Pregnant Britney Spears May Pose Nude for Vanity Fair

Britney Spears is negotiating with Vanity Fair for a nude photo layout, following the trail blazed by Demi Moore and others.

Pregnant Britney may bare all for Vanity Fair (ANI)

Pop star, and now mother-to be Britney Spears, is currently negotiating with the magazine, Vanity Fair, to pose naked just weeks before giving birth to her baby.

Vanity Fair, which had previously shot Demi More during her pregnancy, hopes to shoot the 23-year-old singer in her seventh month so that the latest issue can hit the newsstands before she gives birth.

“Britney desperately wants to do it and knows she has to stay in good shape. Britney loves being pregnant and she loves her new body”, Fox News quoted a source as telling Life & Style magazine.

via Michelle Malkin, who provides helpful links to other photos of a nearly nude Spears.


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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Kate says:

    yooohooo! Gooooogul..!


  2. Jim Henley says:

    Already relegated to the fetish market, huh? Some career.

  3. Brian J. says:

    Good to see she’s gotten over feeling icky about that Esquire cover from a couple years ago.

    Now that’s she’s gotten icky.

  4. Bill K. says:

    Google whore 🙂

  5. BronxPundit says:

    Is it just me or Spears has become a little more slutty ever since she met her husband?

  6. McGehee says:

    Looks like I bet on the wrong horse. Heh.