OTB recorded approximately 21,000 visitors in July according to SiteMeter, arresting a three month decline in traffic. While still short of the 24,000-odd visits in March, this one was done without the benefit of any InstaLanches, let alone three. Not to mention the absence of major combat operations.

According to the stats provided by HostingMatters, OTB had 9624 unique visitors, 25250 visits, 89575 page views, and 348993 hits.

The following weblogs referred 100 or more visitors to OTB in July:

CalPundit (1005)

ScrappleFace (697)

One Hand Clapping (660)

Possumblog (541)

Brad DeLong’s Journal (329)

Common Sense and Wonder (322)


Crooked Timber (260)

Liberal Assclown IMAO (255)
Dean’s World (237)
Inoperable Terran (234)

The World Around You (230)

Amish Tech Support (194)

WizBang (190)

Argue with Signposts (165)

A Fearful Symmetry (155)

Signifying Nothing(155)

Phillip Coons(151)

Asymmetrical Information (148)

Command Post(147)

Sanity’s Edge (145)

Unfogged (132)

Daniel Drezner (126)

The Accidental Jedi (125)

John Lemon (123)

Betsy’s Page (109)
Bemusement Park (103)

The SmarterCop (101)

They are also listed on the left sidebar and will remain there for the remainder of August.

Thanks to them and all who linked OTB last month.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.