MAGA is Getting More MAGA

Trump’s second term would be much worse than his first.

Should He Stay or Should He Go?

A clash of possibilities.

Biden Press Conference Doesn’t Stop Bleeding

A relatively strong performance doesn’t change the narrative.

Repeat After Me: US Parties are Weak

Weak and presidentialized.

President Joe Biden in the Oval Office, October 19, 2023 President Joe Biden in the Oval Office, October 19, 2023

Old Man Biden

The problem that won’t go away.

Obama the Elder Statesman

The 58-year-old may have a post-presidency unmatched in history.

Is Pete Buttigieg’s Sexual Orientation Hurting His Campaign?

With Pete Buttigieg rising in the polls, but underperforming among African-Americans, some are wondering if his sexual orientation is holding him back.

#metoo artistic graffiti girl shocked #metoo artistic graffiti girl shocked

Mark Halperin Attempts A Comeback After #MeToo Allegations

Mark Halperin, the former MSNBC political analyst who was accused of misconduct during the height of the #MeToo Movement, is trying to make a comeback with a new book.

What Exactly Does Beto O’Rourke Believe In?

So far, Beto O’Rourke’s campaign has been far more about image than substance.

For Now, Obama Is Staying On The 2020 Sidelines

For now,former President Obama is staying on the sidelines in the race for the Democratic nomination.

Who’s Afraid of Donald Trump?

In his business career Donald Trump relied largely on fear and intimidation to get his way on business deals. As President, he’s finding that nobody is afraid of him.

Amy Klobuchar 2020?

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar is reportedly considering a bid for the Democratic Presidential Nomination in 2020.

Justice Sotomayor On The Supreme Court, Her Career, And The Court’s Newest Justice

Justice Sonia Sotomayor sat down to talk about the Supreme Court, her career, and the newest member of the nation’s highest court.

Republicans Raise Specter Of Impeachment In Effort To Motivate Their Base

Republicans are raising the fear of impeachment to motivate a base that could become disaffected heading into November.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump’s Pathetic Lies Reach A New Low

Now Donald Trump is using the death of American soldiers to tell lies about his predecessor.

Obama: I Could Have Beaten Trump And Won A Third Term

President Obama thinks he would have beaten Donald Trump. And he’s probably right.

Clinton Health Scare Raises Questions

Clinton stumbles and leaves an event early, leading to the news that her campaign has been withholding health information from the press.

Huntsman, Trump, and the Limitations of a Two Party System

All of which leads to a discussion of electoral rules.

With Bad News Looming In New Hampshire, Clinton Looks To Reorganize Campaign

With Bernie Sanders likely to win New Hampshire tonight, Hillary Clinton is reportedly looking to reorganize her campaign.

Trump, Clinton Hold Leads In Final Des Moines Register Iowa Poll

The final Des Moines Register poll before Caucus Night shows Donald Trump leading the GOP field, and Hillary Clinton with a narrow lead over Bernie Sanders, but much of the final outcome will depend on who shows up for the respective party caucuses.

Bill Clinton Set To Play Bigger Role In His Wife’s Campaign In The New Year

Former President Clinton is set to hit the campaign trail for his wife in the New Year, and that could make things quite entertaining.

Hillary Clinton Apparently Having A Hard Time Deciding Why She’s Running For President

A woman who has been running for President for at least eight years is apparently having trouble explaining why she wants to be President.

Bernie Sanders Is “Surging” In New Hampshire, But Don’t Read Too Much Into It

Two new polls show Bernie Sanders rising in the polls in New Hampshire, but they likely don’t mean anything in the long term.

What Can Republicans Learn From The Tory Victory In Great Britain?

Republicans could learn a few things from the Tory victory in the recent British elections, but they are in danger of drawing the wrong conclusions.

Jim Messina Beats David Axelrod In British Election Battle

The just-concluded British General Election was also a clash between two former top advisers to President Obama.

Obama and Ebola: Perception and Reality

The president is frustrated.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Hair of the Dog Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Both Campaigns Playing The Debate Expectations Game

Both campaigns are trying to set the stage for Wednesday’s debate.

Turmoil On Team Romney

The Romney campaign infighting is becoming public.

Political Conventions Prove Their Own Uselessness

The recent;y concluded party conventions are further evidence that the events have largely outlived their usefulness.

Politico: Obama Levels More Personal Attacks Than Romney

A POLITICO analysis finds that “Obama and his top campaign aides have engaged far more frequently in character attacks and personal insults than the Romney campaign.”

Americans Do Not Believe They Are Better Off Than They Were Four Years Ago

Some unpleasant news for the Democrats in a new poll.

Obama Campaign Dodges Reagan’s Question

The Obama campaign clearly does not want Americans to consider whether they are better off now than they were four years ago.

The Question Mitt Romney Didn’t Answer Last Night

Mitt Romney left one crucial piece out of his speech last night.

Clint Eastwood Channels James Stockdale

After three days of buildup to a “mystery speaker,” the closing night of the Republican convention featured a rambling performance by Clint Eastwood and an empty chair.

Obama Campaign ‘Roiled By Conflict’ Says POLITICO in Promo for POLITICO eBook

POLITICO has a new eBook on the Obama campaign and wants you to buy it.

Team Obama Begins To Unveil Its Plan Of Attack On Romney/Ryan

The Obama campaign has begun to respond to the addition of Paul Ryan to the Republican ticket.

The Unsurprising Death Of Americans Elect

Americans Elect is dead. This should surprise nobody.

White House Same-Sex Marriage Games

The White House is playing a game that few people are buying.

Joe Biden Appears To Back Gay Marriage, White House Walks it Back

Did Joe Biden misspeak, or drop a hint that he shouldn’t have?

This Campaign Has Gone To The Dogs

Last week, an absurd campaign became even more absurd.

David Axelrod Buys $1.7 Million Condo

In an epic Internet scandal, Obama strategist David Axelrod has bought an expensive condo.

Clint Eastwood Chrysler Super Bowl Ad Becomes Political Football

Was Clint Eastwood’s Chrysler ad a political message, or just a well done commercial?

Herman Cain’s Low Class Attack On Sharon Bialek

Herman Cain’s initial response to the allegations made yesterday leaves much to be desired.

Debt Deal Winners and Losers

Now that America’s political leadership have probably averted a self-inflicted global economic calamity, it’s time to assess the winners and losers.

Democrats Trying To Undermine Romney Inside The GOP?

Democrats won’t say if they consider Mitt Romney a threat, but they’re sure acting like they do.