Tuesday’s Forum

James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Bill Jempty says:
  2. Bill Jempty says:

    How long before Happy Valley in Hong Kong meets a similar fate?

    Racing In Singapore Set To End In 2024

    The Singapore Turf Club has announced that racing will cease in October 2024 after the government outlined plans to reclaim about 120 acres in Kranji for redevelopment.

    Industry stakeholders were informed of the decision by STC president and CEO Irene Lim at a meeting at Kranji on Monday. The Singapore Turf Club will hold its final race meeting on 5 October 2024, featuring the 100th Grand Singapore Gold Cup.

    STC Chairman Mr Niam Chiang Meng said, “We are saddened by the decision of the government to close the Club. At the same time, we understand the land needs of Singapore, including housing and other potential uses such as leisure and recreation.

  3. JohnSF says:

    Major event in Ukraine:
    Russia blows the Kakhovka Dam.

    Russia is, of course, claiming it was “destroyed be Ukrainian shelling”, or bombing.
    But Ukraine doesn’t have a weapon capable of taking it out in one hit.
    Maybe a half dozen Storm Shadows could do the job, but film of the explosion indicates a massive, explosion at the waterline. Looks very much like a demolition charge, and at the end of the dam under Russian control.

    This is going to have a catastrophic effect on the Dnipro lowlands downstream.
    And may effect the cooling for the reactors and waste containment ponds at the Zaporizhzhia Reactor upstream.

    Probably done to ensure Ukraine could not take the dam as a bridgehead, and to make crossing both in the flooded zone downstream, and the drained lake basin upstream, more difficult.

    Lots of indicators were Ukraine is currently ramping towards offensive operations, with major increase in reconnaissance and artillery fire along the entire line of contact. And continued diversionary “rebel” incursions in Belgorod.

  4. OzarkHillbilly says:

    ‘Forget all the excuses’: Arnold Schwarzenegger expresses regret over groping claims

    “Today, I can look at it and kind of say, it doesn’t really matter what time it is. If it’s the Muscle Beach days of 40 years ago, or today, that this was wrong. It was bullshit. Forget all the excuses, it was wrong.”

    Credit where credit is due.

  5. OzarkHillbilly says:

    The Girl from Ipanema has passed. My Mallorcan born wife knows it by heart, grew up singing it with her father.


  6. MarkedMan says:

    @Bill Jempty: We have the Preakness here in Baltimore and I have to admit it pisses me off. We subsidize that racetrack to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollar, let them turn it into a casino and it’s still nothing but whining and hands held out every year. And it does nothing for the neighborhood, one of the most neglected in the city. Knock it down and build some useful infrastructure, I say.

  7. Rick DeMent says:

    Trump appointed Judge rejects Tennessee drag show ban.

    U.S. District Judge Thomas Parker, an appointee of former Republican President Donald Trump, ruled late on Friday that the law was “both unconstitutionally vague and substantially overbroad.” The First Amendment to the Constitution commands that laws infringing on freedom of speech must be narrow and well defined, Parker said in the 70-page ruling.

    Finally some sanity on an issue which is completely and utterly manufactured outrage.


    On Edit: hey I got an edit button and a thumbs up button. I have reach the OTB promise land …

  8. Neil Hudelson says:


    The long term effects will be tragic for millions. The Ukrainian government has warned that over 150 million tons of machine oil were caught up in the flood, with a potential for 300 million more tons to be released. Residents downstream are saying the water smells of oil and fuel. This is going to make some of the most fertile land on the planet, land whose grain feeds millions, into a brownfield.

  9. Mikey says:

    One bright spot of good news from late yesterday.

    Robert Hanssen, FBI agent who spied for the Russians, dies in supermax prison

    FBI agent-turned-traitor Robert Hanssen, who spied for the old Soviet Union and later the Russians, died Monday in the cell where he was serving 15 consecutive life sentences for betraying his country, federal prison officials said.

    Hanssen, 79, was “found unresponsive” around 6:55 a.m. at the federal supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, the Bureau of Prisons said in a statement.

    Despite attempts to revive him, Hanssen was pronounced dead by the EMS workers who had tried to save him, the BOP said.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  10. MarkedMan says:

    Jalopnik has a breathless story out about the latest ASTOUNDING UFO REVELATION!!!!

