Dana Loesch Playboy Photos

Dana Loesch, a radio host and blogger who has topped the 20 Hottest Conservative Women in the New Media list two years running, is in Playboy.   She jokes, “I can’t wait to tell my Baptist mother that her daughter is in Playboy.”

No, she’s not pictured nude.  Indeed, she doesn’t appear to be pictured at all.  Apparently, the “articles” which everyone claims as their reason for reading Playboy actually do exist.   In this case, something called “Rogues of K Street: Confessions of a Tea Party Consultant.”

Stacy McCain, shamelessly employing Rule #5, is trying to capitalize on the inevitable “Dana Loesch Playboy” Google searches.  But he has no Dana Loesch photos at all.  He does have some photos from the Playboy issue in question, but they’re boring.

But we here at OTB wouldn’t do that to our readers.  So here’s a Dana Loesch photo, albeit not one from Playboy.  Because, as you may recall, the Dana Loesch Playboy article doesn’t have photos of Dana Loesch.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.