Tuesday’s Forum

James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Gustopher says:


    The Trump National Doral resort will host two antisemites who have promoted pro-Adolf Hitler propaganda and spread virulently antisemitic conspiracy theories. They will be speaking at an event in Miami alongside numerous Team Trump personalities, including Eric Trump, Lara Trump, and Devin Nunes.

    Trump Doral speaker Scott McKay, who has a streaming show on Rumble, has claimed that Jewish people orchestrated 9/11 and were responsible for the assassinations of Presidents Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, and William McKinley. He has also said that Jewish people routinely torture children and eat their hearts.

    He has praised Hitler for supposedly trying to take down a Jewish banking system and said, “Hitler was actually fighting the same people that we’re trying to take down today.”

    I would prefer a few more degrees of separation between the likely Republican presidential nominee and completely insane Nazis.

    I’m also disappointed that it always comes down the the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as it’s just lazy, but the idea that the Jews killed Lincoln seems novel, so there’s that.

  2. OzarkHillbilly says:

    From: link.

    And rather than impose limits on guns, which polling shows Americans generally favor, Texas’s state legislature is considering a bill that would require children in grade school to be given access to battlefield-style tourniquets and to be trained on how to use them to stop bleeding in case a mass shooter targets them.

    Thanx Texass, but the idiots in Jeff City don’t need any new ideas.

  3. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Gustopher: Is Nunes bringing his cow?

  4. Kylopod says:


    but the idea that the Jews killed Lincoln seems novel

    Judah Benjamin was heavily accused of being behind Lincoln’s assassination, and while it wasn’t totally implausible to think he might have a hand in it, the pervasiveness of the charge was largely due to anti-Semitic scapegoating.

  5. MarkedMan says:

    (I promise, this is the last one and then I’ll stop.) Yesterday, I commented on how it is a waste of time to evaluate people and parties on what they say instead of what they actually do. Looking at what their concrete actions are allows you to form a working hypothesis of what they will do in the future. Listening to what they say doesn’t get you anywhere. Yet another example: for decades the Republican Party has claimed to be the party of small government, of slashing regulations so that businesses can succeed and create jobs. If you give weight to this narrative then it is obvious what they would do in a state they control from stem to stern: Texas. It has the fastest growing solar and wind energy sector in the country, industries responsible for creating tens of thousands of high paying jobs. According to what they say, state and local officials should be looking to see if there are any unnecessary regulations hindering them and cutting those away. If, on the other hand, you look at how Republicans have actually behaved since Reagan, you would assume that they would look to their patrons, the oil barons, ask them what type of legislation they want, and then get to work crafting laws and regulations that would hinder solar and wind at every step. Need I tell you which way they went? (No subscription needed)

  6. MarkedMan says:

    Conor Friedersdorf has one of his Atlantic pieces up where he asks people to weigh in on an issue and then collects detailed excerpts from their responses, across a wide range of opinion, without editorial comments of his own. This time it’s about transgender issues and there is one thing there that really set my conspiracy theory alarm bells ringing:

    Most of us have biological daughters who suddenly declared themselves “trans” between April 2021 and September 2021, after increased use of social media.

    This seems hyperspecific in a, “just laying out the evidence for the evil cabal with no further comment” sort of way. Does anyone know what this is referring to?

  7. OzarkHillbilly says:

    Jack E. Smith ⚖️

    BREAKING: Trump gets slapped with a gag order in the Manhattan criminal case against him.
    He is prohibited from commenting or posting evidence re: the case.
    Otherwise he will be held in contempt.
    Welcome to the criminal Justice system, Mr. Trump.

    Vegas will not touch the over/under on this one.

    He was overdue for a nanny.

  8. Scott says:

    How WWII helped produce the savory bacon pasta known as Carbonara

    There is perhaps no greater culinary creation than a greasy, crispy slice of bacon — except maybe when using this glorious-albeit-disgusting cured pig byproduct in something else delicious, like a cheesy bowl of spaghetti with eggs.

    The dish may sound rather luxurious, buts its origin story traces its roots to something more of a garbage meal used to feed hungry soldiers during World War II.

    It’s not certain exactly when Carbonara came to be, but according to Italian pasta archives — yes, these are real, hallowed texts — no official mention was made until the 1950s.

    However, according to an Italian newspaper called “La Stampa,” the dish made its first appearance in 1944.

