Andre Agassi Won’t Seek Congress Seat in 2006

In case you were worried, tennis star Andre Agassi has decided not to run for Congress in 2006.

Agassi Won’t Seek Congress Seat in 2006

Andre Agassi has made it official: He’s not running for Congress in Nevada’s 2006 elections.

Gil Eisner, a retired Summerlin resident, sought to draft Agassi, who lives in Las Vegas, to run for the 3rd Congressional District seat held by Rep. Jon Porter, a Republican. He said Agassi would be perfect because of his name recognition and reputation as a philanthropist.

“While I am flattered by the recent effort to draft me to run for Congress, I presently have no plans to enter the political arena,” Agassi said in a statement released Wednesday by R&R Partners on behalf of the Agassi Foundation. “I will continue to focus my efforts on tennis, my foundation and my family.”

My first thought was that the “Image is Everything” pitchman is rather unqualified for the job. Upon a moment’s reflection, though, upon some of the current members of the House made me reconsider.

FILED UNDER: 2006 Election, Sports, ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. ALS says:

    Andre Agassi Won’t Seek Congress Seat in 2006

    Well thank God that we know one way or other. I mean, there was so much media coverage on this, that I’ve had a lot of sleepless nights wondering which way this gonna go.

    Thanks for posting.

    (end tongue in cheek)

  2. Anderson says:

    There’s a lobbing/lobbying joke here, but I won’t make it.

  3. McGehee says:

    He’s afraid the opposition research will discover he got away with an uncalled double-fault in a second-round match eight or nine years ago.

  4. Gil Eisner says:

    An open letter to Andre Agassi
    From Gil Eisner, Citizens Congressional Exploratory Committee
    “An Unofficial Movement to Draft Andre Agassi for Congress”

    Mr. Agassi, we have never met and we have never spoken to one another. Therefore, I would like to take this public moment to share with you some of the rationale behind the “Draft Agassi for Congress” Movement.

    In recent days I have been overwhelmed with public response. I have received dozens of calls from excited North American and international media inquiring about this Movement. Many of the inquirers have reflected their admiration of you as a world class athlete and their “off the record” support of the effort to draft you as a Congressional candidate.

    We the people, ask you to seriously reconsider your decision not to enter the political arena at this time. The people of Nevada need and deserve good intelligent leadership which brings forth fair, ethical, and independent thinking. Something you have demonstrated both on the court and with your personal commitments to your community. We in the community are now asking you to apply your skills and expertise to a different arena, that of government and democracy.

    This is an opportunity to affect the lives of millions of people throughout the world. You have already shown your public concern by lobbying education and health issues before various government committees and working to influence the public process. Just think of the impact you could have in Congress where you would be able to materially affect funding and direction on many important contemporary issues concerning education, health, environment, energy and homeland security. With your international celebrity standing, you would have a unique platform to identify and address issues of concern throughout the world.

    You have a rich heritage that uniquely qualifies you with respect to Middle East politics and culture. You also have a world view from a non political standpoint, a broader position that few of our elected officials have or understand.

    For the benefit of the people of the great State of Nevada consider finding time in your life to serve us now when we need you. Discuss the matter with your family, friends and people you trust and respect. Your decision has consequences far beyond yourself and the 2006 election which we feel you would win.

    Our Congressional Exploratory Committee can find other candidates, but you are the one we have chosen to call upon at this time.

    We need you as our Congressman in the 3rd District and hope you will respond to this appeal by reconsidering the run for Congress.

    I stand available to answer any questions you may have.
