Good Advice For A Somber Day

Sometimes all we have is the choice of how we react to events.

Hamas, Human Shields, and International Law

War crime does pay.

Israelis United Behind War Effort

This is only “one alternative, and this is being murdered.”

Columbia Israel Divestment Protests Turn Ugly

On-campus classes have been suspended and Jewish students told to find safety.

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Are Hamas Death Figures Fake?

Damned if I know.

Netanyahu Doesn’t Care About World Opinion

Israel’s prime minister is defying red lines and humanitarian concerns.

US Warned Iran Ahead of ISIL Attack

The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy.

Israel Agrees to Pause in Exchange for Hostage Release

Hamas gets rewarded for its crimes.

Israel and the al-Shifa Hospital

It’s likely legal and almost certainly won’t matter.

Israel’s Evacuation Orders

An extraordinary look into warning civilians about impending attacks.

Israel Hits Refugee Camp, Targeting Hamas Leaders

Muddled reporting of a messy situation.

Ezra Klein on Israel and Hamas

The best statement on the complexity of the Israel-Hamas conflict that I have heard/read.

Thinking about the Past

Thoughts after reading Part 2 of the Reuter’s series, “Slavery’s Descendants”

Anarchy in France

The rioting never seems to stop.

Ukraine Striking Into Russia

A welcome development in a long and bloody war.

newspaper newspaper

Quick Takes

A few stories to consider.

David McCullough, 1933-2022

A great American author is gone at 89.

U.S. Kills Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda Founder and Leader

A precision drone strike on a balcony in Kabul took out a longtime nemesis.

The War Drags On

Not only has the war changed, but so have the combatants.

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[Updated] Picturing The Gap Between Fantasy And Reality

Police and the Punisher Skull

John Allen, Illegal Lobbying, and Foreign Influence

The retired general and think tank president is in hot water.

Yet Another School Shooting in America

Alas, it’s unlikely to change the policies that enable them.

Queer Couples, Divorce, and Custody Rights

An ugly divorce exposes a gap in our legal structure.

Whitmer Kidnap ‘Plotters’ Acquitted

A Michigan jury believed the FBI created the crime.

Meanwhile, In The Rest Of The Russian Empire…

Putin must be worrying about losing what little empire he has built.

Putin Will Likely Get Away with War Crimes

The Russian leader is very unlikely to be hauled before the Hague.

Double Jeopardy in All But Name

Two notorious cases indicate a policy shift on federal prosecutions of cases already tried in lower courts.

Who Decides What’s Disinformation?

What if the “fake news” is really fake news?

Is COVID Being Overhyped?

In the age of vaccines, should we stop worrying about the pandemic?

Hezbollah in Latin America! (Part Gazillion)

A possible murder plot in Colombia embedded into a problematic multi-decade narrative.

Justice for Ahmaud Arbery

A just verdict—but just a verdict.

Patriots Leave Fox After Patriot Purge

Two NeverTrump Republicans have had enough.

Afghan Airlift Tradeoffs

Humanitarian instincts rightly trumped security concerns.

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The Forever War Isn’t Over By a Long Shot

We may be out of Afghanistan but the ‘war on terror’ is likely to continue indefinitely.

Who Lost Afghanistan?

The postmortems are well underway.

Congress May Repeal Iraq AUMF

A meaningless gesture that’s long overdue.

Virginia’s Weird Politics

The Commonwealth is much more diverse than national election returns might indicate.

Ryan Says GOP Must Move Past Trump

“If the conservative cause depends on the populist appeal of one personality, or on second-rate imitations, then we’re not going anywhere.”

Vaccine Disconnect

Refuseniks are far more confident than those already vaccinated.

Most January 6 Rioters Won’t Go to Jail

Judges are pressuring prosecutors to strike deals, most of which will be for misdemeanors.

This Week’s Dr. Seuss Nonsense

A story that is both unserious and yet emblematic of our age in a serious way.

The Terrorist In The Mirror

There’s a word for people who use outrageous violence to terrorize.

The Silly ‘Dr. Biden’ Kerfuffle

A silly, sexist WSJ op-ed has generated plenty of attention.

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Biden Can’t Fire Postmaster General

When an apolitical process gets politicized.

The Scouring Of The Shire

Saruman’s rigid arrogance ultimately made him pathetic. Sound familiar?

The Office of Legal Counsel

Holding the president accountable is hard.

Police Shouldn’t Be Anonymous

Cops aren’t soldiers or spies but fellow citizens.

Non-Violent Protests

At what point does a demonstration become something else?

China’s Demographic Genocide Against Uighers

The regime’s crackdown on their Muslim minority is worse than imagined.

Trump Pushing Out US Attorney Investigating Trump Associates

For the second time, the chief federal prosecutor for Manhattan has been fired.