82nd Airborne Gay Porn

Apparently, some members of the “All-American” 82nd Airborne Division have part time jobs as porn stars. Gay porn stars, to be specific:

Army officials are investigating allegations that members of the celebrated 82nd Airborne Division appear on a gay pornography Web site, a spokeswoman said Friday. Authorities at Fort Bragg have begun an inquiry into whether the paratroopers’ actions violated the military conduct code.

Division spokeswoman Maj. Amy Hannah declined to say how many paratroopers are involved or identify their unit within the division. A defense official speaking on condition of anonymity said up to seven soldiers are involved. Hannah said soldiers questioned will be allowed to seek legal assistance, but she declined to say if any one had been charged. “Once the investigation is complete, the chain of command will take appropriate action,” Hannah said.


Maj. Todd Vician, a Defense Department spokesman in Washington, said the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy states that “homosexual orientation alone is not a bar to service, but homosexual conduct is incompatible with military service.” “We define homosexual conduct as homosexual acts or verbal or nonverbal communication that a member is homosexual,” Vician said.

The 82nd Airborne is one of the most celebrated units in the military. Its 15,000 troops are trained to deploy anywhere in the world within 18 hours.

I shall mightily resist the urge to make puns on that last sentence.

As to whether the soldiers in question would be in violation of the UCMJ…duh. Regardless of whether “don’t ask, don’t tell” is good public policy, it is the law of the land. Certainly, appearing in gay porn would go beyond mere “homosexual orientation.” I haven’t seen–and have no intention of ever seeing–the site in question but, surely, to qualify as “porn” there would have to be “nonverbal communication that a member is homosexual.”

Or, in answer to the old question, “Does it make me gay if. . . ?” Yes. Yes it does.

Update: So does having gay sex with Clay Aiken. Really. Ask Michael Demmons.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. cirby says:

    Of course, this also brings to mind the old joke which I can’t repeat here in full, but ends with:

    “Did you jump?”

    “Well, a little, at first.”

  2. G A PHILLIPS says:

    “Don’t ask, don’t tell” did you say? what ever happened to “Just say no!”.

  3. joy says:

    I’m kinda curious if these guys will get kicked out of the military or not. A few years ago down at Bragg, there was the case of the military females (I think there were at least two) who posed in uniform (well, more out of uniform) on different post locations for Hustler.

    I’ve tried googling for any info as to what happened to the women, but I can’t find anything as of yet.

  4. LJD says:

    Time to revise the policy:

    Don’t ask. Don’t tell. Don’t make videos…

  5. If you are a guy, does appearing in a movie where you kiss another guy and simulate sex for the camera make you gay?

    Well, no, no it doesn’t. I don’t think Jake and Heath are gay.

    Well, maybe Jake, but I digress.

    Seriously, I don’t think there needs to be any implication at all that a person is gay. The implication might simply be that army pay really sucks! 🙂