Hostage Ronald Schulz Murdered by Terrorists

Ronald Schulz, an American electrician working in Iraq, has reportedly been murdered by an Islamist terrorist group.

U.S. hostage killed, Iraq militant group says (MSNBC)

An Iraqi insurgent group said Thursday in an Internet posting that it killed a U.S. security consultant it had taken hostage. The claim’s authenticity could not be immediately verified. The Islamic Army in Iraq said it had killed “the American security consultant for the Housing Ministry,†after the United States failed to respond to its demand of the release of Iraqi prisoners.

Thursday’s statement, posted on an Islamic militant Web forum, did not identify the hostage and provided no evidence he had been killed, but said pictures of the slaying would be released later. “War criminal Bush continues with his arrogance and no one has any value unless they serve his criminal interests, therefore the American security adviser pig at the Housing Ministry has been killed,” the statement said. The group issued a video two days earlier showing the hostage, identified as Ronald Schulz, 40, an industrial electrician based in Anchorage, Alaska. The man on the video was a blond, Western-looking man sitting with his hands tied behind his back.

Update 24: Iraq Insurgents Claim to Kill U.S. Hostage (AP/Forbes)

An Iraqi insurgent group said Thursday in an Internet posting that it killed a kidnapped U.S. security consultant. The claim’s authenticity could not be immediately verified.

It was the first time in more than a year that an insurgent group announced the slaying of an American hostage. Thursday’s statement, posted on an Islamic militant Web forum, did not identify the hostage and provided no evidence he had been killed, but said pictures of the slaying would be released later.

Rusty Shackleford, as usual, is right on top of this.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Anderson says:

    War criminal Bush continues with his arrogance and no one has any value unless they serve his criminal interests, therefore the American security adviser pig at the Housing Ministry has been killed

    They lost me at “therefore”; Islamist logic is apparently inscrutable to the Western mind.

    Best wishes to whoever we have tracking down these evil freaks.

  2. Herb says:

    If and when these killers are tracked down and caught, We should be sure to give them a fair trial and grant them every right in the US Constitution, make sure we don’t harrass them in prison and above all, don’t torture them, and all that garbage the democrats and goody two shoes people think we should do to insure their right are not violated.

    but first, take them out back to the flower laden courtyard and

    Just shoot the Bast***s

  3. slim says:

    In all honesty, there is more than one group here in the states that seeks justice for all americans, for the actions of thes faceless cowards in IRAQ. Though we are not spineless in the least. If it is the thinking of such sadists that their crimes go unpunished, they are very wrong. The families of the Swords of Righteousness, as well as those of Ansar Al Islam, and any group responsible for murder in this sense, must, and will pay for their crimes. If spoken in anger, it sounds baseless, yet our promise is genuine, and we will seek to find end, and give humanity its true face, back. Eye for an eye, and all that….