    Analysis has determined that the objects retrieved are “of exotic origin (non-human intelligence, whether extraterrestrial or unknown origin) based on the vehicle morphologies and material science testing and the possession of unique atomic arrangements and radiological signatures,” he said.

    So, if this were true, any President could become the most famous ever by standing up in front of the microphones and somberly announcing to the world that we had proof of extraterrestrial intelligence. But in 80 years, every President (including Trump!) has resisted that temptation. Because, reasons. But even setting that aside, “material science testing and the possession of unique atomic arrangements and radiological signatures” is just so much mumbly jumbly bullsh*t. What the heck is a “unique atomic arrangement”? Or “radiological signature”? It’s just the type of word salad bad movies and TV shows come up with so they can quickly get past the “why this rather boring chunk of sheet metal can’t have come from a terrestrial source” problem. It’s right up there with “crossing the streams” and “flux capacitor” and “photon blaster”.

    Let’s just set aside that in the eight decades these ET’s have been crashing and abducting and probing and flying around every major city in the world (and by the way, magically metamorphosing to resemble whatever the latest science fiction hit movie portrays as alien bodies or alien tech) and yet, despite the literally millions of people who have witnessed them, the pictures offered in evidence have not gotten any better despite the multiple orders of magnitude improvement in cameras and the fact that most people carry a very high resolution video and still camera with them nowadays (your phone). So, yeah, set that aside. What is the motivation of governments to keep it all secret? And when did the US government and every other government on the planet all, collectively, become so good at coverups that they have been able to conceal hundreds or thousands of alien spacecraft and bodies from public for getting close to a century?

  11. charontwo says:

    So giving in shows weakness, emboldens the harassers so Target is just getting more harassed.

    Stores like Walmart, Kohls being smarter.


    gift link:


  12. OzarkHillbilly says:

    We have only just met – I have barely sat down – when Ivor Perl confesses a profound doubt. “How much has it helped in the 80 years, us talking?”

    By “us”, he means fellow survivors of the Holocaust who have testified to the horrors they witnessed. He wants to know if all the talks at schools, all the media interviews, have achieved anything. “Can you tell me?”

    I ask him to answer his own question.

    “I think: nothing.” He urges me to “look around the world” – at Ukraine, at Sudan, at China’s treatment of the Uyghur Muslims. “So I would like to know, is there anything the world has learned from us?”
    Perl’s number was 112021, but it is not tattooed on his arm. When the day came to brand the digits on his skin, there was a long queue and no time to get everyone done. The next day, the tattooists ran out of ink. A week later, he was lining up when an air-raid siren sounded and the prisoners were ordered back to barracks. The moment had passed.

    He then tells me something remarkable. About a decade after his arrival in England, in the 1950s, he seriously considered getting the tattoo done himself. “Many, many times. I’m ashamed of myself. I was going to put my number on there. Because I felt I hadn’t paid the price.” Without a tattoo, he felt as if he wasn’t “a fully fledged survivor”.

    Well worth the read

  13. charontwo says:


    From the links:

    Sarah Kate Ellis, president and chief executive of LGBTQ media advocacy group GLAAD, sees a great risk if companies back down in the face of growing attacks on the LGBTQ+ community and stores come under threats of violence.

    “As soon as you cede ground to extremists, you give them more permission,” she said.

    According to experts on extremism, the boycotts — and the threats and harassment that have extended from them — are part of a diffused but focused campaign that’s inflamed by influential conservatives exploiting TikTok and right-wing media.

    One of those is Matt Walsh, an anti-LGBTQ commentator for the right-wing Daily Wire, who tweeted in April that conservatives should “pick a victim, gang up on it, and make an example of it.”

    “We can’t boycott every woke company or even most of them,” he tweeted. “But we can pick one, it hardly matters which, and target it with a ruthless boycott campaign. Claim one scalp then move onto the next.”

  14. Mister Bluster says:

    Re: Outer space aliens…

  15. Daryl says:
  16. Daryl says:

    Now that the moderation bug has “encouraged” me to change my posting name…I’m considering going another step and using my new official title…Supreme Allied Gas Commander

  17. Sleeping Dog says:


    Wonderful singer. RIP

  18. JohnSF says:

    @Neil Hudelson:
    It also takes out the water supplies to irrigated area via the Kakhovka Canal, Kryvyi Rih Canal, and the Crimea Canal. The latter supplies water not just to Crimea but the southern area of Kherson oblast. More than a thousand square miles of irrigated land.

