British Teenage Model Sally Anne Bowman Murdered

Sally Anne Bowman, a British model, was brutally murdered Sunday.

British teenage model murdered (Xinhua)

Photo Sally Anne Bowman, a British model, was brutally murdered Sunday. British teenage model Sally Anne Bowman was murdered after her killer had tried to rape her, police said. Detectives investigating the stabbing of the 18-year-old model have released two men without charge.

Police said on Wednesday that Sally Anne was partially clothed when her body was found by a neighbour at 6.30am on Sunday. Detectives are hoping her stolen white leather Prada handbag and black Samsung D500 mobile phone may provide vital clues. Her passport is also missing. On the night she died, Sally Anne was out with friends in Croydon town centre. She got a taxi to Katherine Street close to her home at about 2 a.m.

Sex attack on murdered Sally Anne (This is London)

Photo Sally Anne Bowman, a British model, was brutally murdered Sunday. Teen model Sally Anne Bowman was sexually assaulted before she was murdered, police have confirmed. Her half-naked body was found yards from her home in Croydon, south London, on Sunday morning. The 18-year-old’s Prada handbag, Samsung D500 mobile phone and passport are missing, Scotland Yard said.

Three men arrested in connection with her death have been released without charge, including her ex-boyfriend. A fourth man, 26, has been released on police bail.


Underneath a tree on the sidewalk mourners left bunches of flowers. “We’re thinking of you everyday, just like we should,” wrote a fellow student at the Brit School of performing arts in Croydon, where she studied. “No one thought things would end the way they would We may have lost a friend or a daughter. But we know we’ve gained an angel.”

Miss Bowman, who worked part time as a hairdresser and a model, was wearing white high heels, a denim mini skirt and a white bodice with butterflies.


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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Fersboo says:

    There were plenty of people murdered on Sunday, as there are on any day of the week. What makes her murder so special?

  2. M. Murcek says:

    Every murcer is a tragedy. In my case, I just feel we are a bit more diminished by the loss of Sally Anne than we are by the loss of some drug dealer, gang banger or street person. Just my opinion…

  3. BR, living nr Croydon says:

    Um… perhaps the police and press are trying to highlight the case to ensure other young women in the area are wary?
    Perhaps because she was considered so beautiful it makes a “good” news story.
    Either way, what harm does it do you to just empathise with the family’s sorrow?

  4. Good Boy says:

    What a tragedy. I am so sad for Sally Anne. They should have the death penalty for the sick people who did that to her.

  5. vicki says:

    i think it is horrific but i think the reson y er murda is so spsul is dat she woz preti n young n it makes a gud news story

  6. Mia says:

    My cousin knew her, well he met her twice, he lives like literally 5 mins from her. I think that it is such a waste of a perfectly good life, something like that should not of happened, to her or anyone!!
    If i could find her murdered, god knows what i would do to him, he deserves to rot in hell!!!
    R.I.P Sally, i hope God brings you more happiness than the pratt hu killed you did!! x-x-x

  7. Lloyd Page says:

    Fersboo, what makes her murder ‘special’ is the fact that the killer is almost definately an esculating sexual serial killer.

    He will have have started small time (flashing, pantie stealing, etc) but as his fantasies become realities he will find that he must go to the next level to satisfy his desires.

    Police have linked Sally’s murder to other earlier sexual attacks, only this time it has ended in murder. His crossed the line into another level.

    Thing is, this type of person does not stop here. This was no chance killing and he will kill again if not stopped.

    On the good side, he will be caught, they always are sooner or later. Let’s just hope it’s sooner!!

  8. Natalie says:

    My two friends live in the road next to where Sally Anne was killed. I do think that the case has been publicised because the young girl was a model but that does not excuse the horrific nature of what has happened. The man who did this is a twisted sick bitter man who preys on helpless young women and any publisication the case gets will only have a postive effect by ensuring more young girls are on their guard. A close friend of mine was killed along with her bf last yr in a car crash. The death of any young person is tragic but this could have been prevented. Lets hope they find the murderer and stop him attacking again.

  9. Frank says:

    Obviously this maniac lives in, or knows the area well, but was it really just chance that he happened to be where Sally was to alight her cab? Is it not possible that he overheard she was going and raced to her home in his own transport? In which case he knew where she lived or overheard her give the address. The point is, he may have spotted her at the club/bar and may be on cctv there.

  10. Natalie Parker says:

    Firstly I think it is disgusting that people are writing that this has only been publisised so much because this young woman was a model or beautiful. So to anyone saying that “shame on you”. The fact of the matter is that a sick minded man has murdered this young woman – can you imagine the horror that she went through in her last moments. I am glad that this case has been reported so much because it sends out a safety message to all those living in the area that an attacker is on the loose. This man has obviously seen this beautiful woman and decided that because he can never have her then no one else will and has done the unspeakable to her. I do no know her but I do beleive that she was destined for great things not only with her beauty but talent. It is just another example of the fact that the more human’s exist the more depraved and wicked things we do to each other. God rest her soul and again shame on anyone who says anything contraversial about this woman she died a horrific death that only most of us could imagine. Natalie