The Biggest Winner In The Trump-Ukraine Scandal? Putin, Of Course

With the ongoing Ukraine scandal having an impact in Washington and Kyiv, the biggest winner is in Moscow.

Writing in Politico Magazine, Molly McKew notes that the biggest winner of the whole Ukraine controversy currently gripping the United States is, perhaps not surprisingly, Russia and Vladimir Putin. The largest part of McKew’s piece is an excellent examination of the reasons behind Putin’s 2014 decision to annex Ukraine, the reasoning behind its efforts to continue to underwrite the ongoing war in the eastern part of Ukraine, and what it has in mind for the future of Ukraine, and the future of other nations such as Moldova and Georgia. That section of the article is far too lengthy to fairly quote here, but I recommend it as essential background material not only for the Ukraine scandal but also for the reasons why Ukraine itself has come to be a central battlefield between Russia and the United States and our European allies.

With respect to the ongoing scandal here in the United States, though, McKew makes these points:

In one gesture, Trump reduced the survival of Ukraine to a bargaining chip in an utterly petty pursuit; embroiled Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, in scandal and undercut his ability to defend the interests of his nation; and weakened the clout of U.S. leadership on Ukraine, the region and beyond.

The biggest beneficiary of this latest Trump-derived scandal is the Kremlin. This isn’t some theoretical future calculus. It has an immediate impact on U.S. security and our strategic outlook. And it enhances the ability of the Kremlin to keep stirring chaos inside the United States.

Trump is bargaining away U.S. security for conspiracy theories about Ukraine and the Bidens that he hopes will not only strengthen his position for his re-election, but will also erase the evidence that Kremlin intervention helped to elect him president. It’s actually hard to know which part of all this makes the Kremlin most happy.

The ongoing scandal also helps Putin for two other reasons.

First, the Ukraine scandal helps Putin not only because it casts a cloud over the relationship between the United States and Ukraine, which in turn casts a cloud over the relationship between Ukraine and the rest of the western alliance. As has been noted before, Ukraine is a relatively poor nation facing down a rebellion being funded and armed by one of the largest military forces in Europe. Without some kind of aid from the United States and other nations, they are essentially defenseless. Since it’s clear that neither the U.S. nor any of our allies in Europe are going to come to the direct aid of Zelenesky and his regime via actually sending military forces (nor should they), that means military aid or monetary aid. This is why Congress authorized military aid to Ukraine earlier this year, and this was the aid that Trump was withholding at the same time he was “asking” the Ukrainian President for the “favor” of helping with an investigation of Trump’s political rival.

Second, the allegations against Trump and President Zelensky’s involvement in the matter have already reverberated against him back home, earning him the derisive nickname “Monica Zelensky” and have increased pressure on his young and relatively inexperienced Presidency that makes the situation in Kvyv even more uncertain. This weekend, for example, Zelensky is under fire for a proposed peace plan for the eastern regions of the country which protesters contend would give the east far too much autonomy and essentially give Russia free hand in the region. To the extent that the controversies in the United States weaken Zelensky’s reputation back home, that helps Putin and his allies in eastern Ukraine.

Finally, it continues to accomplish what I have contended from the start has always been the real purpose of Russian interference in American politics specifically and, more generally, in democratic elections in the United States and Western Europe. Specifically, that purpose has been not to support one candidate or one political party or the other, but to exploit the hyperpartisanship that has developed in American politics thanks largely to the rise of the Tea Party.

Judged by this standard, of course, Putin’s plan has arguably been more successful than he probably thought it would be. The past eighteen months have seen partisanship in the United States become even more bitter and divisive than it was during the Obama Era, and given the wide disparity between the way that Democrats and Independents judge the President’s performance on the job compared to Republicans, that’s only likely to continue. Indeed, public opinion on the Russia investigation itself is becoming ever more sharply divided to the point where it’s clear that most Republicans simply won’t accept Special Counsel Mueller’s conclusions no matter how much evidence there might be to support it. This will just mean more hyperpartisanship, and more division, as we head into the 2018 midterms and, beyond that, the 2020 Presidential election. Given that, one could say that Putin has already succeeded even if there is no further interference in our electoral process.

In other words, the outcome of the election doesn’t really matter to the Russians or other nations that may be involved in such campaigns. What matters is taking advantage of the already existing hyperpartisanship and the political divide to create chaos in the targeted nation and give people like Putin something to point to when they argue that there is nothing about western representative democracy that makes it superior to the way things are done in Russia. Such chaos also has the advantage of distracting Americans and their leaders from what Russia is up to in nations such as Ukraine and other areas of the so-called “near abroad” and allows Putin to get away with whatever it is he has in mind there.

