Brent Bozell: Christine O’Donnell a Buffoon

Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center and founder of CNS News, calls Christine O'Donnell's walking off the set of Piers Morgan was "beyond indefensible. It was downright bizarre."

Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center and founder of CNS News, calls Christine O’Donnell’s walking off the set of Piers Morgan was “beyond indefensible. It was downright bizarre.”

He asked her views on gay marriage. He asked her views on witchcraft and on masturbation. Titillating questions? Sure, but O’Donnell has staked out public opinions on all these fronts and it is those public statements she’s made that invite questions like his. She had to know she’d be asked these things when she accepted the interview invitation. If she didn’t then she’s living in a parallel universe. Moreover, Morgan was neither Chris Matthews rude nor Keith Olbermann offensive. He simply asked the questions.

O’Donnell had no right to reject the questions. Even worse, in declaring them inappropriate she made an ass of herself.

She answered the gay marriage question by declaring, over and over, that the answer could be found in her book, which book she was there to promote, except she refused to discuss her position on gay marriage, which was in the book. She declared she was there to “talk about the issues I chose to talk about in the book,” and when asked by Morgan, “Do you answer that question in the book?” she answered, “I talk about my religious beliefs, yes. I absolutely do.” But she wouldn’t answer his question about gay marriage, and instead accused him of being rude to her.

Nonsensical is too kind. She is a buffoon.

O’Donnell had no right to walk off the set. But in a sense I’m glad she did — if it means she’ll never come back. Conservatives do themselves no favors by defending this woman and she is doing conservatives no favors by going on national television programs to talk about — God only knows what she’ll talk about, or not talk about, next.


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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. OzarkHillbilly says:

    O’Donnell had no right to walk off the set.

    Of course she did, just as we have the right to ridicule her for it.

  2. Tsar Nicholas II says:

    This really is an insult to buffoons.

  3. Mike says:

    From what I understand Christine O’Donnell had previously told Piers Morgan before the taping specific topics she wanted to discuss. So what did Morgan do? You guessed it, he veered totally off topic from what Christine wanted him to discuss with her, per agreement, and because of his harassing style of journalistic imprudence she had every right to get up and walk away from that “ambush” of an interview.

    Other interviewee’s have gotten up and walked off from interviews over the years before. In some cases it was justified and in some cases it was not justified. I think Christine O’Donnell was justified in cancelling her interview with Piers Morgan on the basis he didn’t adhere to the original agreement on what should be discussed and also because of the ruthless and rude method he used to “rake her over the coals” trying to get her to talk about controversial things in his attempt to humiliate and embarrass her to be quite honest.

    What I would really like to see is U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron further investigate Piers Morgan’s role in the News of the World phone hacking scandal. From my understanding, Morgan himself admitted publicly he had hacked into phones while working at the tabloid News of the World conglomerate. In other words, the real “buffoon” in the interview walk-out was not Christine O’Donnell but rather Piers Morgan for his journalistic impropriety and his other shady practices and Brent Bozell should publicly apologize to O’Donnell for his unkind and misdirected remarks in my opinion.

  4. Rick Almeida says:


    because of his harassing style of journalistic imprudence

    We really need tougher conservatives.

  5. WR says:

    @Mike: Just because she “told” Morgan what she wanted to talk about, there was no obligation on his part to let her simply repeat her talking points. If she can’t handle easy questions, she should stop going on television.

  6. Davebo says:

    One Buffoon calling out another Buffoon.

  7. anjin-san says:

    Christine wanted him to discuss with her, per agreement,

    Do you have some evidence of this “agreement”, or is this just more tea party BS? One person saying they want something does not an agreement make.

  8. Anonne says:


  9. Fiona says:

    Let’s hope she walked off of the set and into obscurity. There’s no reason for this woman to get any media attention. She’s an idiot.

  10. mike says:

    it is amazing how losing two senate races, failing to pay your taxes and failing to pay your mortgage, makes you qualified to be on TV and write a book – why is she even on TV – who in their right mind would buy this book – ha, ha, no pun intended.