SPC Keith M. Maupin Murdered

AP — Report: Iraqi Militants Kill U.S. Soldier

NYT — Tape Shows What Militants Say Is Execution of U.S. Army Soldier

Iraqi militants killed an American soldier they have held hostage for nearly three months, saying the killing was because the U.S. government did not change its policy in Iraq, Al-Jazeera television said Tuesday.

The report of the killing of Spc. Keith M. Maupin, 20, of Batavia, Ohio, came hours after the United States returned sovereignty in Iraq to an interim government. The report did not say when Maupin was killed. The U.S. military said it could not immediately confirm whether a man shown being shot in a murky videotape was indeed Maupin, who was taken hostage after an April 9 attack outside Baghdad.


Al-Jazeera aired a video showing a blindfolded man sitting on the ground, identified as Maupin by a statement issued with the footage. Al-Jazeera said that in the next scene, gunmen shoot the man in the back of the head, in front of a hole dug in the ground. The station did not broadcast the killing.

Maj. Willie Harris, spokesman for the Army’s 88th Regional Readiness Command, said the man in the footage could not be clearly identified but that the videotape is being analyzed by the Department of Defense. “There is no confirmation at this time, that the tape contains footage of Matt Maupin or any other Army soldier,” he said, adding that the Maupin family was briefed “as to the existence of a videotape.”

Kidnapped American soldier Pfc. Keith M. Maupin, of Batavia, Ohio is seen in this undated file image made from video broadcast by Arab television station Al-Jazeera on April 16, 2004. Al-Jazeera television said Tuesday, June 29, 2004, that Iraqi militants have killed Maupin, an American soldier they have held hostage since early April. Al Jazeera via APTN
Courtesy San Francisco Gate


I tire of the use of the word “militant” to describe these animals. Jesse Jackson is a militant. Malcolm X was a militant. These thugs are simply serial killers.

Quite a bit of reaction around the blogosphere, although not as much as the recent beheadings. Probably the late evening breaking of the story combined with the lack of anticipation caused by a deadline.

  • Donnie Hall briefly hoped it wasn’t true.
  • M.H. King has a reaction that will be shared by many: “It’s time to battle the uncivilized world with means that they appear to understand.”
  • Robb Allen is trying to fight that reaction.
  • Chris Short compares this to the Nazi concentration camps.
  • StarBanker notes that there are so many of these that it’s hard to keep the story straight.
  • Dean Esmay initially confuses this with yet another missing soldier. In any case, he wonders if Abu Ghraib will be mentioned.
  • Blogs of War shares my disdain for the word “militant” here.
  • Jeff Quinton has a roundup as well.
FILED UNDER: Military Affairs, Terrorism, , , , , , , , , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Dodd says:

    While we’re on the subject, “execution” isn’t really the right word, either. “Execution” means “putting to death as a legal penalty.” Applying the term to these acts of open, exultant murder bugs me (though not as much as the use of militant already discussed).

  2. James Joyner says:

    Actually, he’s always maintained that Geneva applied to Iraq, because we were fighting a uniformed, state-centric army. It’s Afghanistan where it didn’t technically apply.

    Regardless, we’re not systematically murdering captives.

  3. McGehee says:

    Regardless, we’re not systematically murdering captives.

    <sigh> Logic again! Jaaaaaames!

  4. Denise Maupin Felton says:

    I for one am not the least bit concerned about the Geneva convention right now. I am sure Matt and others would rather have degrating photographs taken of them, rather than lose their life! The country needs to stand behind the president and our soliders right now! Why is it that photos get months on the news and Amercian soliders getting killed only get 10 minutes? And I don’t find it tough to complain about the other side right now at all!

  5. Lucy says:

    Let the terrorists keep on playing hardball … because they just pissed off S.Korea. Dynamite comes in small packages. For those of you not familiar with S.Korea Army training, their basic training is equal to terrorist torture. Iraq, meet the new generation of S. Korean soldiers. (As seen through the eyes of an US soldier.)

  6. Dman says:

    All the people being captured and killed by the Iraq Freedom Fighters have 100% absolutely no business in Iraq to begin with plain and simple. Just like Nick Berg who went over there to try to profit and make a dime. If he had kept his ass in his own homeland where it belonged and not ventured where he was not welcome or wanted then it is safe to say that he would not have lost his head literally. Just because we are the most powerful nation on the planet at this time doesn’t mean we own the world.

  7. Mary D. says:

    It’s time to start blowing up those mosques. Two different wars are being fought here and the U.S. needs to come to terms with this. We are the champions of human rights but this is war; fighting fair is just not an option in my opinion. I think we should sew those Muslim bodies up in pig skins like the Brits did in WW2; they’ll never see their “paradise” with their 70 virgins. I see shades of Vietnam re: political correctness.

  8. Mary D. says:

    To Denise Maupin Felton: I am taking the liberty in assuming that you are a relative of Matt Maupin and just want to tell you that I have been praying for Matt, his family and friends. My heart goes out to all of you during this time…I heard he had come to the Lord before he deployed; Hallelujah! God bless you and your family.

  9. Holly W. says:

    To Denise Maupin Felton: I as well want you to know that myself and my friends and family are praying that Matt is well and will shortly be returned to you. God Bless and I will continue to pray for Matt and all of our servicemen and women.

