Blog Hosting Services

Dale Franks can’t fathom why so many bloggers host their sites with HostingMatters, despite constant service outages, when there are more robust services out there for less money.

Inertia, methinks, is the answer.

InstaPundit and several of the other bigs use HostingMatters (albeit not the crappy shared servers that most newbies use), so it seems a no brainer to start there. Once people sign up for a service, shifting to another one is a major pain in the butt. Further, the folks at HostingMatters are nice and do a good job of persuading people that the outages aren’t really their fault. (And, indeed, they generally aren’t. There’s apparently precious little companies can do to stave off denial of service attacks and the like.)

That “all the big guys are with them” rationale got me to start with HostingMatters and stay with them for more than two years through several problems. I finally got fed up and changed to another shared hosting service, then to a different company and a virtual private server, before finally going to yet another company and a dedicated server. Even there, I have the occasional problem, sometimes owing to the vagaries of WordPress and my site layout, nodes going down, and server crashes.

The bottom line, really, is that unless you’re a tech wizard and can manage your own server, you’re going to have down times, usually during peak traffic periods. It’s a frustrating reality of the online world, I’m afraid.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Patterico says:

    The idea that the people there are “nice” is decidedly not a universal feeling.

  2. Sam says:

    The IRC (Internet Relay Chat) world has long been shot through with DDOS attacks, and due to this, several hosting services have developed technology and procedures to filter DDOS attacks for their clients. I wonder how well such hosting services would do in stopping DDOS attacks on blogs?

    Also, even if you are a tech wizard, there will be downtime.