FILED UNDER: Democracy, Intelligence, National Security, , , , , , , , , ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. Gustopher says:

    I think it’s too early to tell. It’s also possible that there will be a unified Democratic and Republican consensus that it was wrong/tacky* to withhold aid to Ukraine over a political matter, and that military aid will be flowing to the Ukraine for the foreseeable future with Trump’s hands tied.

    That would not be in Putin’s interest.

    And scuttling a proposed peace plan — which would likely then see the relaxing of sanctions against Russia — is also not likely in Putin’s interest.

    I think there’s a good chance that there will be no winners.

    *: it doesn’t even require a belief that the President should be impeached.

  2. Jay L Gischer says:

    @Gustopher: A president that ignores laws and norms cannot be forced to give the money to the Ukraine if he doesn’t want to. This is why impeachment exists.

    The Senate has been remarkably united when taking votes about policy vs. Russia. And yet Trump pulls this stuff.

    I think Trump just got the desired monkey dance out of Zelensky and thus released the money, so the Senate Republicans might decide to ignore it – this time. That’s not my preference, but it’s not like Mitch McConnell has me on speed-dial.

  3. Paul L. says:

    But his phone call to Ukraine.


  4. Gustopher says:

    @Paul L.: I don’t know why you are still here.

    On the subject of phone calls…

    Rod Blagojevich “has been in jail for 7 years over a phone call where nothing happens….it was braggadocio you would say. I would think that there have been many politicians—I’m not one of them by the way—that have said a lot worse over the telephone.”

    —Trump, August 7, 2019

    That’s about two weeks after the Ukraine call, by the way.

  5. Paul L. says:

    Enjoy this pure weapons grade whataboutism.
    Trump pardoned Kristian Saucier, former sailor jailed for submarine pictures.

    But her emails.

  6. An Interested Party says:

    I would love someone to logically explain how there was nothing wrong with that phone call…I guess it is easier to type nonsense like this…


    Such a very compelling defense…

  7. Just nutha ignint crackerd says:

    @Gustopher: Paul L. just comes to do what I’m guessing is a Howard Dean yell. Why he thinks that’s hip or pwns the libs or whatever I can’t help you with. Sorry.

  8. inhumans99 says:

    @Paul L.:

    You need to be a code breaker to decipher what you are trying to say with your posts. Although ocam’s razor suggests that I was right when I replied to one of your posts last week or on the Friday prior to last week that the fact that the cult leader you worship is going to be impeached has caused you to mentally snap which explains so much. You have just been posting gibberish for the past 7-10 days but I get it…the news has you stressed nowadays.

    Put it this way, your team has been trying to change the subject by yelling Squirrel and trying to get people to pay attention to claims that Adam Schiff made up the whistleblower complaint, he should be removed from his post on the Intelligence committee, etc., and by your team I mean President Trump runs with this opportunity to distract folks with stories that are debunked but have already served their purpose.

    The fact that no-one outside of you and Fox News viewers is taking the bait should be of grave concern to you. Please note, I am being serious….folks are noticing that President Trump and folks like yourself, Hannity, and others are trying to regain control of the narrative but it is not working. It has been over a week and people are still paying attention to the fact that the President of the United States committed an act that is an impeachable offense.

    The inability to wrest back control of the narrative is what scares McConnell more than anything else happening in the world right now. Everyday that the GOP is not able to get people to stop paying attention to the story is cause for concern because the GOP would like to retain their majority in 2020 and folks being focused on President Trump’s misdeeds is not helpful to his cause.

    I suspect that the story being floated that an ex Trump employee thinks President Trump would rather resign than be impeached is a way to gather data as to whether or not this would allow President Trump to save face and still keep the GOP in a position to retain their majority when the dust settles in 2020.

    I guess I could have avoided this long-ass post by simply pointing out that in your attempts to be funny you are showing that you have no understanding of how serious things are and how uncomfortable things are for the GOP right now. You can bet your last dollar that Mitch McConnell is taking things much more seriously than you are, which tells me that he stood in the line for brains not trains.

  9. OzarkHillbilly says:

    @Paul L.: Translation:

    “trump is guilty guilty guilty. Not even a complete whack-a-loon such as I can deny that simple fact. However sticking my head in the sand and babbling incoherently are options still available to me.”

  10. OzarkHillbilly says:

    It’s time to call a spade a spade: The Republican Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of the All-Russia People’s Front