  19. OzarkHillbilly says:

    Firecaptain and Jack@Firecaptain16
    When David Letterman was on I never missed an episode. One of his best ongoing segments was stupid pet tricks. This is one of my favorites.


  20. Kathy says:


    What the heck is a “unique atomic arrangement”?


    Atomic arrangements are a thing. Carbon is such a good source to illustrate them. There are chains, sheets, tetrahedrons, etc. These get you benzene, graphene, diamond, and so on. But silicon makes similar arrangements, so not unique.

    Or “radiological signature”?

    The radiation emitted by an object?

    All objects can emit some kind of radiation. For instance, an ice cube at zero C placed inside a freezer at -40 C will emit infrared radiation because it’s warmer than its surroundings. The there’s the plethora of radioactive elements that give our beloved world its lovely background radiation.

    On the latter, there may be uniquities for certain isotopes. That is, uranium might not emit the same alpha particles than polonium, varying in energy levels/mass. But I’m not sure that’s the case.

  21. OzarkHillbilly says:

    “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine”

    Watch and listen until the end..


    The accompaniment, I am dying.

  22. Michael Cain says:


    But even setting that aside, “material science testing and the possession of unique atomic arrangements and radiological signatures” is just so much mumbly jumbly bullsh*t.

    Feeling charitable this morning, so… Current materials science research plays with lots of “unique atomic arrangements” these days. Unusual and interesting things happen at nano scale.

  23. Supreme Allied Gas Commander says:

    LIV Golf, the Saudi Golf Tournament Series set up to launder Saudi money thru the Trump Org., has just merged with the PGA.
    The PGA had banned Trump Properties from holding PGA events.
    So there is no doubt, in my mind, that the PGA will soon knuckle under to Trump. Because, Saudi $.
    Well…I’ve never enjoyed watching golf, anyway.

  24. OzarkHillbilly says:

    Double post

  25. Kathy says:
  26. MarkedMan says:

    @Michael Cain: I’m not so charitable. When I was a young lad I got into the whole “Project Blue Book” UFO things… and then I grew up. When an area of inquiry starts attracting loonies and conspiracy theorists it has real world effects, as things that need studying get so associated with the cranks that no one sensible wants to touch it. One of the news sources I read recently had an article about how NASA, at Congress’ behest, had assembled a UAP commission and the members are now horrified and concerned by the hostility and anger coming from the loony brigade. And that’s bad, because if everyone’s reaction to mysterious flying objects is to get the hell away from it lest they be lumped in with the crazies, it leaves us vulnerable to something the Russians or the Chinese may have come up with.

  27. Michael Reynolds says:

    After a mere 3000 miles, I have quit the EV revolution. For now.

    When we lived in a house with a garage where we installed 220, the Volvo XC40 Recharge was really fun. For around town. But we’ve moved to a condo where charging the car means slipping the valet a fiver and hoping none of the other desperate EV owners have taken the two available slots.

    We came to Vegas in said Volvo with two dogs and a cat and not one but two stops to charge. Why two? Because we couldn’t be sure of getting juiced at the destination. Enviros – very much including my own kids – heap scorn on my whining. ‘What’s the big deal, so you have to wait for a half hour?’ Except that is not the reality.

    Here’s the reality: app locates charging station. It’s somewhere in a vast sea of cars and concrete. So you drive around and around until you find the chargers. Oooh! Six of them. Two are 50 watts which is a waste of time. Those are joke chargers. Two are 150’s, which is not great, but it’s something. Sadly one of those is out of order and the other is occupied. And two are the nice 350’s and one of them is broken, and the other has a line of cars parked waiting.

    So you park and walk half a mile across blistering concrete to any place with air conditioning. And you waste time. And you walk back and nope, still no open bays. Sigh. Is there another station nearby? Nope. Next town. Rinse and repeat.

    Faced with driving back to LA with the same two dogs and a cat, we just could not do it. So we ate a big loss and bought a BMW X3 40i. Why? Because it was in the showroom and we didn’t have time to wait. It’s quick but not as quick as the Volvo. But it has this great advantage: zero anxiety, no trudging across endless parking lots, no desperate, ‘does this one work?’ moments.

