Michael Jackson News Saturation – Micheal Jackson Tops Iran!

Michael Jackson died yesterday and given that his death was unexpected and that he was arguably the world’s most famous entertainer, one would naturally expect a significant amount of news coverage.  But methinks this is overdoing it a mite:

Amusingly, a misspelled variant of his name (“Micheal Jackson”) is the fourth most popular search right now, beating out Iran.  Alas, “Jeff Goldblum,” who is thankfully still very much alive, trumps “Micheal Jackson” because of a fast-spreading hoax report that he died.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. markm says:

    I just hope there is still some media keeping an eye on the kids in Washington. I can see them puking out some colossal dunnage whilst not front and center.

  2. hcantrall says:

    Aren’t they supposed to be voting on that horrendous “cap and trade” (gigantic tax increase) today?

  3. just me says:

    Well I bet on some small level Governor Sanford is kind of happy.

    But really-I don’t get why Michael Jackson’s death is something more newsworthy than what is happening in iran, or pretty much any news that deals with government and the world.

    Just shows that the average consumer of news prefers the people and enquirer variety over the hard news.

  4. markm says:

    Aren’t they supposed to be voting on that horrendous “cap and trade” (gigantic tax increase) today?

    I do believe they are supposed to vote on the “Global Warming / Cap n’ Trade” bill.

  5. Bill H says:

    Men and women are dying in Iran in the quest for freedom. Our soldiers are placing their lives on the line in Iraq and Afghanistan in defense of this nation. Great and weighty matters of long-term import to the entire nation are being debated in Washington. There is a crisis of energy and global climate change.

    And hour after hour of archival footage is played as politicians and stars rush to microphones to praise his contributions to rock music, conveniently ignoring his grossly self-indulgent life as a monument to self adulation and the wrecked lives of children left in the wake of this has-been pedophile rock star.

  6. markm says:

    I can see them puking out some colossal dunnage whilst not front and center

    I see Waxman added 300 pages at the last minute to the 1,000 pages already there for the GW bill….niiiice.

  7. markm says:

    Bill H

    Along the lines of your comment, commenter RobM1981 posted this at the Atlantic to a Megan McArdle post:


    An undocumented number of WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Gulf War/Afghanistan combat veterans died. Some of them were homeless, having never been able to adjust to life back in the USA.

    About 100 innocent people died at the hands of a drunk driver.

    At cancer institutes all over America children under 10 years old lost their battles.

    Priests, rabbis and ministers who had walked the straight and narrow path and kept the Faith passed away.

    And literally thousands of moms and dads died, leaving their surviving families – young or adult – devastated.

    Sorry if I can’t torque up some emotion for a narcissitic pedophile child abuser. I guess I’m just not empathetic enough.”

  8. James Joyner says:

    Aren’t they supposed to be voting on that horrendous “cap and trade” (gigantic tax increase) today?

    In light of Jackson’s passing, they’re going to instead moon dance and have some small children in for a sleepover. At least that’s what Iranians are twittering.

  9. markm says:

    Aren’t they supposed to be voting on that horrendous “cap and trade” (gigantic tax increase) today?


  10. hcantrall says:
