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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. The Democratic Party introduces its three candidates to lead the Trilateral Commission in 2004.

  2. MommaBear says:

    We’re all gazing off into the wilderness, looking for a clue!

  3. Dumb, dumber, and dumberer.

  4. Eric says:

    Some say the trio was never the same after Curly Joe departed. I say, it can always get worse.

  5. Harley W Daugherty says:

    the 2004 lossers gather today in IOWA

  6. bryan says:

    Gosh golly, mom. Look! I’m on Teevee!

  7. jen says:

    Sharpton’s Thought Bubble: I wonder if the redhead would go out with me?

  8. Tom Royce says:

    If that son of a bitch grabs my hand again I will make him feel like Tawana.

  9. Brett says:

    K: “Some very smart people would vote for any of us over Bush, even a vegetarian dude no one has ever heard of, like me. That makes us feel good about ourselves!”
    G: “What Den here says is even true of you, Al.”
    S: “And don’t I know it.”

    [Just throwin’ some partisan rotten tomatoes across the fence, Jim!]

  10. Nan says:

    For four free tickets to “Bowling For Columbine”… name the mannequin!!!

  11. Moe says:

    After ten minutes, Sharpton finally figures out what Kucinich meant when he referred to his “new piece”

  12. When they realized they would always be lining up to board the ‘Short Yellow Bus to Political Fame’, the dour trio glumly considered what might have been…

  13. Rachel Edith says:

    Katie chose to eliminate all of the contestants at once and ask for new ones in the bachelorette contest. Walking away, she was heard to ask, “Who’d pick them?”

  14. Nick says:

    Sharpton: “I KNOW you didn’t just say my momma was a Republican”.

  15. hotlinking says:


  16. what about bob?

  17. Katewerk says:

    The audience settles in anticipation, as the candidates await the opening bars of Riverdance.
