first few times, the stench of tons of raw meat, blood, and who know what all else, was overpowering to the point I got mild nausea. I couldn’t believe people in the offices drank coffee and ate snacks while working in that miasma.

    After several visits, I kind of got used to it (I also visited places that were worse, like chicken processing plants). I now visit it only once or twice a year. I swear I barely notice the smell.

  60. gVOR10 says:

    @Neil Hudelson: @Kathy: I don’t eat avocados. A couple decades ago I did a business trip to Mexico City. Got a huge case of touristo. Walking back over what I’d eaten, seemed like it had to have been guacamole. As a Gringo I should have known better than to eat something uncooked. I just barely managed a very uncomfortable flight home. Good thing there were two restrooms on the plane. Next day my wife said, “You’re dehydrated. We need to see the doctor and get you into the hospital so you can get an IV.” the doctor said, “I’m sorry, but you’re dehydrated. I’m afraid we need to get you into the hospital so they can put you on an IV.” “Well, if you think that’s best.” At the time I was jogging pretty seriously and coming back from the doctor’s lobby restroom I had to lean against a wall for two minutes to catch my breath. My insurance said double or quad room. Coming from a foreign country with an unknown infection, I got a whole unoccupied floor of a wing to myself. It was finally diagnosed as something a bit rare, but the diagnosis was based on their failure to culture it and this bug was hard to culture. So maybe. By the time they diagnosed it I was doing laps of the hallway pushing my IV stand, and quickly recovered. But I have never felt so sick and so drained, literally and figuratively, in my life. No avocado for me.

  61. CSK says:


    You’re probably right.

    P.S. “Cuck a l’orange” is perfection. I doff my hat to you.

  62. anjin-san says:


    I wonder how much of this is baked into us from the beginning. I’ve been a vegetarian for 35 years. When I told my family I was no longer eating meat, fish, etc. mother told me that even as a very small child I would get upset if I was along with her for grocery shopping when we approached the butcher counter – because I said “there are dead animals there.”

  63. just nutha says:

    @Scott: I’d wait more than a week for the kimchee to cure.

  64. just nutha says:

    It’s official! Qevin is quitting!
    And now for a mixed meme: Buh-bye Felicia!

  65. Slugger says:

    As I stated above, I like all kinds of food. You know what I don’t like? Mass shootings. Austin, Texas, and UNLV today. I’m disgusted.

  66. CSK says:


    It never before occurred to me that it could be dangerous for students, faculty, and staff to walk around a college campus in broad daylight.

  67. Mister Bluster says:


    See Charles Whitman. University of Texas Tower shooting. August 1, 1966.

  68. Flat Earth Luddite says:


    Hey don’t you be talking about my Lutefisk like that. I resemble that remark!

  69. Modulo Myself says:

    For me raised in the midwest, a certain type of fishy has always been a hurdle. I now love things like lox and smoked whitefish. If you ever get a chance to go to Russ & Daughters in New York their smoked whitefish is to die for. However, their pickled herring has always been a bridge too far for me. It smells great but it’s too much.

    Also, I’ve had my orders refused at a few Asian restaurants. When I ate meat, I ordered a bitter orange beef dish at a Malaysian restaurant and they said no, you’re white and American and you can’t handle that. I was like I love bitter, orange, and beef, so I think I can. The waitress refused and said I would not be able to handle it. Eventually, I told her to bring me something she thought I would like. However—a couple years later I was at a Cambodian restaurant and had a soup that was slightly bitter. The next day, I woke up and it was like I had eaten a bar of soap and I felt terrible. So maybe that was the bitter they were describing.

  70. Gustopher says:

    I made the mistake of checking Twitter, and apparently there is another Republican Debate.

    Here is Vivek Ramiswami explaining that Jan 6th was an inside job, the Saudis were behind 9/11, and the Great Replacement Theory is real.

    And, of course, the 2020 election was stolen.

    What a fucking idiot.

  71. Grumpy realist says:

    @Slugger: Choucroute garni with Riesling is the receipt I managed to find on an Alsacian website.

  72. CSK says:

    @Flat Earth Luddite:

    What happened with Whitman was, at the time, a shocking anomaly. Now it’s a weekly occurrence.

  73. Kathy says:


    Classic case study of “leopards won’t eat my face.”

    I mean, he may find himself greatly replaced by some angry bigot.

  74. Flat Earth Luddite says:


    I think our connections crossed. I was commenting about lutefisk sauerkraut and all things scandahoovian, with a side trip to Capt. Cook before he met the gentle people of the Pacific Islands

    I continue to be appalled at the gun idolators and the amateurs who insist on shooting others before they kill themselves.