  10. FUCKUSNAZIS says:

    You simply get what you deserved you fucking primitive american nazis.what the fuck do you mean sying those militants are nothing but serial killers??what the fuck about you?you nazis you have commited genocide and rape and kill little girls in IRAK.if some of you pigs got beheaded you immidiately speak about barbaric acts against “innocent people”.and you call those people who did those thing barbarians.just look in the fucking mirror you fucking pink pigs.it’s you who are the BARBARIANS.if something happens to you like if you got beheaded,it’s nothing more but justice.PURE JUSTICE.you will never be safe anywhere.you just asked for it you fucking savages.if you play with fire dont be surprised if you got burned.

  11. a soldiers mom says:

    To the family of Matt Maupin. I have not given up hope that the video or the picture are not of Matt. I am a soldier’s mom and pray daily for our troops. I have thought about Matt since he was shown as a hostage.The media may have forgotten about Matt

  12. a soldiers mom says:

    but the military families have not forgotten. God Bless you and God Bless Matt and return him safely to you.

  13. abbe says:

    I just cannot believe all you people leaving comments are so insensitive. Who give a horse poop about those fools in Iraq…Our BOYS are over there because they are told to be there…and doing their best. Why dont you just support them and stop all this foolish babble. A life is a life is a life,.. except Saddam, who is a cold blooded murdered and deserves nothing but the worst.

  14. abbe says:

    I just cannot believe all you people leaving comments are so insensitive. Who give a horse poop about those fools in Iraq…Our BOYS are over there because they are told to be there…and doing their best. Why dont you just support them and stop all this foolish babble. A life is a life is a life,.. except Saddam, who is a cold blooded murdered and deserves nothing but the worst.

  15. Karl says:

    I am a U.S. soldier, currently serving. I leave for Iraq very shortly. It will be my second time.
    Some of you are right… I have no business in Iraq. I don’t want to go. But I am in the Army and will go where I’m sent.
    I’m not an animal, as some folks on here have suggested. I’m no Nazi. I’m a soldier. I personally may have no business in Iraq, but my country, for better or worse, right or wrong, currently DOES have buisness there.
    You who’d criticize the individual soldier… what do I do? Just… not show up? Quit? Allow some other person- probably a young kid about five minutes out of High School to go in my place? Wonder for the rest of my life if I could have prevented a killing?
    How dare you. It’s not about politics, money or glory, it’s about the guy next to you. It’s about the scared kid in the back of the truck. It’s about the people you eat and sleep and bathe and laugh and cry with. It’s about doing your job and getting home to your family. It’s about looking at the flag differently on the fourth of July.
    See, unlike you, I don’t have the luxury of choosing where I go, when I do, and how I feel about morally or politically. Giving up so much of our own personal freedom is the price we pay to protect yours. You don’t like the military?? GREAT! The simple fact that you’re allowed to say you don’t like us is proof that I’m doing my job properly.
    Hate me. Burn flags. Spit at parades. Cheer when these animals saw the heads off soldiers and civillians. But know this: you criticize us under the blanket of the very freedom we provide you with.
    You need to learn something: you can hate the war but still love and support those called to fight it. This isn’t VietNam. The sixties are over. Jerry Garcia is dead. Grow up.
    And frankly, on behalf of all YOUR brothers and sisters here in the service,
    … Up Yours.

  16. Karl says:

    I am a U.S. soldier, currently serving. I leave for Iraq very shortly. It will be my second time.
    Some of you are right… I have no business in Iraq. I don’t want to go. But I am in the Army and will go where I’m sent.
    I’m not an animal, as some folks on here have suggested. I’m no Nazi. I’m a soldier. I personally may have no business in Iraq, but my country, for better or worse, right or wrong, currently DOES have buisness there.
    You who’d criticize the individual soldier… what do I do? Just… not show up? Quit? Allow some other person- probably a young kid about five minutes out of High School to go in my place? Wonder for the rest of my life if I could have prevented a killing?
    How dare you. It’s not about politics, money or glory, it’s about the guy next to you. It’s about the scared kid in the back of the truck. It’s about the people you eat and sleep and bathe and laugh and cry with. It’s about doing your job and getting home to your family. It’s about looking at the flag differently on the fourth of July.
    See, unlike you, I don’t have the luxury of choosing where I go, when I do, and how I feel about morally or politically. Giving up so much of our own personal freedom is the price we pay to protect yours. You don’t like the military?? GREAT! The simple fact that you’re allowed to say you don’t like us is proof that I’m doing my job properly.
    Hate me. Burn flags. Spit at parades. Cheer when these animals saw the heads off soldiers and civillians. But know this: you criticize us under the blanket of the very freedom we provide you with.
    You need to learn something: you can hate the war but still love and support those called to fight it. This isn’t VietNam. The sixties are over. Jerry Garcia is dead. Grow up.
    And frankly, on behalf of all YOUR brothers and sisters here in the service,
    … Up Yours.

  17. A concerned American says:

    To the soldier “Karl” who just spoke…hats off to you! Most American’s praise you and the rest for what you are doing! To the ass who called you nazis, if you don’t like America, get the hell out!!! “Karl” keep up the good work, we are thinking of you, you are America’s hero!