    The system simply is not in place for EVs. Not even close. Not on trips from LA to the Bay Area, and not on trips from LA to Vegas. Two very heavily traveled routes in the state that’s trying to force the end of ICE’s. Build it and I will come back because EVs are a kick to drive. But I am done with struggling to find a fucking plug.

  28. Kathy says:


    Same here.

    But as time passes and nothing happens, I tend to lose interest. Even with serious matters approached by objective means. For instance, any piece dealing with the Fermi Paradox is 99.99% certain to be a waste of time, if you’ve read any other piece about it before. We still have very little concrete data.

    I will read one tackling technical aspects of interstellar communications and travel (how far away could you really pick up terrestrial radio signals?). But there are few of those.

    Investigating aerial phenomena not readily identifiable is not a waste of time. You may learn something. Meteorology basically began with people looking at clouds, after all. But as in all matters relating to science, you go in without preconceptions, and with the intent of finding out what is going on and how it happens. People with agendas don’t like that.

  29. CSK says:

    @Supreme Allied Gas Commander:

    So…you’re The Artist Formerly Known As Daryl.

  30. Kathy says:

    @Michael Reynolds:

    You may want to look at this op-ed in The Guardian

  31. Supreme Allied Gas Commander says:

    Yes – that too!!!

  32. Daryl says:

    79 years ago Antifa landed in Normandy and began the liberation of Europe from Nazi aggression.
    Worth noting that today’s GOP is anti-Antifa.

  33. CSK says:

    When I lived in Scotland, people would thank me for my participation in WWII. I hadn’t even been born then, but the gratitude to the U.S.A. was overwhelming.

    I think about this every D-Day.

  34. MarkedMan says:

    I know someone who works for the SEC since the Enron days and they are as tight lipped as anyone I know. They have never once even told us they are working on something and never bring it up on their own even after the charges are filed. The most I’ve ever gotten out of them when I inquired about some SEC action in the news is an observation that the Washington Post had an interesting article about that in the business section.

    However, a year or two ago we were sitting around and spontaneously they asked us if we were invested in cryptocurrency. When we said no, they said that was good, because when the SEC requested documentation from the financial offices of the crypto companies they got pages long screeds of nonsense (from the little she said, I envision the usual libertarian / free citizen tripe) and, more importantly, not the info they requested. They commented that the crypto bros didn’t seem to realize their obligations under the law. I knew from previous conversations that although the SEC only filed civil actions they worked closely with the Justice Department if they believed there might be criminal elements to their investigations. And, from long experience, I know that “lying to a Federal Agent” is one of the easiest things to get a conviction on. And I went, “hmmm…”

    Apropos of nothing…

    For gods sake, if you invested a dime in Crypto, get out what you can and run away as fast as possible.

  35. Andy says:


    It’s premature to attribute this to direct Russian action, and it’s looking more likely the failure was possibly due to previous damage to the dam in the fall, combined with no one managing the water level.

  36. Joe says:

    @CSK: Several years ago, I was in the south of the Netherlands and went to the Netherlands American Cemetery, an Allied cemetery for soldiers killed in the liberation of the Netherlands. It is immaculate. We were told that on VE Day and Memorial Day every grave has flowers as each grave has been adopted by a local family and passed down generationally for individual care. These people have not forgotten.

  37. CSK says:

    Chris Christie is running for the presidential nomination.

  38. MarkedMan says:

    WaPo has an article (no subscription needed) saying the US knew Ukraine was looking to sabotage the Nordstream pipeline. I don’t know if this is a real leak or just some cleverly planted disinfo, but FWIW I never did see how the risk/reward equation for blowing the pipeline came out in anyone’s favor except the Ukrainians. It kept the Europeans and especially the Germans from getting weak kneed about finding alternate energy supplies. I honestly couldn’t see how it benefited anyone else to the degree it was worth what would happen if the world found out.

  39. Michael Reynolds says:

    Had a very similar experience in Paris. A waiter just started saying that the French never forget what was done for them, what Americans did for them, on this day.

  40. CSK says:

    @Joe: @Michael Reynolds:

    Bill Bryson writes about strangers hugging and thanking him while he was touring the Netherlands.

  41. Michael Cain says:


    It’s premature to attribute this to direct Russian action, and it’s looking more likely the failure was possibly due to previous damage to the dam in the fall, combined with no one managing the water level.

