Lynndie England Photos


Shocking shots of sexcapades involving Pfc. Lynndie England were among the hundreds of X-rated photos and videos from the Abu Ghraib prison scandal shown to lawmakers in a top-secret Capitol conference room yesterday.

“She was having sex with numerous partners. It appeared to be consensual,” said a lawmaker who saw the photos.

And, videos showed the disgraced soldier – made notorious in a photo showing her holding a leash looped around an Iraqi prisoner’s neck – engaged in graphic sex acts with other soldiers in front of Iraqi prisoners, Pentagon officials told NBC Nightly News.

“Almost everybody was naked all the time,” another lawmaker said.

Many members of Congress left the 45-minute viewing session early, thereby missing the porno performance by England, but there were enough other images of torture, humiliation and intimidation to sicken anyone.


Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) described the images as “more detailed and more graphic than the pictures that have been released publicly,” referring to the disturbing photos of Iraqis being abused at Abu Ghraib prison that surfaced two weeks ago, and which Islamic terrorists claim led to this week’s revenge beheading of American Nick Berg.

“Normally, I side with disclosure and openness, but in this case, these photos are evidence,” Schumer said, indicating that he favors keeping the lid on the alarming pictures, as Vice President Dick Cheney and Sen. John Warner (R-Va.) have urged.


Before the pictures of England’s sex romps were shown to Congress, the 21-year-old reservist from West Virginia tried to portray herself as a reluctant participant who was just following orders.

Since Drudge is highlighting this one, it’ll be all over the ‘net soon enough. I’m with Shumer and Co. on this one, though. Releasing the photos would have no news value and will only make it harder to have a fair trial on this one. England has already been parodied on Saturday Night Live. She’s among the most junior culprits in this case but appears well on her way to being the most notorious. Ironically, though, she’ll likely wind up the wealthiest as well.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Paul says:

    “I was just following orders”

    “I was gang banging 4 guys at one time when I got myself pregnant and I don’t know which guy is the father but it is not my fault, I was just following orders.”

  2. Would the gangbang technically be an illegal order?

  3. vernon says:

    Let me know when Lynndie’s ready for some 1 on 1

  4. gila nl says:

    stupid ***** that she is

  5. Raoul says:

    Did they order her to cum, too?

  6. Raoul says:

    Did they order her to cum, too?

  7. Mr Bush says:

    What a dumb slut! Bet she had the time of her life, getting fucked in everyway imaginable while drunk guards were watching… lol, I dont even think pornos are that unbelievable!

  8. jeff says:

    I just hope she uses the Clinton defence ” It is my personal life, vast left-wing conspiracy to shame me” Hey it worked for Willie!

  9. ray says:

    If she was enjoying it good luck to her, it’s got to be tough out there in Iraq.

  10. right wing says:

    Bush should be absolutely ashamed of himself. How dare he allow this to go on. Yeah right…sure…he didn’t know, bull crap! Of course he knows, he is the president!!! NOTHING gets by him without his acknowledgment! Good thing he has the dumb deer caught in the headlights look all of the time, heck he almost had me fooled! Way to go, Bush…thanks for putting us on the map as if other countries didn’t already have enough reasons to hate American…you just made it worse for us…congrads!

  11. right wing says:

    Bush should be absolutely ashamed of himself. How dare he allow this to go on. Yeah right…sure…he didn’t know, bull crap! Of course he knows, he is the president!!! NOTHING gets by him without his acknowledgment! Good thing he has the dumb deer caught in the headlights look all of the time, heck he almost had me fooled! Way to go, Bush…thanks for putting us on the map as if other countries didn’t already have enough reasons to hate Americans…you just made it worse for us…congrads!

  12. redcoat says:

    You really don’t do yourself any favours do you?
    The whole world thinks that you’re a bunch of redneck in-breds. Your loud obnoxious behavior precceds you whereever you go.
    You’re really like that big dumb drunk oaf at the party that wants to talk about how cool they are but secretly wants to fight with everyone. You keep on drinking, get more drunk, try to grab the quiet girl and end up looking like a total cunt.
    Nice one.

  13. mlk says:

    why is it a sin to live in a trailer better than being a cockroche breeding getto dweller

  14. mlk says:

    who cares where she lived or who she was sleeping with. but are they going to give them back their jobs in civvy life as prison guards—i hope not

  15. Adolf-W-Bush says:

    George W. Bush is an unelected fascist! What did you expect.

    Sieg Hiel to the Fuhrer !!!
    Sieg Hiel to Bush !!!

    Sieg Hiel to the Fuhrer !!!
    Sieg Hiel to Bush !!!

    Sieg Hiel to the Fuhrer !!!
    Sieg Hiel to Bush !!!

  16. DRUDGE is an angry bald twat, thank you… a

    why are conservatives so angry all of the time?

    answer: can’t get laid (ever).