    “The recipe was born in Rome, almost by chance, again in 1944, when Gualandi was a fellow soldier and found himself having to fulfill the request of two generals, an American and an Englishman, who wanted to eat,” Italian magazine Gambero Rosso recounts.

    In his memoir, Gualandi said the dish was developed to cook for mass amounts of soldiers using what was available in ration form.

    According to one translation, Gualandi wrote, “The Americans had fantastic bacon, delicious milk cream, cheese, and egg red [dried?] powder. I put it all together and served this pasta to the generals and officers for dinner. At the last moment, I decided to put black pepper which gave off an excellent flavor.”

  9. CSK says:


    I thought this was a joke. A bad joke, yes, but a joke. Apparently not. Way to go, Texas.

  10. CSK says:


    Dammit, I meant Ozark. Need more coffee.

  11. Sleeping Dog says:


    We know he’s going to break it, the question is, what will the court do?

  12. Neil Hudelson says:


    Not mentioned in this essay is Alberto Grandi, Italian cuisine historian, who has rankled all of Italy with his (well documented) outlandish claims that 50% or so of Italy’s “traditional” cuisine was invented in the last 75 years, and most of it directly or indirectly from the Americans.

    I love a good iconoclast, and Grandi just keeps twisting the knife.

    Some other Italian origins I learned of recently, through Grandi or others:

    Alfredo, which is commonly thought of to be a very modern dish and American, is ancient, very Italian, and uses no cream.

    ‘Pizza’ is always claimed by either Americans or Italians as their invention. It’s both. Ancient pizza in Italy was bread with some toppings. Italian immigrants to America played around with the concept for decades, evolving into a tomato sauce-cheese-bread dish we know today. That was transported back to Italy during WWII, where the Italians, especially those in Naples, perfected it.

    And Panettone has taken a wild trip around the world, starting as a fairly hard, small baked good for peasants, before Italian immigrants discovered new delicious dried fruits and a penchant for more heavily yeasted breads in South America, Mexico, and the US, turning the small peasant good into a celebratory sweet loaf. These more audacious panettone loafs made their way back to Italy after WWII, where new industrial bakeries could churn them out by the hundreds, creating an affordable-yet-luxurious good during the period of post-war poverty. Italy claimed this new panettone as their own, and now get mad when other countries dare to try to bake them–too inauthentic!

  13. daryl and his brother darryl says:

    It’s not an actual “gag order.”

    “Defendant has a constitutional right to speak publicly about this case, and the People do not seek to infringe upon that right…”

    Instead there are limits on his use of evidence produced by Discovery.

    “any materials and information provided by the People to the Defense in accordance with their discovery obligations … shall be used solely for the purposes of preparing a defense in this matter.”

    The intent is to keep Trump from mis-using the evidence produced.
    My guess is that this is a first step. Everyone knows Trump will overstep. THEN he will get a real gag order imposed on his fat orange pie-hole.

  14. Scott says:

    @Neil Hudelson: I always have to laugh about pizza. I mean, how many flatbreads are there in the world? We’ve been making lately quick “naan pizza” using premade small naans from Costco and topping with whatever.

  15. daryl and his brother darryl says:

    Renewables are a real conundrum for the RWNJ’s.
    I do a yearly motorcycle trip down the Appalachians to the Great Smokies and back…thru some deeply Red areas…I mean DEEPLY RED.
    There are wind farms all over the place.
    Stopping them is not going to be easy.
    Texas produces the most wind energy of all the states, accounting for 10% of it’s energy.
    Are you gonna just slash 10% of your available power in a state where the grid fails on a regular basis?

  16. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @CSK: That’s OK, I do it too. Yeah, it sounds like a really bad joke but there it is in all the Gory of conservative ignorance.

  17. CSK says:

    This is very depressing to me, especially since I’ve been merrily predicting that if Trump is the candidate, Republicans will lose in 2024:


  18. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Sleeping Dog: I hope they lock him up for contempt of court, (a man can dream can’t he?) but I’ll settle for the judge sanctioning his lawyers for not controlling their client. Who knows, it might become a thing and before long he won’t be able to buy a lawyer at any price.

    I can just see him going up against Jack Smith with a PD who joined the bar just 1 1/2 years ago.

    sigh... A man can dream, can’t he?

  19. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @daryl and his brother darryl: Baby steps. A man can dream, can’t he?