    Failure to manage the water level so the dam is overtopped is a choice. “We didn’t open the sluices, even though we could have” is a direct action.

  42. Mu Yixiao says:

    “Dead Duck Day” marks that time a scientist witnessed gay duck necrophilia

    Two male mallard ducks copulating would not actually be that surprising. Same-sex pairings have been recorded in some 450 different species, from flamingoes and bison to warthogs, beetles, and guppies. Female koalas sometimes mount other females, while male Amazon river dolphins have been known to penetrate each other’s blowholes. Lepidopterist W.J. Tennent, while diligently tracking Mazarine Blue butterflies in Morocco in 1987, spotted several males of the species mating with each other rather than with females of the species.

    Nor is necrophilia limited to mallard ducks. A British naturalist named George Murray Levick traveled to Antarctica with the 1910-1913 Scott expedition and spent several months studying the breeding habits of a colony of Adelie penguins at Cape Adare. Levick was horrified to witness not just male penguins mating with other males but one young male Adelie penguin attempting to copulate with a dead female. Necrophilic behavior has also been observed in ground squirrels, New Zealand sea lions, rock doves, pilot whales, and crows, among other animals. Canadian biologist and linguist Bruce Bagemihl prefers to call this sort of thing “biological exuberance,”

    Somebody better alert DeSantis about this.

  43. Arnold Stang says:


    That’s a well thought out explanation… from Mr. Bean!
    Who knew he had those engineering degrees.

  44. Mister Bluster says:

    Goodbye Sadness
    Astrud Gilberto


  45. Andy says:

    @Michael Cain:

    No, there is a difference between pouring gasoline on your house and deliberately lighting it on fire vs. not fixing that broken electrical outlet, which eventually sparks and also burns the house down.

    And the dam itself is on the front line, with the right bank controlled by Ukraine and the left bank controlled by Russia. The Russians blew up the bridge over the dam last fall to prevent Ukraine from crossing when they retreated, and the Ukrainians, at various points, have shelled it with artillery.

    To the extent that anyone “controls” the dam, it’s not exactly easy to operate and maintain when it’s not just a dam, but also a potential bridgehead.

    Regardless, the point is that we don’t know what happened yet. All the people immediately jumping to the conclusion that Russia blew it up based on no hard evidence should perhaps be a little less quick on the trigger. And, logically, this theory doesn’t make much sense because it does nothing to help Russia, and the downstream effects are worse for the Russian-controlled areas than for the Ukrainian-controlled areas.

  46. dazedandconfused says:


    As you say, the initial BBC report indicates that for the moment a failure is plausible.

    Unless the Russians have decided they are unable to defend Zaporizhia and Crimea blowing that dam makes no sense. By all the open source I’ve seen they have built hundreds of miles of defensive lines and, faint praise notwithstanding, have put their “best people” on it. To give up when the fight is just barely starting??

  47. CSK says:

    The PGA has merged with the LIV. Trump and the Saudis are gloating.

  48. Kathy says:

    @Mu Yixiao:

    Somebody better alert DeSantis about this.

    Why? He can find his own dead duck if his needs are so great.

  49. SenyorDave says:

    @MarkedMan: Pimlico is not a casino, in Maryland the casinos are not at racetracks. The racetracks are subsidized in Maryland, and I do agree with you that this is not a useful way of using state resources.

  50. JohnSF says:

    It is possible that a collapse of the damaged structure was the cause.
    There appears to be direct observation by multiple witnesses of a massive explosion.
    (Though the video I linked earlier must be regarded as doubtful; it looks too similar to previously published footage of the topping road being destroyed during the Kherson evacuation last Autumn.)
    The water level height due to the closed sluices may indicate a plan to breach.
    There appear to have been two breach points, indicate at least two simultaneous failures either side of one of the sluice control buildings.
    And NATO governments are describing it, unambiguously, as a Russian action. No hedging. That suggests they have solid basis for saying so.

  51. MarkedMan says:

    @MarkedMan: FWIW, this piece by TPM on the Nordstream sabotage pretty much matches my thoughts.

  52. DK says:

    @Michael Cain:

    Failure to manage the water level so the dam is overtopped is a choice.

    But would they choose to make life harder in Crimea, the crown jewel of Russia-controlled Ukraine, and to destroy Russian-occupied areas?

