Secret CIA Flights Stopped, Purpose Unknown

A Council of Europe investigation has concluded that the CIA has ceased stopping planes into Romania and Poland that may or may not have been part of a clandestine rendition program that may or may not have existed.

The head of an investigation into alleged CIA secret prisons in Europe said Wednesday that evidence suggests planes carrying terror suspects stopped in Romania and Poland and likely dropped off detainees there. Swiss Sen. Dick Marty’s final report, however, offered no clear, direct proof that CIA detention centers were set up in Europe — an allegation made by a human rights group last year.

Dick Marty Two Fingers Photo Dick Marty, a Swiss senator leading a Council of Europe probe into alleged secret CIA prisons in eastern Europe, shown in Paris in a Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2005 file photo. (AP Photo/Jacques Brinon) Marty said Romania was part of what he called a “renditions circuit” and was used as a stopover by CIA-linked planes carrying terror suspects. He also said an airport in Poland was likely used as a detainee drop-off point, and accused a total of 14 European countries, including Britain, Italy and Germany, of violating human rights in connection with CIA activities. “We believe we are in a position to state that successive CIA rendition operations have taken place in the course of the same, single flight circuit,” Marty said in a report commissioned by the Council of Europe, the continent’s leading human rights watchdog.

In the accompanying photo, Marty illustrates how many “two” is.

FILED UNDER: Europe, Intelligence, , , , , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Anderson says:

    To “cease stopping planes,” as the story text has it, would appear to be an unintended double negative. Unless the CIA is just that sly.

  2. The hand position in the photo is also an Australian gesture analogous to “the finger” here in America.

    Which, IMO, is much funnier.

  3. elendil says:

    Hrm… probably a long shot around these parts, but I guess we do already have a few conservatives and a milblogger supporting us, so here goes:

    Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and a few other NGOs, have designated June Torture Awareness Month. We’ve created a blogroll you can join if you’re interested. You can find it here. The idea is that everyone is linked to from the blogroll, and in exchange, you discuss torture, and link to the Torture Awareness site to help support the NGOs.

    There’s a lot of bloggers concerned about human rights abuse in the War on Terror. If we coordinate, we can show our support and help Amnesty and HRW make Torture Awareness Month a success.