    I seem to be saying that a lot this AM.

  20. Kathy says:

    The DOT is proposing compensation rules for delayed and cancelled flights.

    This seems similar to the EU Flight Compensation Regulations, aka EU 261.

    One catch is the delay or cancellation must be due to something the airlines have control over. So, if your flight is delayed or cancelled by weather, no one owes you compensation. This is reasonable, but can be abused. Suppose Southwest claimed it was weather, not the airline’s poor management of it, that caused it’s meltdown last year.

    Which brings us to the second catch. In the case of EU 261, it’s up to passengers to make a claim to the airline. Naturally the airlines fight such claims when remotely possible, ergo the notion that a long series of cancellations and delays initially occasioned by weather might wind up contested.

    Very likely the airlines will cry and rend their garments, along with many on the right. But it’s worth noting US airlines traveling to EU countries are subject to EU 261 as well. If a United flight to Paris is cancelled due to a mechanical failure, United owes compensation in the terms of EU regulations. Ditto a Delta flight from Amsterdam to Detroit.

    Back in the day the Civil Aeronautics Board set fares and routes in the US, ti did so for foreign airlines traveling to American cities as well.

    What happens in the US, should such rules be adopted, will be similar to what happens in Europe now: more rational scheduling, better crew management, more reasonable overbooking practices, etc.

    As to whether such rules would lead to much higher fares, again look at Europe. Ryanair, Wizz Air, Easy Jet, and many others manage rock bottom fares under such rules.

  21. daryl and his brother darryl says:

    The jury now has the Carroll v Trump case for deliberations.
    I predict 3 hours.
    Earlier today Trump posted on his Truth Social thing that he was not being allowed to speak or defend himself. A bald-faced lie as he was not only allowed to testify and refused to, but was even given a second opportunity, by Judge Kaplan, after evidence closed and again refused to appear before the jury.

  22. Kylopod says:

    @daryl and his brother darryl: To be a bit of a pedant, liable rather than guilty.

  23. CSK says:

    @daryl and his brother darryl:

    They’ve had it for slightly over an hour. Are we taking bets on when the jury will return with a verdict of liability? I say they stick around long enough to get another free lunch. 😀

  24. daryl and his brother darryl says:

    Yes – you are correct.
    I had just come back to note that error, when I saw your response.
    Thank you.

  25. Kathy says:


    I bet his lawyers started drafting the appeal before they told the judge they’d present no defense.

  26. daryl and his brother darryl says:

    I’m hopeful but apparently there are a couple RWNJ’s on the jury who listen to the Tim Pool Podcasts.
    If you are unaware Tim Pool is one of the biggest purveyors of mis-information on Twitter.
    These jurors could be unreachable by the evidence presented.
    Which Trump would then claim was a complete exoneration.
    Still…I’ll stand by my three hour prediction.

  27. CSK says:


    Judge Kaplan seems to have accommodated Trump at every turn, quite wisely I think. That being the case, there’s very little basis for appeal.

    @daryl and his brother darryl:
    The finding doesn’t have to be unanimous, does it? Just a majority of the jurors, although I’d be happy if all nine found Trump liable, even those swimmers in the Tim Pool, so to speak.

  28. Kathy says:


    What about the actions of the rich and powerful should not have negative consequences for them?

    Oh, you mean a legal basis? I hope there isn’t one.

    But we know the Cheeto. An appeal is just one delaying tactic.

  29. daryl and his brother darryl says:

    I believe it has to be unanimous.

  30. CSK says:
  31. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @Gustopher: So would I, but that’s not what Republicans have chosen to do. Freedom of expression dictates that the get to be who they are.

    Freedom often takes away as much as it gives.

  32. MarkedMan says:

    @daryl and his brother darryl: Results of lame-ass google-fu with no source checking whatsoever:

    (a) Unanimous verdict not required.  A verdict may be rendered by not less than five-sixths of the jurors constituting a jury.

  33. CSK says:


    The Guardian says that a unanimous verdict is required on the rape charge, or one of assault, or forcible touching.

    As I said, “Shit.”


  34. daryl and his brother darryl says:

    So I’ve been kind of quietly following all these Transgender fights and I have a question.
    States are passing crazy laws. For instance, Texas is passing this law, Bill SB249, that;

    …amends the state’s health and safety code, modifying the felony of “female genital mutilation” for a person under 18 to just “genital mutilation” – by removing the word “female” and the specific language that defines this practice.