    Of course Ukrainians are blaming the Russians, and Russians are blaming the Ukrainians, but I would say don’t immediately attribute to malice what might be explained by incompetence — pending further information.

    Has the US goverment pointed the finger at Russian actors?

  53. JohnSF says:

    Because they though they needed those units elsewhere.
    Perhaps to hold S. Zaporizhzhia and thus Crimea?
    Depending on the hydrology, the Dnipro from Kakhovka to the delta will be impassable for some time. The part below Kherson wasn’t very practicable anyway.
    The reservoir will drain down to a still considerable water obstacle in a sea of mud. Good luck getting through that for a month or so.
    Meanwhile, the forces from the Dnipro sector can be moved to reinforce the much more vulnerable line running roughly Vasiylivka to Donetsk.

    So depending how worried Russian commanders are about that line, it could well make sense.

  54. JohnSF says:

    Incidentally; you want a sucessor to Baghadad Bob?
    I give you Governor Saldo:

    “Everything is fine in Novaya Kakhovka, people go about their daily business like any day”
    Standing right in front of a view of a street where the floodwaters are rising!

    (Saldo being the Russian appointed Governor of Kherson oblast.)

  55. JohnSF says:


    Has the US goverment pointed the finger at Russian actors?

    Has anyone been tracking the movements of Steven Seagal?

  56. Kathy says:

    @Arnold Stang:

    I read a lot about hydrogen fuel cells in the mid-2000s. I think a Japanese automaker even sells hydrogen cars to this day. There were arguments about infrastructure, about the energy needed to make hydrogen, etc.

    In the meantime, EVs and plug-in hybrids seemed to have won the debate.

  57. JohnSF says:

    Thing is this WaPo story now says CIA were tipped by a European agency who got it from a Ukrainian source. But they didn’t put intensive patrols over the pipes or closer watch on Ukrainians hiring boats?
    And some months ago there was a report the CIA were alerted to a possible Ukrainian plot by intercepted Russian sources.

    Also, there’s one thing that TPM doesn’t mention: Nordstream 2 has two pipelines running in parallel. Only one of which was damaged. The other could be opened for operations at any time.

  58. dazedandconfused says:


    Anything is possible but I doubt it. Most people know that mud dries quick in the summer.

  59. MarkedMan says:


    On 26 September 2022, Danish and Swedish authorities reported a number of explosions at pipes A and B of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline and pipe A of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, with the resulting damage causing significant gas leaks.

    Ah, I always read the two pipelines damaged meant that everything was cut off. So there were four pipelines in all?

  60. JohnSF says:

    Yep. Two paired sets.
    Nord1 pair are both destroyed; those are the ones Russia had shut down (on rather spurious grounds) and was looking at massive fines (levied on frozen assets?) if it failed to restart.
    Nord2 pair had never come into operation, despite being complete and good to, as Germany refused to grant the pending operating licenses after the invasion began.

    If it was a Russian op it might make sense: attempt force licensing AND payment in non-frozen currency, while ensuring tight gas at spiked price: probably same revenues out of single pipe as all four.

    We may find out, at some point.

  61. JohnSF says:

    But the Dnipro itself (probably still enlarged if the dam base is not completely gone) is still a major obstacle in its own right.

  62. inhumans99 says:

    Kevin Drum has a post up that a Federal judge put an injunction in place against one of Florida’s anti-trans laws.

    A bit of good news for some of the regulars on this great site.

  63. Flat Earth Luddite says:

    Ok, time for a slight shift from the critical issues of the day, to, well, a more serious issue in state invasion of privacy in Connecticut:

    A Connecticut couple alleges the state put a camera on a bear with the intention of illegally filming their property, and has filed an injunction to get the photographic evidence destroyed.


    I guess the bear has joined me in shooting people with a Canon (I’ve been doing it for decades).

    Thank you, you’re a beautiful audience. I’ll just show myself out the door.

  64. EddieInCA says:

    @Michael Reynolds:

    The system simply is not in place for EVs. Not even close. Not on trips from LA to the Bay Area, and not on trips from LA to Vegas. Two very heavily traveled routes in the state that’s trying to force the end of ICE’s. Build it and I will come back because EVs are a kick to drive. But I am done with struggling to find a fucking plug.

