Biden’s Amnesty Bill

Every illegal immigrant would have a path to citizenship.

Call him the MiAutogolpe Guy

Mike Lindell’s behavior is both farcical and dangerous.

Will the GOP Fracture?

Will there be in-fighting? Yes. A break-up? No.

A Season of Flu Deaths in Two weeks

Yet again: this is not “just the flu”

Did Q Shaman Intend to ‘Capture and Assassinate’ Government Officials?

Some of the Capitol rioters were much more dangerous than others.

Trump Impeached Once More with Feeling

The 45th President will go down in infamy, setting a record that’s unlikely to be broken.

The Insurrection May Not Be Over

There are multiple ongoing plots and reasonable fear of infiltration of security forces.

Capitol Riot Could Have Been Much Worse

The live coverage of Wednesday’s assault on American democracy underplayed its seriousness.

Add Another Phone Call to the Pile

Trump tried to interfere in GA earlier than we knew.

How Trump’s Words are Heard

Trump is careless with his words and extremists respond.

Ousting Trump Early Incredibly Unlikely

The President of the United States is a national security threat. Can we get rid of him now?

Congress Certifies Biden Win

It’s finally officially official.

Trump Mob Storms Capitol

The predictable, indeed inevitable, has happened.

Expect at Least Three Objections Tomorrow

AZ, GA, and Pa are on the table.

Trump and His Party Doing Permanent Damage to America

The President who promised to “Make America Great Again” has made her a laughingstock. And worse.

Former SecDefs Sign off on an Extraordinary Message

On the op/ed page of WaPo, the 10 living former U.S. secretaries of defense say things that shouldn’t have to be said.

Trump asks GA Officials to “Find” Votes

The sitting president is asking GA officials to find votes despite the fact that the results have been confirmed thrice.

Republican Election Subversion Coming to Bitter End

They’re actually going to go through with it.

The Pence Gambit

The absurd notion that the President of Senate is the arbiter and judge of the electoral vote.

The Pending Electoral Vote Challenge

It will be symbolic, but the symbol will be an anti-democratic one.

Secret Service Protection Politicized

That President-elect Biden is shaking up his protective detail isn’t unusual. The reason, however, is.

President Donald J. Trump disembarks Marine One at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Friday, Sept. 18, 2020, and is escorted to Air Force One by U.S. Air Force personnel. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour) President Donald J. Trump disembarks Marine One at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Friday, Sept. 18, 2020, and is escorted to Air Force One by U.S. Air Force personnel. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)

The Final Weeks of Trump

First whining about losing, now whining about legislation. (And creating chaos along the way).

Barr Contradicts Trump on his Way out the Door

Although, as usual, he maintains his odious approach to it all.

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

Trump’s Final Meltdown

The President of the United States is an existential threat to the Republic.

Press Coverage and Team Trump’s Coup Talk

Or, more accurately, the lack thereof.

Post Office Can’t Satisfy Christmas Demand

More packages are being mailed than ever and USPS can’t keep up.

Guardians of the High Frontier

Space Force took a year to decide what to call their uniformed members.


The Trump Presidency has been a long con.

The Silly ‘Dr. Biden’ Kerfuffle

A silly, sexist WSJ op-ed has generated plenty of attention.

Violence after DC ‘Stop the Steal’ Rally

Peaceful protests were once again followed by nighttime clashes.

The Republican Party’s Shame

The Party of Lincoln went over the cliff like lemmings in support. It’s tough to see how they recover.

Terry McAuliffe Running for Virginia Governor

The popular former governor wants another crack at it.

Chuck Yeager Dead at 97

An American hero is gone.

Trump’s Election Interference Continues

The phone tour continues.

Trump is Who We Thought He Was

That which worked for petty business disputes was never going to work on this big of a stage.

The Court Failures Continue to Mount

Almost 50 losses in four weeks,. Impressive.

Barr Weighs in

Barr finds no fraud.

SCOTUS Strikes Down New York Church Closures

The right to worship trumps the public’s health.

Cracks in America’s Election System?

Was Trump’s attempt to overturn the outcome a one-off or a sign of things to come?

Trump Has Already Stopped being President

He seems to have taken his ball and gone home.

More on Alternative Electors

More on why it isn’t going to happen.

COVID and Sons

Truly the dumbest timeline.

MI and GA Continue to Thwart Trump

Some Republicans are doing their jobs.


The GOP is behaving exceedingly irresponsibly. Senator Graham and Representative Collins are prime examples.

Donald Trump v. Stacey Abrams

Gracious concessions are the norm except when they’re not.

Republicans Stuck Between Trump and a Hard Place

Explaining the continuing cowardice of GOP Senators.

Less Than Meets the Eye

The utter smallness of Trump’s legal challenges to the election.

IMHO boggle honest truth IMHO boggle honest truth

The Election Proved I Was Right All Along

The Pundit’s Fallacy meets opportunism.

There Is No Fraud

The President’s claims have no merit.