Angelina Jolie Pregnant with Brad Pitt’s Baby

People magazine is reporting that Angelina Jolie is pregnant with Brad Pitt’s baby.

Photo: People Magazine Angelina Jolie Pregnant Angelina Jolie, 30, is expecting a baby this summer with Brad Pitt, 42, PEOPLE reports in its latest issue.

“Yes, I’m pregnant,” Jolie said Monday, shortly after arriving in the Dominican Republic. She is there filming The Good Shepard with Matt Damon and is working with the charity Yele Haiti.

Jolie and Pitt are already the parents of Maddox, 4, and Zahara, 1.

Although, it should be emphasized, those aren’t their children.

The Telegraph adds,

According to People magazine, Jolie told a charity aid worker: “Yes, I’m pregnant.” Jolie is said to have made the comment in Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic, where she is filming The Good Shepherd with Matt Damon.


The pregnancy has been confirmed by representatives of both stars, People magazine added, and the baby is said to be due in the summer.

Photo: Angelina Jolie and son Maddox was adopted from Cambodia It would be Jolie’s first biological child. She already has two adopted children, son Maddox, four, from Cambodia, and one-year-old daughter Zahara, from Ethiopia. Pitt, 42, who has no children from his four-year marriage to Jennifer Aniston, has talked of wanting a family for years. Last month it was announced that he was seeking to become the adoptive father of Jolie’s children.

Pitt and Aniston announced their separation a year ago, and Aniston filed for divorce in March, citing irreconcilable differences. Pitt has denied that Jolie was the reason for the split.

This impending baby is likely purely coincidental, then.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Rusty says:

    Does this make Brad Angelina’s baby-daddy?

  2. Anderson says:

    I realize it’s fashionable to dog Brangelina, but I am glad that she’s doing something useful with her celebrity & cash.

    Whether she lasts any longer with Pitt than did Gwyneth Paltrow or Jennifer Aniston is dubious. Tho who knows, maybe he’s at that settle-down stage of life.

  3. a marcondes says:

    This whole Pitt and Jolie situation is sicketning. It makes me wanna puke. I wonder how long it will last. I feel bad for those children who will be caught in the middle of it. This will blow up in their faces soon enough!!! Jenn will have the last laugh!!

  4. Jen says:

    I’m glad that both Angelina and Brad are happy and that they are having another for Jennifer Aniston playing the victim..please! she is no was her fault her man ran away..besides she was going out with Brat’s a co-star in Mr.& Mrs. Smith no long after their what is her “suffering” all about?
    Who is to blame? Nobody’s business!!!!!!

  5. Anna says:

    I am so happy for Brad Pitt, he has always wanted a family. If he already had family with Jennifer he would probably still be with her. So I don’t feel sorry for Jen at all, she got what she deserved. Brad is kind and sincere and if Angelina makes him happy that is what he needs. He would be a great dad, I have no doubt about that at all. Good one Brad, have lots of children I think you would be on top of the world if you did. And by the way you still look so, so good. You are really special, enjoy your fatherhood and who cares about what the rest of the world thinks mate… you have done the right thing!

  6. S. Wright says:

    I concur with a marcondes. Jen will have the last laugh. We don’t know whose to blame but pooor Brad he’s suffering sooo much (PLEASE THAT’S A CROCK OF B—S—). Marriage is supposed to be through thick and thin not when the first skirt come along do you run off with someone else. These celebrities don’t know who they want. This won’t last, I give it maybe a year’s time and Brad will be crawling back to Jen begging for forgiveness. I promise ya!

  7. poppie says:

    Jen!!! well she had her chance to make Brad happy… she failed… too afraid of “damaging her perfect body”
    now that Brad is going to be a dad she is making comments about having children next year… with who??
    artificial insemination. maybe she saved some of Brad’s sperm!!

  8. ro says:

    Face facts. Brad got tired of plain Jane,white bread Jen. He needed someone to make him a father, one of the best roles he’ll ever play on earth. Angelina is a established woman of her own rite whether or not Brad was or wasn’t in the picture. So, if these to people stay together fine. If not, that’s up to them and fine, too. At least they will have shared the gift of life and living it with their children and the world, instead of just sharing a bed, heck, anyone could do that.

  9. angelina says:

    brad cheated with angelina and than told jen about it on their vacation jen got upset and thats what made it sour. but angelina in the mean time kept sleeping with brad rather than allowing these 2 to work it out. Even better she gets pregnant knowing thats what he always wanted.
    What better way to keep the guy and make sure nothing works out between brad and jen.
    If she wanted to have kids she would of had it with billy bob the guy she was crazy about before brad but no she went and adopted kids from other countries, thats why billy bob left.
    and now she does not want brad to leave so she gets pregnant right away.
    Good one angelina!

  10. ro says:

    Oh, grow up. Anyway man that can be “trapped” by a woman once she gets pregant, isn’t a man-he’s a wuss,especially in this day and age. Next there is going to talk of a shot-gun wedding. Can anyone really see Jon Voight holding a gun to Brad’s head,regardless of his relationship with his daughter, that’s still his daughter. Brad is there, because he wants to be. There are women all over the world I am sure that would love to bed him, rich or poor,but he chooses Angelina. So what if she adopts kids from other countries and gives them a chance of a life they may have not otherwise known? They are her kids, in every way that counts. You all cry over ‘Jen’s situation'(key phrase) so much, she probably doesn’t have time to cry for herself. Even though she is a plain-Jane,she’s probably alot stronger than people give her credit for.