    Long story short… My little three wheeled electric car, the SOLO, was recalled by the company. Full refund, including taxes, licensing, and delivery. 100% refund. They came and picked it up three weeks ago, and gave me my check, at which point I went to the Nissan dealership and picked up a 2021 Nissan Leaf. Loving it so far. I’m sold on EV’s for the simple fact that I save a fortune on gasoline. I charge for free at the grocery store, gym, sushi restaurant, mall, and studio. I sold both Porsches, BUT… we kept my wife’s BMW Cabriolet for just what you describe. We just got back from a five day drip in Sacramento in the Bimmer, with three dogs. My wife wants an EV too now, but we will always keep an ICE car for road trips. I get your frustration, though.

  65. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Andy: Andy, it fck’n exploded. I’ve seen things imploded. This exploded.

  66. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @CSK: Correction, Chris Christie is running to beat up on trump. He can’t win the nomination. At best he can damage trump enough to deny him victory, not the nomination.

  67. Kathy says:


    Here’s a link

    I hope the other courts that deal with this matter will consider the real evidence and come to similar conclusions.

    BTW, if there is a related matter where state intervention might be warranted, it’s with intersex children. Very often, children born with what’s called “ambiguous genitalia,” undergo corrective surgery in infancy and are assigned the gender corresponding to the resulting genitals.

    This is controversial, it’s done long before the child is even aware of any options, and as far as I know hasn’t been studied or followed up in much detail.

    If states need to meddle in medical care, that would be a good place to begin looking, provided they don’t just jump in and make rules, but rather examine the evidence available, in particular what people who’ve gone through life with the consequences have to say about it.

    But that’s responsible governance rather than grandstanding.

  68. Kathy says:


    Really? If he succeeds, he’ll be despised by his party and not get any rehabilitation until years past his death, if he gets any at all.

  69. MarkedMan says:

    @Flat Earth Luddite: That was horrible. I wish I had thought of it.

  70. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Kathy: He’ll be dead. What does he care? Hate is a powerful thing.

  71. dazedandconfused says:


    One of the more plausible explanations floating around (which fits known Russian tendencies, ie, incompetence) is that in the hours immediately after the dam collapse Russian telegram channels were saying a hole was blown in the power plant section of the dam and the Ukrainian positions on the south side islands were being flooded out. It wasn’t until the full extent of the catastrophe became apparent that Russia changed the story to either accidental dam collapse or a Ukrainian strike.

    Sluice gates must have been damaged and non-operable for this to fit, but the dam did take some pelting about a year ago which might account for that and may have weakened the structure. IOW, the Russians probably did not want to completely destroy the thing. In Russia whatever can go potato goes potato.

  72. Beth says:


    It’s a banger from what I’ve seen. I’ve downloaded it to read on something other than my phone. The most important bit is at the end:

    Gender identity is real. Those whose gender identity does not match their natal sex often suffer gender dysphoria. The widely accepted standard of care calls for evaluation and treatment by a multidisciplinary team. Proper treatment begins with mental-health therapy and is followed in appropriate cases by GnRH agonists and cross-sex hormones. Florida has adopted a statute and rules that prohibit these treatments even when medically appropriate. The plaintiffs are likely to prevail on
    their claim that the prohibition is unconstitutional.

  73. DK says:

    @EddieInCA: The EV drivers in my orbit pretty much understand they are not road trip cars. They’re mostly still renting cars and doing short-haul flights for regional road trip routes. Except, curiously, the Tesla drivers who I know trek the SF-LAX route with some regularity. Is there something about Tesla specifically that makes this possible?

  74. DK says:

    @dazedandconfused: Oh man. If Russians actually intended to flood Ukranian positions but accidentally screwed over their own occupied territory instead, that would make the Russian sabotage explanation more sensible. Because otherwise, it’s braindead for them to have done this on purpose, even moreso than their usual stupid ‘strategery.’

    I wonder if we’ll have a handle on the real story any time soon.

  75. EddieInCA says:


    Yeah. My Tesla driving friends do that roadtrip often. As most Tesla’s have 250M ranges, it’s easy enough to do with one stop at a Tesla supercharger, which are very, very, very, fast charging. My little Leaf only has a CHAdeMO and J-1772 inputs for charging, which, as Micheal writes above, isn’t fast at all. But my Leaf, with it’s 150 mi range, can fully charge on a CHAdeMO charger in two hours. It would take four hours for a Tesla. But with a Tesla Supercharger, you can get 200 miles of range added to your Tesla in about 15-20 minutes, assuming one is available when you arrive. Google maps makes it easy to find charging stations – again, assuming their not in use.

