Libby Defense: Told FBI Cheney Told Him Plame’s Status

Libby’s defense attorney said that his client told the FBI during the first 15 minutes of their first meeting, on October 14, 2003, that he had learned of Valerie Wilson’s connection with Joe Wilson and the Niger trip from Vice President Cheney and in fact produced a note to that effect.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. bain says:

    Doesn’t that directly contradict his own GJ testimony?

  2. clarice says:

    He ALWAYS said he’s heard it first from Cheney–though the press regularly ignored that. He said it was incidental to the work he was doing refuting the substance of Wilson’s lies, and it wasn’t until reporters raised this fact with him later that it rang a bell.

  3. bain says:

    Wait, wait, wait … he ‘always’ said he heard it from Cheney first? Then he tells the GJ that he heard it from Russert. Now he says he forgot he heard it from Cheney first and thought he learned it ‘as if it were new’ from Tim Russert.


  4. madmatt says:

    liar liar pants on fire…wish I could lie and steal and get a presidential pardon!