Dave Weigel, MSNBC Contributor

Dave Weigel lands on his feet as a contributor for MSNBC.

Well, that didn’t take long.  Dave Weigel resigned from his WaPo gig Friday and landed a new gig on MSNBC Monday.

Tonight at the end of Countdown, Keith Olbermann introduced new “MSNBC contributor” Dave Weigel.

Olbermann teased an announcement regarding Weigel throughout the program, and when he finally introduced his guest around 8:55pmET, he said, “We are very proud to announce is, as of like, I don’t know, 20 minutes ago, an MSNBC contributor. Welcome Dave…and you thought last week was fun, wait until you see what this week holds for you.”

Since MSNBC is a money losing enterprise and there’s only so much air time available for “reporting” on the odd species that is the American Conservative, one presumes Dave will still need a writing position somewhere.  HuffPo, where he apparently went to commiserate after all hell broke loose Friday, is an obvious choice but the Daily Beast and other online outlets would make sense as well.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Dave says:

    Since MSNBC is a money losing enterprise and there’s only so much air time available for “reporting” on the odd species that is the American Conservative…

    This new gig doesn’t sound so different from the last…

  2. jwest says:

    Weigel’s schtick was being a “conservative” writer/commentator who would deride the right.

    Now that he’s been exposed as just another liberal, what is the appeal? There are thousands of would-be pundits with the same lack of conviction and absence of principles.

    Why would anyone employ this guy to give his pedestrian left wing views from a pedestrian left wing standpoint?

  3. James Joyner says:

    Weigel’s schtick was being a “conservative” writer/commentator who would deride the right.

    Now that he’s been exposed as just another liberal, what is the appeal?

    He’s only been “exposed” to those who hadn’t been reading his posts and tweets; he’s long been obviously left on the social issues — even going back to his Reason days. The only thing really exposed in the Journolist leaks was the depth of his enmity for a few individuals.

  4. jwest says:

    The ethical crime committed by Weigel and MSM Journolist members was the coordination between themselves and other non-journalist Journolist participants in order to shape the framing of current events to suit the left. By using consensus agreement, focus on the news of the day would be highlighted/ignored/shifted/conflated to the benefit of liberal values at the cost of fair and accurate reporting.

    When a congressman assaults a student for asking a question, the left naturally wanted to change the subject of the news cycle to “who are these students”.

    By obtaining the complete membership list and email file, a retroactive analysis of the news coverage spanning an entire election cycle could be recreated in order to show the duplicity and dishonesty of the main stream media.

    An exposé like this could bring the liberal media crashing down.