    What I want to know is…how does this affect circumcision?

  35. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    Late yesterday, grumpy realist suggested that my teacher friend in Coquitlam

    Guess your bar compadre wants to get rid of the works of quite a few Nobel laureates, Shakespeare, Milton, Tolstoy, Colette, Lady Murasaki….and the Bible.

    Sadly, grumpy has once again fired without aiming, but this time through no fault of their own given that I didn’t provide the entire question which was *why not just keep teaching Shakespeare and other stuff* (that he’s familiar with). The question came up from his having interviewed for an EFL instructor position at a local college that would call for him to teach lit classes as well as EFL pedagogical theory. I’ve never envied people who teach literature–never cared for that division of the discipline–and certainly would not be likely to thrive as a lit teacher in the present climate.

    Corrupting young minds is a dangerous proposition currently. I’d not be suited to longevity in the field as I see it these days. (And I didn’t do well at fitting in even back then.)

  36. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @daryl and his brother darryl: Just a guess, but I assume that it affects circumcision whatever way the prevailing society decides it does. So just like every other thing in this greatest of all nations ever to exist on God’s green earth.

  37. daryl and his brother darryl says:

    From a Live Twitter-thread of the proceedings, and the Judges instructions to the Jury.
    I’m sure he will be interested in your “lame-ass google-fu”…lmao.

  38. Beth says:


    Friedersdorf is not actively eliminationist, but he is actively hostile to trans people. He is definitely one of the people who think there is a hard limit on the amount of trans people and that we are WAAAAAAAAY over the limit. He (and the Atlantic which is quietly eliminationist itself) hide behind the “just asking questions” bs.

    There are a couple of tells in the piece you linked:

    Last year I joined a support group for parents of youth with rapid onset gender dysphoria.

    There is no such thing as “rapid onset gender dysphoria”. It’s completely fake and made up by TERFS and Rufo types to push lies and genocide. It is explicitly non-affirming and if that’s what she did when she found out her kid was trans, she wasn’t going to support her kid at all.

    A lot of commentary is problematically focused on whether transgenderism is compatible with someone’s preexisting ideological or theoretical commitments about gender.

    Most trans people are horrified by the word “transgenderism”. Most of us don’t talk like that, because we know that word is used to separate trans people from their existence. It’s explicitly eliminationist. Its like those Republicans that know they can’t ban gay people, so they get cute and ban gay “conduct”. What’s the point of existing if you can’t be yourself. The only trans people I see that use terms like “Transgenderism” are RWNJs who seem to think that if they play nice all they’ll get is love an attention and not a noose.

    When the prayer flag got back to me, I folded it carefully and gave it to my wife. Then I took out the flag with my daughter’s new name on it and held it up. “This is her new name,” I said. “It is a name she chose herself. It is the name that our love will now be attached to. It is the name that will gather precious memories around it. It is the name that will evoke her face, personality, and soul.

    This guy though, he fucking gets it. Friedersdorf can drown in a toilet. This anonymous mormon is awesome and I hope his life goes well.

  39. Beth says:

    @daryl and his brother darryl:

    There are always carve outs in those laws to protect what the drafters believe are beneficial interventions. Male circumcision is usually one. Forced surgery on intersex babies is another one.

  40. Beth says:

    I am, nominally, in the leadership of one of the smaller trans groups here in Chicago. We started as a small, peer lead, group for adults who were questioning whether or not they are trans (hint, if you come to the group, I’ve got news for you…) We started in 2017 and bounced along with about 20ish regular people. We got an explosion of new people during and after the pandemic and we shot up to around 30-40 people per meeting and now have a very active discord.


    How did this happen? The transgender community has been killed by inches: Column inches in major magazines and newspapers. From an Atantic article in 2018 which presented non-affirming parents as its anecdotal heroes, to the New York Times’ “plain old-fashioned newspaper crusade” against the current medical consensus, each step along the way was small, and probably defensible. Taken together they represent a moral-muddying of the waters, a mass-forgetting on the part of major journalistic institutions that transgender people in America are a small and vulnerable group, widely discriminated against in all areas of life, with huge barriers to accessing medical treatment. The more stories about trans issues presented trans people as perhaps a little bit too powerful the more confused people became over what the actual situation was, and what sorts of measures would be reasonable or necessary.

