Philadelphia America’s Ugliest City

Philadelphia, Washington, and Dallas are the least attractive cities in the United States, at least according to a silly online survey.

Andy Reid Photo Philadelphia America Philadelphia is home to the least attractive people in the United States, a survey of visitors and residents showed on Friday. The city of more than 1.5 million people was also found to be among the least stylish, least active, least friendly and least worldly, according to the “America’s Favorite Cities” survey by Travel & Leisure magazine and CNN Headline News.

About 60,000 people responded to the online survey — at — which ranked 25 cities in categories including shopping, food, culture, and cityscape, said Amy Farley, senior editor at the magazine.

For unattractiveness, Philadelphia just beat out Washington DC and Dallas/Fort Worth for the bottom spot. Miami and San Diego are home to the most attractive people, the poll found.

Amusingly, Philly, Washington, and Dallas constitute three-fourths of the NFC East. New York, the fourth member, ranks ninth on the attractiveness scale.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. NoZe says:

    Dallas? When I was in college down the road in Waco, Dallas girls were always among the most attractive! However, that was a skewed sample…

  2. DC Loser says:

    There are certainly a lot of hot women in DC, but not the South Beach or Bay Watch type of plastic women that many obviously prefer.

  3. Mike says:

    I see that El Paso was not on the list of cities you could nominate – it would certainly rank last in intelligence, last in attractive people, first in obesity – then again, i am not sure if El Paso is considered part of the US – i don’t think DC got a fair shake – it is a very educated town (except for the politicians) and the people seemed very attractive

  4. M. Murcek says:

    Philly and New Orleans used to have the “most obese people” ranking pingponging back and forth between them. I don’t know if Katrina has changed that. If I have to be obese (happily, I’m not) I’d rather it was on New Orleans cuisine than an endless diet of cheesesteaks any day. Pittsburgh (where I live) sometimes grabs the vacuous “most livable” label. Most gullible on the part of the magazine bestowing the label is more like it…

  5. John Clark says:

    I would be suspect of any poll that had San Antonio as the 4th worst city….it is an absolutely gorgeous city.
    No, I’m not from Texas…upstate NY.

  6. carpeicthus says:

    Philly and DC least attractive? Sounds accurate to me.