Roy Moore Expected To Run For Senate Again

Some reports are saying that Roy Moore will run for the GOP nomination for Senate again in 2020.

EU Elections Show Continued Voter Frustrations

The transatlantic rejection of elite consensus that began with Brexit continues.

Federal Judge Blocks Mississippi’s ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Law

A Federal Judge in Mississippi has blocked Mississippi’s law that purports to ban abortions after detection of a fetal heartbeat.

Politicizing Intelligence

Yet another violation of norms by the 45th President.

Judge Orders Halt To Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ Border Wall Funding

A Federal Judge has put at least a partial hold on President’s Trump’s effort to use a “national emergency” to fund his border wall.

Julian Assange Indicted On Additional Counts Alleging Violations Of Espionage Act

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been indicted on seventeen counts under the Espionage Act arising out of his role in the Chelsea Manning affair.

Investigation Into Northam Racist Yearbook Photo Inconclusive

An independent review of the racist photo on Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s 1984 medical school yearbook was unsurprisingly inconclusive.

Federal Judge Deals Trump Stonewalling Strategy Another Loss

President Trump’s stonewalling strategy suffered another legal setback in New York City yesterday.

I.R.S. Contradicts Mnuchin On Providing Trump Tax Returns To Congress

A previously confidential I.R.S. memo contradicts the Administration on the issue of providing copies of the President’s tax returns.

Conservatism Has Become A Haven For Grifters And Frauds. No Wonder We Got Trump

At some point, what we call conservatism turned into a racket. It’s not surprising that this led directly to Trump.

Trump White House Continues To Block Congressional Inquiries

In the latest example of the White House’s ongoing effort to block Congress from exercising its duty to investigate the Executive Branch, the White House is blocking the former White House Counsel from testifying before Congress.

Trump Reportedly Will Pardon American Servicemen Convicted Of War Crimes

President Trump is reportedly planning to pardon several American servicemen convicted of war crimes, an action that would be an insult to everyone who has ever worn an American uniform.

Navy aircraft carrier with jets Navy aircraft carrier with jets

More “Fat Leonard” Fallout

The way the Navy and Congress have handled this has been abysmal.

Republican Congressman Justin Amash Joins Calls For Trump’s Impeachment

Republican Congressman Justin Amash has always been a rebel within his own party, now he’s making that even more apparent.

Trump’s Crazy Immigration Plan

The President unveiled some incoherent ideas yesterday that have no chance of becoming law.

Progressives In The Democratic Party May Have Misread The Signals For 2020

Based on the early stages of the campaign for the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination, it appears as though the party’s progressive wing has misread the signals being sent by the party’s voters.

Backing Trump, The Right Sells Out On Trade And Tariffs

As it has in so many other areas, the right has sacrificed it’s previously held beliefs on international trade to feckless obedience toward President Trump.

Alabama Bans Most Abortions

We’ve soon see whether the current Supreme Court will overturn Roe v Wade.

Elizabeth Warren Turns Down Invitation To Appear On Fox News Town Hall

Passing up an opportunity that other Democrats are taking, Elizabeth Warren is declining to appear on Fox News Channel. This seems like an unwise decision.

Trump Set To Place Tariffs On Another $540 Billion Of Chinese Goods

The Trump Administration is proposing another round of tariffs on even more Chinese goods.

Buttigieg vs Booker

Two youngish Rhodes Scholars turned mayors are getting covered differently.

Biden Continues To Build A Lead In Early Polling

Two weeks into his campaign, Joe Biden continues to build an impressive lead in polling at the state and national levels.

Valerie Plame, Ex-CIA Operative, Running For Congress

Valerie Plame, the former CIA agent whose identity was outed during the Bush Administration, is running for Congress in New Mexico.

Trump Invokes Executive Privilege Over Release Of Full Mueller Report

In an effort to block the release of the full report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the Trump Administration is invoking Executive Privilege.

Trump’s Trade War Is Bad, And Everyone Is Losing

Donald Trump’s tariffs are hurting the American economy, American consumers, and American businesses.

No Mitch McConnell, It’s Not “Case Closed”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared “case closed” on the Mueller Report and the Russia investigation. This is far from the truth.

Mnuchin Tells Congress He Will Not Turn Over Trump’s Tax Returns

The Treasury Secretary is declining to comply with a Congressional request for the President’s tax returns. Whether this is proper is a question that will have to be resolved by the courts.

Caster Semenya and the Limits of Binary Gender

We segregate men and women in sports for good reason. How we do that is complicated.

What Is “Electability” Anyway?

There’s a lot of talk right now about “electability.” but what the heck does it mean?

Why is the NYT Paywall Up the Other 362 Days?

Its explanation for why its paywall is coming down 3 days leads us to an obvious question.

Virginia Judge Rules Automated Collection Of License Plate Data Illegal

A Virginia Judge has ruled that automated license plate collection systems violate state law.

Biden Calls For End To U.S. Support For War On Yemen

Former Vice-President Joe Biden is calling for an end to American support for the Saudi war on Yemen.

Trump Job Approval Largely Unaffected By Mueller Report

The President’s latest job approval numbers show little sign of movement in the wake of the release of the Mueller report

Trump Emoluments Suit Moves Forward

200-odd Congressional Democrats are taking an odd route to go after corruption.

Stacy Abrams Not Running for Senate

The narrow loser of the Georgia governor’s race has left open the possibility of running for President.

The Cautionary Tale of Vermont’s Failed Single-Payer System

Despite seemingly ideal conditions, Green Mountain Care was an absolute debacle.

House Democrats Finding Little Enthusiasm For Impeachment Back Home

Democratic House members are finding that their constituents aren’t quite as eager for impeachment as some party activists are.

Majority Says They Won’t Vote For Trump In 2020

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans say they won’t vote for President Trump in 2020. but that’s only half the battle for Democrats

Trump’s 10,000 Lies

The President has hit a dubious milestone barely two years into his administration.

Richard Lugar Dead at 87

His passing is a sad reminder of another era of the Republican Party.

Kamala Harris Disqualified Because She Owns A Gun?

One opinion writer says that Senator Kamala Harris should be disqualified as a Democratic candidate because she owns a handgun.

Most Americans Oppose Impeachment But Also Don’t Believe Trump

A new poll finds that most Americans do not support impeaching the President at this time, but they also don’t believe the President on the issues of Russian interference and obstruction.

Economic Growth Beats Expectations But Isn’t Much To Write Home About

First quarter economic growth came in higher than expected, but there are several caveats worth keeping an eye on.

Trump’s Iran Policy Isn’t Working Because It Isn’t Supposed To Work

The Trump Administration’s policies toward Iran aren’t going to work, but that’s because they aren’t supposed to work.

Rosenstein Fires Back at Critics

The Deputy Attorney General has some things to say about Congress, the press, and others.

North Korea Billed The United States $2,000,000 For Otto Warmbier’s “Medical Treatment”

The United States agreed to pay North Korea $2 million for “medical treatment” for Otto Warmbier. Did the Trump Administration actually pay the bill? They aren’t saying.

Trump Could Win Re-Election

Larry Sabato lays out a quite plausible path.

Biden Campaign Announcement Delayed But Still Expected Within Days

Reports yesterday had former Vice-President Biden entering the Presidential field as early as tomorrow. Those plans appear to be delayed. but an an announcement still appears to be coming.

Can The Buttigieg Boomlet Last?

Pete Buttigieg is getting a lot of attention for a relatively unknown candidate. but it’s unclear if it can last.

Sharp Dissection of the Mueller Report at Lawfareblog

Expert analysis from expert analysts