    Last we get got our first Red State refugee. Our email box has started receiving about an email every other day about joining and getting out of wherever they are. As it starts to warm up we are expecting to get a deluge of people. It’s only going to get worse.

    There are people in the group that have expressed to their employers that they can’t go to client meetings in FL and other red states because they aren’t safe and they aren’t sure if they will be arrested if they go to the bathroom. I don’t think you will see a huge wave of stories about trans and other LGBTQ people fleeing red states, but those with the means to are already leaving. Those who can’t will likely be expelled at some point.


  41. daryl and his brother darryl says:

    The jury is back in Carroll v Trump.
    I was right…~3 hours.
    It doesn’t look good for trump.

  42. CSK says:

    @daryl and his brother darryl:

    Fingers crossed….

  43. MarkedMan says:

    @daryl and his brother darryl: Bummer. And yet more evidence that googling random sources is a mugs game

  44. MarkedMan says:

    @Beth: All very interesting, but my only question was on whether there is a whack-a-doodle conspiracy theory involving social media and those specific dates. She was so specific.

  45. Gustopher says:


    There is no such thing as “rapid onset gender dysphoria”. It’s completely fake and made up by TERFS and Rufo types to push lies and genocide.

    Isn’t ROGD just “my kid has been hiding in the closet, miserable, afraid to say anything to unsupportive parents until finally they just broke and couldn’t do it anymore”?

  46. daryl and his brother darryl says:

    No to rape, Yes to Abuse – $2m

  47. Mu Yixiao says:

    (yeah yeah… whatever the legal term is)

  48. daryl and his brother darryl says:

    Someone said $4.7M in total. Everything but the rape charge, itself.

  49. CSK says:

    @daryl and his brother darryl: @Mu Yixiao:

    Now they have to find him guilty of defamation.

  50. daryl and his brother darryl says:

    They did. They convicted on everything but the rape charge.

  51. Gustopher says:


    Judah Benjamin was heavily accused of being behind Lincoln’s assassination

    Sigh. I was hoping it was new.

    I am really disappointed in the current state of antisemitism — there have been no real advances in ages. They’re just repeating hateful things that others have made up, rather than making up their own hateful things. It’s lazy and sad.

    I know the antisemites aren’t the best and brightest, but they could at least try. “Jewish Space Lasers” was fun, hats off to whoever thought of that.

    The Rothschilds have a species of giraffe named after them. Surely the giraffes could be involved in something… unless the Rothschilds themselves are named after the giraffe.

  52. Kathy says:

    The sexual predator is already claiming he wasn’t allowed to defend himself. Next I expect he’ll go fundraising to pay up after he delays however long with pointless appeals.

    My big question is this: can he pay Ms. Carroll with funds from his current campaign? I can’t see how paying a judgment in a civil trial can conceivably be a campaign expense. But I’m willing to bet the sexual predator will try.

  53. CSK says:


    Is there any sentient being in the known universe who ISN’T aware that Judge Kaplan gave Trump till 5 p.m. on Sunday to make up his mind about testifying????

  54. Beth says:


    I don’t know off the top of my head. TERFs bring up weird stuff all the time so it wouldn’t surprise me whatever it was. Although, that was during the Pandy when a lot of people were isolated and forced to deal with themselves. A lot of eggs cracked during covid. That probably has something to do with it.


    Pretty much. With a patina of TERF science to give it some “weight”.

  55. Mister Bluster says:

    Politico is reporting that Mrs. Smith is going to Washington.

  56. Stormy Dragon says:


    We got an explosion of new people during and after the pandemic and we shot up to around 30-40 people per meeting and now have a very active discord.

    IIRC from reading elsewhere, there’s four things that have to happen to trigger an gender identity crisis in an adult:
    1. An underlying repressed gender identity issue
    2. Reaching a transition between two stages of life (moving away from parents, reaching middle age, retiring, etc.)
    3. An increase in the level of security to consider such things
    4. Removal of coping mechanisms

    The pandemic was basically 2-4 all together and on steroids, as people suddenly had their lives turned upside down, were isolated away from everyone else who might try to keep them repressing their feelings, and given nothing to do but sit around and think, and then added an impending sense of one’s own mortality.

