Bob Newhart, 1929-2024

The legendary comedian is gone at 94.

Biden’s Supreme Court Plan

Some interesting, if unworkable, ideas.

Biden Fails to Assuage Performance Fears

The big interview did little to ease doubts that he’s up to another four years.

Kennedy Won’t Qualify for Debate

That’s some catch, that Catch-22.

What The YSL Trial Chaos Says About Our Criminal Legal Systems

What out of control prosecutors and judges actually look like and why more people should be treated like former President Trump

Jerry West, 1938-2024

The legendary basketball player and executive is gone at 86.

President Joe Biden wears his aviator sunglasses while working at the Resolute Desk, Tuesday, June 13, 2023, in the Oval Office. President Joe Biden wears his aviator sunglasses while working at the Resolute Desk, Tuesday, June 13, 2023, in the Oval Office.

Biden is a Fibber*

*Parenthetically, his opponent wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him on the ass.

Washington Post Leadership Shakeup

Sally Buzzee is out and the staff is “pissed.” Readers will likely notice no difference.

House Approves $61 Billion Ukraine Aid Package

A win for the good guys and a loss for Trump and Putin.

Colonel Ralph Puckett, 1926-2024

A legendary soldier is gone at 97.

Trump and Biden Skipped Opening Day Pitches

A century-old tradition has gone by the wayside.

Louis Gossett Jr., 1936-2024

A legendary actor is gone at 87.

Daniel Kahneman, 1934-2024

The psychologist who won a Nobel in economics is gone at 90.

Trump’s Massive Truth Social Windfall

He’s suddenly a billionaire after all.

Islamic State Attacks Moscow Concert Venue

Putin ignored warnings from US intelligence.

Trump’s Routine Outrages

When being despicable is normal, is it still news?

Super Tuesday Exit Polls

A breakdown of some Republican primaries.

Treating COVID Like the Flu

New CDC guidelines acknowledge the political realities.

Bob Edwards, 1947-2024

The longtime NPR host is gone at 76.

The Raft of the Medusa

The Washington Post proves that, no matter how hard you try, you can’t cover some stories neutrally.

Trump and the Silent Majority

Republicans want him but do they really, really want him?

photo of man, person, white, red, artist, pink, toy, smiling, smile, makeup, mouth, close up, human body, laughing, clown, face, nose, happy, head, funny, humour, painted, organ, circus, emotion, comedy, joke, comedian, grinning, stuffed toy, joking photo of man, person, white, red, artist, pink, toy, smiling, smile, makeup, mouth, close up, human body, laughing, clown, face, nose, happy, head, funny, humour, painted, organ, circus, emotion, comedy, joke, comedian, grinning, stuffed toy, joking

When Comedy is Not Funny

Great comics combine social commentary with humor. Increasingly, they’ve skipping the latter.

Israel-Hamas War’s Massive Destruction

The 21st century’s most brutal conflict and the laws of war.

Comparing Trump to Hitler

The coiner of Godwin’s law gives his blessing.

[Voter Fraud Graphic] [Voter Fraud Graphic]

Voter Fraud Again Proves to be Rare

Even when it is focused on.

Privacy, Politics, and Porn

The theory of the Internet clashes with its reality.

Norman Lear, 1922-2023

A television icon is gone at 101.

Sandra Day O’Connor, 1930-2023

The first woman to serve on the Supreme Court is gone at 93.

Henry Kissinger, 1923-2023

The most important and controversial American diplomat of the postwar era is gone at 100.

Iranian Proxy War Escalating

Tehran-backed forces are routinely shooting at American forces.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden portrait style Donald Trump and Joe Biden portrait style

Objective Journalism in an Objectively Uneven Contest

What if one of the candidates is Hitler?

Heads of UN Agencies Call for Israeli Ceasefire

The laws of armed conflict aren’t designed for this war.

Home Schooling Exploding if You Were Taught Math at Home

The innumeracy hurts.

Israel, Hamas, and the Laws of War

It’s . . . complicated.

Dianne Feinstein, 1933-2023

A trailblazer is gone at 90.

Should The Press Pick a Side?

The mainstream media isn’t and shouldn’t become a counterpart to the right-wing infotainment complex.

Chinese ‘Exploitation Campaign’

Our pacing threat is hiring military veterans with special skills.

Bill Richardson, 1947-2023

The longtime politician and statesman is gone at 75.

Jimmy Buffett, 1946-2023

The Gulf and Western singer, songwriter, and mogul has died at 76.

Schools, Diversity Initiatives, and Parental Rights

There’s an inherent tension in public education.

John Warnock, 1940-2023

The Adobe cofounder who revolutionized printing is gone at 82.

Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War Flag Ukraine Silhouette Ruins Soldier War

Ukraine May Fall Short

Yet more leaked intelligence gives a gloomy forecast.

Robbie Robertson, 1943-2023

The leader of The Band is gone at 80.

President Joe Biden talks on the phone with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Monday, May 9, 2022, in the Oval Office. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) President Joe Biden talks on the phone with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Monday, May 9, 2022, in the Oval Office. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Biden Wants Federal Workers Back at the Office

A pandemic-inspired perk seems to be going away.

Could Trump Really Be President Again?

It’s not nearly as far-fetched as most of us would like to believe.

Sinead O’Connor, 1966-2023

The Irish singer-activist is gone at 56.

Compelled Speech and Public Accommodation

The Supreme Court sided with an anti-gay website designer.

Americans Think Neither Biden Nor Trump Mentally Sound to be President

Shockingly, the current President’s numbers are worse than his predecessor’s.

19th Century Transportation in a 21st Century World

Train I ride, sixteen coaches long.