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Yahoo! News – AFP Top Photos

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Bob Hawkins says:

    “Pigeons. Always the pigeons.”

  2. Judith Steinberg prepares for her latest campaign appearances with her husband in several key primary states.

  3. Senator Clinton steps up her campaign to convince New Yorkers that, yes, she really is one of them.

  4. Dodd says:

    John Kerry discovers the dangers of using too much botox.

  5. jeff says:

    Lady Liberty ponders “Does he still respect me this morning?” after being repeatedly sodomized by George W Bush.

  6. McGehee says:

    128 years old and still as beautiful as ever.

  7. Rodney Dill says:

    First Monica Lewinsky, and now Lady Libery, will we never be through with Hillbilly Boy’s decadent sexual preferences.

  8. zygote says:

    John Ashcroft: That’s right. Put that make up on and if anyone asks you, you ran into a door — twice!

  9. Rodney Dill says:

    “I am NOT Spock!”

  10. yossarian says:

    “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled ma…good lord, is that a zit?”

  11. yossarian says:

    After Congress’s latest vote spurred by misguided patriotism, Lady Liberty is given a few minutes to “pack her things and freshen up” before being shipped back to France.

  12. yossarian says:

    NYC costumes its prostitutes as part of the bold new “I REALLY love NY” campaign.

  13. yossarian says:

    Kandy the stripper dons the bizarre fetish costume and makes her way to the gig at Libertarian Party headquarters.

  14. Rodney Dill says:

    The enlisted men always loved it when Miss Liberty performed the Patriot Act on them.

  15. yossarian says:

    Yes, she was nervous about re-entering the dating scene. Her last date was a disastrous diner-and-movie outing with the Colossus of Rhodes – Greek men can be so grabby! And then there was that awful blind date with the Statue of the Glorious Leader of Iraq Descendant of the Prophet Defender of the Revolution May Allah Protect Him Saddam Hussein. “Why are good giant bronze men so hard to find,” she groaned.

  16. yossarian says:

    Though she tried her best to stay pretty, the passage of time, the rains and winds of NY harbor, and, more than anything, 100 years of gravity’s pull on her 8-ton breasts had deteriorated her once-good looks considerably.

  17. yossarian says:

    A participant of the newest “X-treme Danger Sport” dons the costume and prepares for an action-packed run through the streets of Tehran.

  18. yossarian says:

    Naked from the waist down, legs dripping with blood and clutching a 10-inch dildo with the words “CAPITALISM” and “SLAVERY” painted on the sides, Desdemona’s latest performance art project was SURE to get NEA funding this time.

  19. Rodney Dill says:

    Not only did Lady Liberty feel violated for having been asked to remove all metal objects and any apparel containing metal at the airport security checkpoint, but now she felt a strange craving for a smoke.

  20. Jen says:

    I would flip Osama off an tell him to kiss my American Ass but i am sure that it would be censored like Jacksons Tit! So here it is America Im off my pedistal an ready to fight an stand for freedom! i have Stood in that harbor way too long an now its time to really stand for FREEDOM! Does my make up look good ?

  21. jeff says:

    “I wish George had been more careful with his ‘honorable discharge.’ It smudged my makeup and it will probably stain my robes.”

  22. lj says:

    I don’t look that French do I? Maybe no one will remember where I came from….

  23. Dan Miller says:

    “Whoa! Too much Coppertone.”

  24. Rachel Edith says:

    And, in an interesting speech today …
    “Give me your tired, your poor,
    your huddled masses yearning to
    vote for my husband, Howard Dean.”

  25. Hodink says:

    Tipper Gore
    (missing the limelight)
    makes a rare appearance.
    (for anybody who calls)