  57. Kathy says:


    There’s the sexual predator’s base. They’ll believe whatever the sexual predator tells them to believe, and forget as inconvenient any facts contrary to that.

    I don’t know if they qualify as sentient.

  58. Beth says:

    @Stormy Dragon:

    We have joke that there was a Trump surge and a COVID surge. I’m a Trump baby, for what it’s worth. I’ve known as long as I can remember* having gender “issues”. The 2016 election scared me so bad that I decided I had to confront them before I got hauled off and murdered for wearing a dress. Lots of therapy, the Trans group and a supportive partner got me here.

    Covid did basically the same number on people. There’s probably another wave coming, call it the DeSantis wave. I should also add, this really doesn’t apply to kids who are able to transition as youth. They are going to grow up so foreign to this experience. I’m so jealous of them.

    *thanks to CPTSD I don’t remember much of my childhood.

  59. Beth says:

    @Mister Bluster:

    Someone finally told her staff that if they don’t produce the body none of them will ever work for a Democrat ever again?

  60. CSK says:


    In view of this afternoon’s judicial tidings, I do wonder how Trump’s Town Hall on CNN tomorrow night will go.

  61. Stormy Dragon says:


    Last we get got our first Red State refugee. Our email box has started receiving about an email every other day about joining and getting out of wherever they are. As it starts to warm up we are expecting to get a deluge of people. It’s only going to get worse.

    Is your group accepting any donations to help with this? Wanting to ask about that is part of why I was (unsuccessfully) trying to get Dr. Taylor to send you my e-mail.

  62. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Just nutha ignint cracker: Sheeeeeit, I’ve been corrupting young minds since Kindergarten. Nuthin’ to it.

  63. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @CSK: Members of the trump cult aren’t exactly known for their sentience.

  64. Kylopod says:



    Judah Benjamin was heavily accused of being behind Lincoln’s assassination

    Sigh. I was hoping it was new.

    It’s not surprising given the environment. Especially after being killed, Lincoln was to Northerners the closest thing to a contemporary secular version of Christ. Judah Benjamin was the most prominent (maybe the only prominent) Jew in the Confederacy. And he had a name that sounded like Judas.

    Not that neo-Nazis today are generally fans of the North during the Civil War. But even for the pro-Confederate folks, blaming Benjamin is a way of wiping the Confederacy’s hands clean, in their eyes.

    And anyway, these folks are always imagining the Jewish cabal are behind every major historical event or development. Remember the Fox News host who said the Rothschilds were responsible for Darwinism? (Apparently that was too far even for Fox, and she was fired.)

    “Jewish Space Lasers” was fun, hats off to whoever thought of that.

    It came from MJT in a Facebook post in 2018 or so, though I assume she picked it up from somewhere. The Q shit and similar stuff online always sounds like parody, but has loads of people believing it sincerely.

  65. Kylopod says:

    And by MJT, I meant MTG—Marjorie Taylor Greene. I don’t know how I messed up the initials. Space Laser fried my brain I guess.

  66. Stormy Dragon says:

    From the “headlines that sound like a Onion article but aren’t” category, Florida republicans are trying to overturn an EPA regulation that’s blocking them from using radioactive waste to pave highways:

    Florida lawmakers want to use radioactive material to pave roads

  67. Beth says:


    The general consensus is that those dates relate to the Covid covid wave of people that came out.

    i would assume that all the parents started searching for a group around the same time, because their kids came out at the same time
    thus all the members of the group reported similar dates
    like if you took a survey of the birthdays of kids by talking to parents at a cake shop

    Very likely the same families… I came out to my parents in July of 2021, and when I last spoke to my mom, she insisted she’d done so much research and spoken to lots of people about it — no-one trans or trans positive, of course. I can guess where she got her information.

    @Stormy Dragon:

    Thank you for you generosity. At this time we aren’t set up to take donations. I’ve been tasked with finding out what sort of 501(c) entity we need to turn into so that we can. Our group was initially designed to be a small peer group and we’ve exploded past that. A couple other members and I are working on what we need to transition into to be able to help more people.

    The other issue is that there are several Trans/Gender groups/charities in Chicago that essentially don’t talk to each other or in some cases know the others exist. It’s personally frustrating to me.

    In the meantime though, people looking to help out with donations can look to https://bravespacealliance.org The are probably the biggest org in Chicago working on this.