  76. Beth says:


    These kids are so brave. I’m profoundly moved by how much their parents love them.

    A. Susan Doe

    Susan Doe is an 11-year-old transgender girl. From a young age, she consistently told her mother she was a girl. She experienced extreme anxiety and distress about wearing boys’ clothing. Her mother sought help from a pediatrician, who said Susan should be allowed to dress and play as made her comfortable. Despite fears, her mother allowed her to wear girls’ clothes and socially transition. This made Susan a “different child” who was “happy, glowing, [and] secure.”
    Susan’s school peers know her as a girl. They do not know she is transgender. Her legal documentation and government-issued identification say she is female.

    Susan’s treating professionals have included the physician at the Pentagon who oversees the United States military’s transgender health program and a multidisciplinary team at the University of Florida Health Youth Gender Program. All of Susan’s providers have determined GnRH agonists will be medically necessary when she begins puberty—that is, when she reaches the puberty classification denominated Tanner stage II. This could happen any day.
    The statute and rules at issue, unless enjoined, will force Susan to go through male puberty. This will “out” her as transgender to her peers and will have devasting physical, emotional, and psychological effects.

    B. Gavin Goe

    Gloria Goe is the mother of Gavin Goe, an eight-year-old transgender boy. From a very young age, Gavin wanted short hair, masculine clothing, and a boy’s name. He experienced distress and asked his mother why no one believed he was a boy. His mother came to understand Gavin was transgender, and she sought to learn how best to support and love her child. She allowed Gavin to socially transition, including by using a boy’s name and wearing boy’s clothing. Gavin’s teacher, counselor, and principal know Gavin is transgender, but his peers do not.
    Gavin’s pediatrician referred him to a psychologist for treatment of gender dysphoria, anxiety, and depression. Now, at age eight, Gavin is younger than the average age of puberty onset, but his sister began puberty at age nine, so Gavin, too, may begin puberty early. The pediatrician has referred Gavin to a pediatric endocrinologist at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Hospital gender clinic in St. Petersburg, Florida, to assess possible treatment with GnRH agonists. Gavin had an appointment, but it was canceled when the Board of Medicine adopted the rule prohibiting doctors from providing this kind of care.

    C. Lisa Loe

    Linda Loe is the mother of Lisa Loe, an 11-year-old transgender girl. Lisa has always gravitated toward interests and activities more stereotypically associated with girls. At age 9, Lisa told her mother she was a girl.

    Lisa suffered gender dysphoria. Her family sought the care of a psychologist. Lisa was allowed to socially transition, and her happiness and well-being improved. But her classmates and teachers continued to treat her as a boy, causing more distress. Her mother eventually decided to move Lisa to a more supportive and inclusive school.

    Lisa’s pediatrician referred her to a pediatric endocrinologist who specializes in the treatment of gender dysphoria. The endocrinologist in turn referred Lisa to a gender clinic. She has begun puberty and needs GnRH agonists without further delay.
    Lisa has become extremely anxious as her puberty progresses.

  77. Andy says:


    And NATO governments are describing it, unambiguously, as a Russian action. No hedging. That suggests they have solid basis for saying so.

    The White House stated it cannot confirm the cause.

    We actually have very little information at this point. It’s going to take time for actual experts to determine what happened and who is responsible, even if we assume this was a deliberate act.


    Tesla has, by far, the best chargers and charging network. I think if the industry was smart, they would just adopt Tesla’s system as the standard.

  78. Flat Earth Luddite says:


    I have that as the catchphrase on the business shirt I wear to shoots (I shoot with Canon digital, or Zeiss medium format).

    As I’ve said before, you’re a beautiful audience. Thank you, thank you.

  79. Michael Reynolds says:


    These kids are so brave.

    Every time my daughter goes out in the world I’m shamed by my devotion to anonymity. Brave kid, and although I know many of her strengths I had not seen her courage til she transitioned.

  80. JohnSF says:

    One additional point re. Kakhovka Dam:
    Ukraine requested an international inspection and monitoring mission to check on its structural integrity and allow repairs.
    Russia not only refused, it issued a decree forbidding any inspections of the dams in the area.