Barry Bonds to Play for U.S. National Team

Barry Bonds, who missed most of last season with a degenerative knee condition, has agreed to play for Team USA in the World Baseball Classic in March.

Bonds to play for U.S. in Baseball Classic (ESPN)

Barry Bonds plans to play for the U.S. team in the World Baseball Classic in March. he San Francisco Giants slugger has told the players’ association he’ll play, the The Oakland Tribune reported Wednesday.


Bonds, a seven-time NL MVP, batted .286 (12-for-42) with five home runs and 10 RBI, drawing nine walks and striking out six times in 2005. He has 708 career homers, third on the all-time list behind Babe Ruth (714) and Hank Aaron (755), Bonds’ baseball hero. Bonds homered in four straight games Sept. 16-21.

Bonds said this fall that he would like to get his playing weight down to around 200, which would mean losing approximately 40 pounds this winter. He was at 185 as a rookie in 1986, but hasn’t been close to that in years.

His knee would certainly benefit from the reduced weight. One can only speculate {cough} about why he has put on so much weight in recent years.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. ICallMasICM says:

    ‘Bonds said this fall that he would like to get his playing weight down to around 200, which would mean losing approximately 40 pounds this winter. He was at 185 as a rookie in 1986, but hasn’t been close to that in years.’

    I wonder how he plans on losing the 40lb?

  2. jem says:

    Wonder whether he’ll have been off the steroids long enough by then to pass an Olympic-style drug test…if not, won’t that mean forfeiture of any awards the team might otherwise win?

  3. Marcia L. Neil says:

    His name is in the dictionary — many people, believe it or not, gain weight to forestall abduction. His status as a homerun hitter is a focus for influence network participants who work tirelessly to schedule him into slots both domestic and foreign, with intent to claim credit for any successful placements. “When” Mr. Bonds hopes to join the USA team may be a question not asked among such interests, who are notoriously blase about other people’s health.

  4. ICallMasICM says:


  5. McGehee says:

    I think Marcia’s comment fails the Turing test.