    Also, if they pave the roads with radioactive waste, maybe its a good thing I’m not allowed in FL any more.

  68. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @CSK: Well, I wasn’t until you mentioned it. On the other hand, whether or not Trump testified was of no consequence to me, and I wasn’t paying attention to the trial at all. But people who wanted to see Trump get convicted of something (anything?) can all breathe more easily now. The (final?) shoe has dropped. The “Trump’s gonna walk away scot-free” monkey is off your backs now.

  69. Just nutha ignint cracker says:

    @OzarkHillbilly: You may just be a natural at it. 😉

  70. Kathy says:

    George Santos, if that’s his real name, has been charged by the DOJ.

    Maybe he can get Benito the sexual predator as a cellmate, should things work out for the best.

  71. Stormy Dragon says:
  72. Stormy Dragon says:


    Drat, beat me

  73. Kylopod says:


    George Santos, if that’s his real name, has been charged by the DOJ.

    Given that George Santos is not his real name, I guess that means he hasn’t been charged by the DOJ after all.

  74. Kathy says:

    @Stormy Dragon:

    I read that piece in the morning. I don’t think state laws can override a federal EPA prohibition on it, but said prohibition was suspended once already.

    That happened under the sexual predator’s so-called administration, at the urging of the fertilizer industry. Naturally, they’d prefer to sell their toxic trash than incur the expense of storing it safely for decades.

    The uranium concentration seems low, in my uninformed opinion, if it didn’t decay. Radium is deadly dangerous, but largely only when ingested. Radon, though, is a big deal. Gasses emanating from miles and miles of road can’t be contained. Radon is also heavier than air. On the other hand, it has a short half life, though that’s of limited help if it will be oozing out of pavement for a long, long time (the half life of its progenitor, uranium is measured in billions of years).

    I suppose this problem has persisted long enough that research into means of separating the radioactive waste has been done. It seems to exist in too small a concentration for an effective process.

    But it’s Florida. Why not use federal grants to pay Elon to shoot it into the Sun with his Starship?

  75. Beth says:

    House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said he will look at the charges before determining if he thinks Santos should be removed from Congress.

    “I’ll look at the charges,” the California Republican told CNN on Tuesday.

    What a paragon of leadership. If only all our leaders could show such, spine, such, gumption.

  76. Beth says:

    Oh and today was looking so nice:


    Carlson’s exclusive deal adds another layer of shit that’ll whirl down the drain.

  77. Gustopher says:

    It sounds bad, but…

    Given that the Musk/Taibbi thing lasted about a month before they were both taking pot shots at each other… I think the only way to make the Fish Finger King less relevant would be to get him into Trumpland long enough for Trump to fire him and start saying that he was useless, and awful and the worst.

    Also, removing Fox standards (white supremacism must be deniable), I think a lot of racists who don’t think of themselves as racists will drop off the Tucker Train. I may be overly optimistic.

  78. Kathy says:


    I suppose it’s too late to cancel it, even though it should be beneath any news network to give a platform to a sexual predator. In any case, I don’t intend to watch.

    What I do wonder is how much chutzpah the orange sexual predator will display in his next set of NFT “trading cards.”

  79. MarkedMan says:


    The general consensus is that those dates relate to the Covid covid wave of people that came out.

    I suppose. But considering that the US reached 100M vaccinated in mid-March and 200M before the end of April, longer for younger kids, that whole very precise April to September 2021 has me wondering if this is some kind of goofy anti-vax thing, but she’s “just asking questions”.

  80. MarkedMan says:

    @Kathy: Considering that the treatment of houses for radon is diluting it with lots of air, I don’t imagine roads exposed to the whole world are going to build up dangerous levels. After all, radon is a problem in houses because it comes up through the cement foundation and pools in the basement. Everywhere there isn’t a convenient basement to trap it though, it is going right up into the atmosphere and has been for a few billion years. (This is not to say I endorse Florida’s plan. I wouldn’t trust Florida Republicans to take an honest shit in a toilet.)

  81. Gustopher says:

    @MarkedMan: Paving the streets with radioactive waste is one of those things that I am quite certain is either a great idea (it’s so dilute and well ventilated that it’s fine!) or a terrible idea (of course it’s going to give everyone in the state cancer!), but I honestly have no idea which. I doubt it’s a decent, middle of the road idea though.

    I’ll trust the EPA on this, and they are opposed.