David Axelrod Buys $1.7 Million Condo

In an epic Internet scandal, Obama strategist David Axelrod has bought an expensive condo.

In an epic Internet scandal, Obama strategist David Axelrod has bought an expensive condo.

Chicago Tribune (“Axelrod buys $1.7 million Michigan Ave condo“):

Longtime political strategist David Axelrod, who helped advise President Obama’s presidential run in 2008 and is serving as communications director for Obama’s re-election campaign, has paid $1.7 million for a four-bedroom, 3,320-square-foot condo unit in a high-rise condo along Michigan Avenue.

Axelrod, 57, also worked as a senior advisor in the Obama White House from 2009 until 2011, when he departed to begin work on the president’s re-election campaign. Despite his time in Washington, Axelrod always has kept a home base in Chicago.

Now, Axelrod appears to have decided to trade up. The new seven-room unit he purchased first had been listed as part of an estate sale last May for $2.25 million, and was reduced to $1.9 million in November. Features in the 42nd-floor unit include views to the south and east, including of the lake. The unit also has 4-1/2 baths, a marble foyer, his and hers baths in the master suite and one garage space.

It’s almost as if he’s a rich guy who lives in an expensive major metropolitan area.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. I can’t wait for those conservatives who routinely cry “class warfare” anytime the left bitches about something similar to come in and decry someone on the left buying an expensive house.

  2. al-Ameda says:

    $1.7M got him 3,300SF, 4 BR, 4 BR AND Parking?

    In San Francisco $1.7M gets you 4/4 in a “transitional” neighborhood, and 2/2 in a good neighborhood.

  3. James Joyner says:

    @al-Ameda: Chicago is relatively affordable compared to our other big time cities. New York, Boston, San Francisco, Washington, and others are much more pricey.

  4. JKB says:


    I guess the “go green”, carbon-footprint theme is over and done then?

    And yes, he’s rich and can spend his money. But if you are going to run the campaign of a guy who attacks the wealthy, harangues the middle class for living in large houses, and wants to make energy so expensive most people can’t afford to live, then maybe you might want to live what you feed him to preach.

    It’s almost like Axelrod is another Al Gore who doesn’t want to live in the conditions he hopes to impose by threat of violence prosecution on the rest of the country

  5. Tano says:


    Wow, what kind of a manic rant is that?
    “Attack the wealthy”??? -howzat? By asking them to pay a few points higher income tax, as they did back when we had the greatest decade of wealth creation in our history?

    And what did Obama ever say that could reasonably be seen as “harranging” the middle class over the size of their houses?

    And are you really claiming that Obama is trying to kill people off by making energy so expensive that they cannot afford to live? Is this some Kenyan anticolonialist conspiracy or something?

    And, pray tell, how many of the “regular people” has Obama thrown in jail for buying housing of the type that Axelrod is moving into?

    Why do you waste our time with trash like this?

  6. grumpy realist says:

    Actually, that’s a good price for a condo in Chicago, considering the number of bedrooms and the location. I saw a two bedroom condo listed that was about the same price but with absolutely magnificent views of Lake Michigan.

    (I get weirded out when the monthly condo fees for a place are higher than my mortgage.)

  7. al-Ameda says:


    it’s almost like Axelrod is another Al Gore who doesn’t want to live in the conditions he hopes to impose by threat of violence prosecution on the rest of the country

    Look at the bright side for a change – there is plenty of room in his parking lot for him to strap his dog to the roof of his Prius and drive to the Cayman Islands – that would be compliant with current Republican Green Policies, right?

  8. Tsar Nicholas says:


    In San Francisco $1.7M gets you 4/4 in a “transitional” neighborhood, and 2/2 in a good neighborhood.

    Yep. Rent control + “sustainable growth” planning + gentrification + extreme concentrations of wealth. Meanwhile over in the Tenderloin they’re cutting each other’s hearts out over drug money and drug turf, and over in Bayview/Hunter’s Point they’re living in squalor below the poverty line.

    Policies matter, Chief. Do you really want to export that style of “utopia” to the rest of the country? Shouldn’t the rest of the country be allowed to say: “nah, no thanks?”

    In any event, concerning Axelrod, obviously this is a non-story and a non-issue. Unless of course OWS were to decide to protest outside of his new digs, in which case it would be worth covering merely on the basis of the multiple layers of irony.

  9. Hey Norm says:

    JKB rivals Tony Perkins for nonsensical statement of the day.

  10. PogueMahone says:

    Uh… I’m confused. Am I missing something? What does this have to do with anything?

  11. WR says:

    @Tsar Nicholas: “Yep. Rent control + “sustainable growth” planning + gentrification + extreme concentrations of wealth. Meanwhile over in the Tenderloin they’re cutting each other’s hearts out over drug money and drug turf, and over in Bayview/Hunter’s Point they’re living in squalor below the poverty line.

    Policies matter, Chief. Do you really want to export that style of “utopia” to the rest of the country? Shouldn’t the rest of the country be allowed to say: “nah, no thanks?””

    Wow, the Tsar has really ripped the lid off the leftists now. He’s discovered that rich people live in gentrified areas while in the very same city poor people live in worse neighborhoods! And now those leftists are threatening to turn your own cities into that same kind of hellhole!!!!!!!

  12. Tillman says:

    Presumably an attractive realtor sold him the condo.

  13. al-Ameda says:

    @Tsar Nicholas:

    Rent control + “sustainable growth” planning + gentrification + extreme concentrations of wealth. Meanwhile over in the Tenderloin they’re cutting each other’s hearts out over drug money and drug turf, and over in Bayview/Hunter’s Point they’re living in squalor below the poverty line.

    Are you saying that Rent Control caused crime in the Tenderloin and in Bayview/Hunters Point?

    Gentrification has had the “benefit” of increasing housing values in many previously dangerous drug-ridden neighborhoods – like the Central District, much of the Mission, parts of the Western Addition, in the Lower Haight and so forth.